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Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
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Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 28, 2006 20:29
It supports 480i at the most (I think, if am wrong...sorry); which in my mind, its not a bad thing. Being a 360 owner and not having a HD setup the games look great but in some chases its to dark or light, will the wii look as good or better as a 360 or PS3 on a regular TV setup? In most game mags/sites you never hear if the 360 games lose a lot of transition from HD to a regular TV setup (we all know that HD will look the best). when we have full on console war will we have two sets of reviews on HD/TV for multi-platform reviews (doubtful).Think about it for those of us who dont have the extra cash for a HDTV will we be left in the dark, and there' s a lot of us. Nintendo has truly been thinking outside the cube with the wii
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 28, 2006 20:37
Wii will support 480p. will the wii look as good or better as a 360 or PS3 on a regular TV setup? It' ll look as good as a Gamecube running in progressive scan. In most game mags/sites you never hear if the 360 games lose a lot of transition from HD to a regular TV setup That' s a REALLY GOOD point. It' s true that HD formatted games lose significant deails when displayed on SDTV' s. The difference is huge and the amount of detail that is missing in SD is staggering. Advanced Warfighter is a good example and could easily be used as a test case. Think about it for those of us who dont have the extra cash for a HDTV will we be left in the dark, and there' s a lot of us. No not really. Next-gen games will (do) look laeps and bounds nicer than the previous generation when displayed in SD, but HD takes it much further. It' s easier (and cheaper) to get a large-ish PC monitor to use with your 360/PS3.
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 28, 2006 20:42
People,with higher graphic engine and better visual stuff then ofc it will look better no matter what kind of HD. dont forget Final Fantasy 8 to ps1 was in 800' 600. Who here think that looked better then for ex ff10 with lower res?
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 28, 2006 20:49
i am really looking forward to buy nintendo´s new console because it has better graphics than current gen, much lower price and most importantly of all...it´s all about fun. i don´t have the need for HD right now (even if i am always excited about tech news), so why buy it? why pay more 200 or 300€ just to play games if they can be done with quality at much lower prices?
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 28, 2006 20:50
correct me if im wrong but mario galaxy seems to have pixel shader 3.0 on it,like oblivion.
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 28, 2006 21:00
It' ll look as good as a Gamecube running in progressive scan I thought the wii was goning to be a stronger then the xbox I dont know how much but let me know. never seen GC in progressive scan No not really. Next-gen games will (do) look laeps and bounds nicer than the previous generation when displayed in SD, but HD takes it much further. true that but why do we need a hdtv to get the full effect why not just SD for great graffix, the tech is a givin. if all three consoles come out with lets say Shenmue III  will the wii be able to hold its own with the other consoles hooked up to a SDTV;graffix side not control (even though it would still rock The difference is huge and the amount of detail that is missing in SD is staggering. Advanced Warfighter is a good example and could easily be used as a test case. thanks for the headz up i was thinking to buy GRAW i am really looking forward to buy nintendo´s new console because it has better graphics than current gen, much lower price and most importantly of all...it´s all about fun. i don´t have the need for HD right now (even if i am always excited about tech news), so why buy it? why pay more 200 or 300€ just to play games if they can be done with quality at much lower prices? right on my same thoughts
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 28, 2006 21:09
People have to remember that games as GRAW/OB use next gen features as HDR and pixel shader 3.0 also AA to take away jaggies. Then add in a greater graphic engine and it look truly next gen,no matter what resolution. Even today most pc gamers use 1024' 768 in reso as they did for years ago,cause if you have " high" settings you get the next gen look all the time.
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 28, 2006 21:44
But with the next-gen look, PS3 has it done more then MS dont you think just for the fact that the PS3 is going to be as strong or stronger then a PC. is that the same for the 360? correct me if im wrong but mario galaxy seems to have pixel shader 3.0 on it,like oblivion. is the pixel shader 3.0 new to this next batch of consoles? am not tech savy. If it does then the wii in the graffix department will be pretty damn good. Lets face it better graffix are great dont get me wrong; but My idea of next gen graffix was a little to high i guess. thats why I think nintendo has somethin great good graffix and a whole new way to play games People have to remember that games as GRAW/OB use next gen features as HDR and pixel shader 3.0 also AA to take away jaggies. whats AA and HDR
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 28, 2006 21:52
AA=Anti-aliasing it make things fuzzy over objects edges but you cant see the fuzzy,instead you see lines on object/characters that look real,you will not see jaggies with it,and the higher AA the better.,these box looking things sticking out of objects/characters is jaggies,as you saw with old games. HDR=high dynamic range. basically they put up the sun on a map,then the light from it will goes as where light can come down on. It' s an advance light system,light only comes down where it can,and it will reflect on objects. Basically clouds will make the light break down when coming down from the sky. For ex in GRAW on Fishing village you can sometime see clearly up from a beach posistion up to a mountain,then suddenly the clouds might move and the sun blend your character so you cant see up anymore. Its not only for awesome graphic,but for gameplay. I forgot what pixelshader was,but some lightsystem on characters/objects if i remember right. But its look awesome.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 28 Jun 06 13:58:45 >
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 28, 2006 22:04
I really don' t care about HD games. Pc' s games have been in higher resolution for a long time but I and many others never cared. Now all of a sudden it seems to be the most important thing in gaming just because Microsoft and Sony keeps talking about it. Bah! I' m happy with SD. But I can' t deny that HD does look nicer.
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 28, 2006 22:05
thanks for the info so do you think nintendo made a mistake not going with HD QuezcatoL? why or why not? I really don' t care about HD games. Pc' s games have been in higher resolution for a long time but I and many others never cared. Now all of a sudden it seems to be the most important thing in gaming just because Microsoft and Sony keeps talking about it. Bah! I' m happy with SD. But I can' t deny that HD does look nicer very very true. all this HD talk just a ploy to get us to by stuff
< Message edited by feces -- 28 Jun 06 14:09:47 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 29, 2006 01:26
I don' t think it' s a ploy, or something by MS or Sony. It' s just that HD is the future, and they' re marketing to that. They say HDTV ownership in the next two years is gonna quintuple (that' s 5 TIMES, DAMMIT!) I think in the video game community, it' ll probably be more like 10 times (since video game players are more tech savvy than you average consumer, and has a higher early adoption rate.) I just got my component cables for my Gamecube BTW. Looks SWEEEET! Too bad I lost my memory card, and can' t find a copy of Ikaruga.
< Message edited by chee saw -- 28 Jun 06 17:27:07 >
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 29, 2006 01:34
No,i dont think Nintendo did do a misstake in not going HD,they may now use their fullest attention on developing for max 480p. While dev for 360 has to dev in 720 p in mind,basically people with SD could had better graphic cause dev developed in 720p in mind which makes the game goes slower,thus not adding more. Also look at Mario Galaxy it looks fucking awesome ;) So dont worry about it.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 28 Jun 06 17:35:14 >
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 29, 2006 01:43
Wii isnt powerfull enough for Hd support, so why does it need it? I think people are just complaing that the Wii isnt going to be that powerfull, No hd support just shows this, and these people who claim ' gameplay over graphics' still bitch about hd. Wii is not about graphics, its about gameplay.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 28 Jun 06 17:44:57 >
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 29, 2006 02:25
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 28 Jun 06 18:26:02 >
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 29, 2006 03:26
It' s easier (and cheaper) to get a large-ish PC monitor to use with your 360/PS3. Is there a first party VGA adapter for the Xbox 360?
Game Junkie
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 29, 2006 04:03
Wii is saving a lot of performance by staying in SD, remember Wii is not much more powerful then an xbox, the simple truth is that Wii can' t support high def and maintain a quality of graphics above GameCube. " Is there a first party VGA adapter for the Xbox 360?" Yep, at first all of 360' s accessories were 1st party.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 28 Jun 06 20:06:24 >
Game Junkie
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 29, 2006 04:04
sorry, delete. I meant to edit.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 28 Jun 06 20:05:33 >
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 29, 2006 04:14
the processing speed and ram memory of wii may not be that different than xbox but it´s gpu is way better than xbox´s
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RE: Does nintendo have it right with no HD support???
Jun 29, 2006 04:17
NINTENDOSEGAMICROSOFTSONY " Hello! My name is Majik. I' m a Nintendo fanboy and now it' s time for some fanboyism: The Wii will be at least three times more powerful than the original Xbox and the graphics will be as good as 1st generation 360 titles. Nintendo has patented unique displacementmapping which allows for better graphics with less power." NINTENDOSEGAMICROSOFTSONY
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 28 Jun 06 20:18:41 >
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