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E3 2006 predictions
Apr 21, 2006 23:33
Don' t post stuff that' s obvious like " Sony will show another MGS4 video" because that' s not a prediction, it' s a given. Before i get to what i think could be announced at this years E3 i want to bring to light the rumoured 360 price cuts. It' s obviously just a rumour because it' s way too early to be talking about cutting the price of the console just yet. However, there are claims that Microsoft will cut the price of the premium pack by $100 and the core pack by $80, AND cut game prices by $10, ...all in October, 1 month before Sony launch PS3. It would make sense, and since Gears of War should hit around that time it could have an effect on Sony' s sales if PS3 is as expensive as some think. It' s also rumoured that the next GTA will be exclusive to 360 for an unspecified time and THAT too will launch to co-incide with the PS3 launch. But like i said, they' re obviously just rumours. On to what i see being announced at E3... I' ll start with Microsoft and do the others later... Microsoft will announce that Xbox Live online play will be made free. No monthly fee' s, with the only cost being to download things from Marketplace (trailers & demos will be kept free) A bigger HDD will be announced, probably 80 - 100Gb to outdo Sony' s 60Gb. Halo 3 will be officially announced and shown in video form, as will Forza 2, Fable 2 and Crimson Skies 2. The DirecTV blade will be shown, and a list of content will be announced. In Japan Microsoft will secure the rights to distribute episodes of several popular Japanese anime series. 360' s camera, complete with Eye Toy-esque functionality will be demonstrated. Microsoft and Sega will anounce that Dreamcast games will be made available via Xbox Live Arcade. ...
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 22, 2006 00:04
man i was about to creat that thread, well good you started it anyway, so what could be annouced at e3... creators of ico will show something for ps3 a new pro evolution soccer for ps3 ninja gaiden 2 for xbox360 resident evil will be playable forza 2 video gran turismo vision video two new IP' s from nintendo for revolution brothers in arms, medal of honor airbourne will be playable that' s it for the momement , i need some inspiration
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 22, 2006 00:28
Prediction: Once again the Nintendo booth will draw the largest crowds and have the MOST traffic during all three days of the show and people from other messageboards will continue making the excuse that the reason they had so many people there is because the design of the Nintendo booth TRAPS people in... I am NOT $hitt' n you, I' ve heard that excuse before!! Naysayers should accept it, the Nintendo booth draws BIG. Bigger than both the Sony and Microsoft booths combined, from what I' ve seen during past shows. What would I like to see?? I' d LOVE to see Sony' s PSP to TV adapter that they were reportedly working on in the past. I' d also love to see some SEGA surprises along with a gem from Treasure at the Sega booth. Would also like to see a video of the PSP Devil May Cry game. Would also like to see the PSP version of Gran Turismo in playable form with a definite release date, even though I wouldn' t even approach the game.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 21 Apr 06 16:34:22 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 22, 2006 00:31
you sure do, all sequals! anyway resi 5 isnt playable, As Capcom announced its lineup of titles that will be playable at E3: GBA * Mega Man Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar, Cybeast Falzar Nintendo DS * Mega Man ZX PS2 * God Hand * Okami * Street Fighter Alpha Anthology PSP * Ultimate Ghosts ' n Goblins * Monster Hunter Freedom Xbox 360 * Dead Rising * Lost Planet Not great. But maybe there is more they dont want to mention just yet.
Mass X
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RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 22, 2006 03:03
I like this list of microsoft rumors: (no this is not my list and no its not just E3. However, if some do turn out to be true they could very much be announced at E3) 1.Gears of War is going to be released the last week of October with an huge marketing campaign at global scale. 2.HD-DVD add-on for September, you can connect to the USB 2.0 port. It is going to be priced at $100 3.New Hard Drive with 100GB of storage, price and date not specified. 4.Webcam " My Eye on you" , for the month of September with a price of $50 without game and $75 with a game. 5.Xbox Backward compatibility list is going to be updated in June with 50 new titles 6.Extension of the bandwidth for the Xbox live servers. 7.At E3 we are going to see the first videos of Halo 3, which will be released in March 2007. 8.Possibility of an " urban game" that could be GTA. Microsoft is working on it and this isn´t a joke. 9.A possible price drop in Xbox Live Gold or it is going to be free because they are going to get money with promotional advices. 10.From the next month of October they will change some records in some games for " MSpoints" . 11.Paramount Pictures and Microsoft have announced an agreement where Paramount is going to provide HD content to Xbox Live. 12.NBC has signed with Microsoft for the possibility of watching online tournaments live. 13.Alliance between Epic and Microsoft for exclusive content in Xbox Live. 14.Creation of a Dashboard for kids. 15.A new service in June: Download and play. 16.Rare was working on Kameo 2 before the release of Kameo.Will it arrive sooner than expected?. 17.MS is working on an upgraded friend list ( 200 contacts) 18.Virtual Console with Sega games before the next month of October 19.A spectacular upgrade in the number of Xbox Live Arcade games in the next months. 20.New look for Dashboard. I really have no predictions.
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RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 22, 2006 05:33
Mario 128 will get a new name maybe.
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RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 22, 2006 08:05
Lost odyssey demo is announced at e3,any playable from Blue dragon. Quezcatol faint in excitment. Ken playing Ps2 games in a ps3 to prove 120 fps wasn' t a lie. Peter moore pretend like gamers in japan really start to care for the 360. Reggie stands as a noob with a new Gameboy thing...and try to sell it. No,but seriously i predict some games to be playable at each format. 360 gonna have too human/GoW and mass effect playable or atleast having dev play it,while ps3 gnna have warhawk/heavnly sword playable,and kojima showin a new tech demo of MGS4. While FF13 is announced and a CGI clip.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 22, 2006 22:56
Revolution will end up being called Nintendo RS and some games will utilize a visor and others won' t.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 23, 2006 00:48
Zelda will be delayed yet again. More importantly, the news I' m hoping to hear is that the game has been moved to the Revolution. **runs from rabid Zelda fans who have been waiting the GameCube' s entire life for this game**
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RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 23, 2006 01:03
I' m hoping that we' ll see something from the up coming Final Fantasy VII PSP title. Some sort of trailer seems likely but they will probably not show any gameplay. Sony hopefully shows of the new camera and GPS for the PSP. Sega might do some announcements regarding next-gen titles such as which consoles VF5 might appear on... hopefully.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 23, 2006 02:25
hopefully that ps3 ff7 tech ' demo' will be annoced as a remake. That would rock. A playable ps3 wih some good vids from mgs4,resi 5,Dmc4 and a host of other games i cant borhter mention will also be going down. Maybe sony will talk more abouts its Online Service and hype people up about that. Celda can not be delayed again, anyway it is a Rev luanch title, its laucnhing along side the rev but it can also be played on the Gamecube. ..I wonder how much the rev' s increased hardware power will affect the games fps... Microsoft cannot steal the show this year, Since it was really all about them last time.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 23, 2006 02:34
Microsoft cannot steal the show this year, Since it was really all about them last time. But they couldn' t even steal the show Last year  .. They got one-upped not just by the PS3 but also by the DS showing. This year it' s all about the Revolution and the PS3.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 23, 2006 02:39
It' s not about " stealing" the show, it' s about earning it I think Nintendo will earn this years show.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 22 Apr 06 18:40:09 >
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RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 23, 2006 03:36
They got one-upped by the PS3 yeah, but only for everyone to find out how much bullcrap sony was actually feeding them. It only looked hopefull for the first few months, then most people got wise. It was good marketing, bad Public Relations. I think Nintendo will earn this years show. They have in the past. Nintendo' s never been about making bold faced lies to the public. (we wonder who that job belongs to  ) They' ve been pretty upfront with their silence, making almost no contradictory statements. well... that whole Twilight Princess thing ticked some people off, but if it rocks, they' ll forgive them in a heartbeat.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 23, 2006 05:21
Perhaps Sony will announce that the PS3 will cost $499, but for that you get the unit itself, the 60Gb HDD, 2 wireless pads (what was the last console to package in 2 pads?), a memory card (portability), a headset and the new Eye Toy.
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RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 23, 2006 08:04
Majik, do you suppose sony will really rely on propriority memory cards for the ps3 with all the media card slots? Surely Sony aren' t so stupid or rip-offs as to say you can plug in all your cards (or flash sticks) but have to have a Sony memory card in order to move data. (Much like the PS2 though, unless you had the Action Replay Max, but then it was still a hassle) I think Sony' s emphasis will be on memory cards/flash sticks and possibly transferring via PSNP to PSP/PC/other PS3s. As for NiGHTS on Rev - horrible. Would probably work well but as stated, SEGA have gone so downhill the game would likely be horrid. Maybe when Sony show off the PS3 controller, it' ll be a Dual Shock 2, with triggers. Then proceed to show last years E3 and TGS videos - PS3 - No show, release pushed back to November 20th 2007.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 23, 2006 10:12
Majik, do you suppose sony will really rely on propriority memory cards for the ps3 with all the media card slots? No no, not like PS2 emory cards. Sorry for the confusion. SD-Cards like the PSP uses is what i was getting at. However, ...i have doubts that all the media card slots we' ve seen so far will make the final case. One or two maybe, but they don' t need anything other than an SD-Card slot and maybe one for a flash card. The rest are a waste of money and i think they were just there for show. Ofcourse, i could be wrong.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 23, 2006 16:33
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on No no, not like PS2 emory cards. Sorry for the confusion. SD-Cards like the PSP uses is what i was getting at. However, ...i have doubts that all the media card slots we' ve seen so far will make the final case. One or two maybe, but they don' t need anything other than an SD-Card slot and maybe one for a flash card. The rest are a waste of money and i think they were just there for show. Ofcourse, i could be wrong. The PSP uses SD-cards? I thought it used Sonys Memory Stick Duos... Or are SD-cards and Memory Stick Duos the same thing? No, it can' t be because I' m using an SD-card in my cell phone and it' s very different from the one I' m using in my PSP. Anyway, it' s likely the PS3 will support memory stick duos. Maybe you can connect a USB memory or an mp3-player to the USB-ports (most likely since Sony will probably sell music via their online service and it would be kind of stupid not to let you put the music on an mp3). Via the USB-ports lots of things can connect with the PS3. Maybe, instead of carrying game saves and other content, you can send such information via Sonys online service to other PS3 owners. That way we wouldn' t even have to use memory cards.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 Apr 06 8:43:28 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 23, 2006 23:57
Well yeah, Sony calls them Memory Stick Duos, but the format is SD-Card. There are loads of different types.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: E3 2006 predictions
Apr 24, 2006 04:32
Man that would kick so much ass if the PS3 used the same memory sticks as the PSP.. Would effectively kill two birds with one stone.
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