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Vx Chemical
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Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 04:03
You just got hired at your favorite game studio, lead designer on a game with the chance to create you own IP. What type of game What setting And what would your main character(s) be like. And What would you name it?
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 17 Jan 06 12:45:11 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 04:15
- What type of game: A 2D-styled shooter. - What setting: Space - And what would your main character(s) be like: a ship
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 04:19
that was a short one Terry, hehe. But yeah, some people do like their 2d shooters, i played Raptor, and 1942, but thats it!!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 04:38
I' ve actually always wanted a game that was a hybrid of all of my favorite genres like 2D shooters, platformers, action, beat-em-up, and driving.. Containing the best elements of games like Salamander 2 (Life Force 2), Klonoa 2, Outrun, Ridge Racer, Super Hang-On, Space Harrier, etc..
Joe Redifer
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RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 04:43
A racing game where you are Space Harrier running along the ground racing against Ferarris and shooting a bunch of Gradius' s that fly in from above. You get to go to the special stage if you shoot every Gradius and the special stage lets you fly around in Super Thunderblade.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 04:46
And what would you name the game?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 06:21
I' d make a game about a hardened criminal/gang member who escapes from prison/returns home because someone killed his dear old mom. And he works his way up the criminal ladder by stealing cars/blowing things up/killing people etc, and i' d utilize this ' sandbox' idea thingy i' ve come up with which would initially create so many possibilities but eventually lead to crap rip-off clones that water down the appeal of the genre... ...oh wait, ....damn!
Game Junkie
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RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 06:49
Mine would be alot like EVE only designed for Xbox 360. With a few differences. One, you can design and build you own ships with no limits besides your resources. Secondly it would support the headset. Lastely since it would be designed for a console the pace would be faster the battles more intuitive and the controls limited to a controller and a smaller/simpler (cheaper) version of the Steel Battalion controller pad. For those of you who haven' t heard of EVE: Its the largest MMO ever made all the players are in the same universe, no instancing or shards so there has been over 20 000 players playing together at once. The game is HUGE and easily has far more depth then any other game I' ve ever seen http://www.eve-online.com/
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 17 Jan 06 14:57:09 >
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RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 07:18
With over two million subscribers, World of Warcraft is currently the largest MMO in North America and Europe. It' s different but as MMO' s go it' s the best there is. EVE, while impressive demands major man hours to get anywhere, and it overly technical, so much so that casual gamers are often put off. It is good though!
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RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 08:58
I' d make a game with Shenmue kind of Graphics , Freedom , Free Driving (taken from Ferrari F355 Challenge) in the city (no Car stealing or useles violence - that' s just stupid) , great score and fantastic story.Lots of side quests and great fighting system - you fight most opponents in Final Fantasy X style battle , but when you face bosses it' s Dead or Alive kind of fight.Day/Night system - Random Weather (most of it is in shenmue actually) and huge " story freedom" - meaning there' s no good ending - all are equally good , but very different.And you can play through it 5 times experiencing completely diferent story every time. Hehe wow I' m a great designer :)
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 09:00
Streets of Rage Next Rage City has gone into mayhem, underground organizations have taken over the streets and in some cases the law, Working alone-side the Police, Axel, Adam, Blaze, Shiva (now turned goodie), Max, Skate (now grown up) are back to help put the city into normalization and concur these gangs. Streets of Rage Next includes: Each character has prolific martial-art skills, if you want to unlock moves and skills you have to train at Dojo' s/ect in between missions, Each character has upto 30 special moves. A real time, living and breathing Virtual City, with roads, cars, clubs, bars, parks, slum to rich-areas. Online play. upto 6 people can join in on online missions or play with u through yours. communications via headset. You can drive/ride vechiles of your choice, 2 people on motorbikes, 4 in a Car, all seven in mini-busses ect (usually provided by the police so you have to be carefull and leave someone to watch the vechile while others are fighting IE in a bar of a slum area) Game will be freeraoming but ultimatley mission-based depending on how fast you want to progress.. Ultimate aim is to wipe out these criminal communications Gang by Gang. there are 15 gangs in total and over 1000 missions. Streets of Rage Next could be compared to ' GTA' games, but with ' proper' Japanese-style character/artwork, Solid-beat-up-up gameplay with a deepfighting system and 100s of unlockable moves if you train enough. Music provided by Yuzo Koshiro also. :() Then i woke up...
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 17 Jan 06 17:37:10 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 09:54
Well thought out! EDIT: Y' know that' s a really well put together, well thought out concept. I' m in my 2nd year out (well i have the option to go back so that' s what i tell people, in reality i quit becaus eit was too hard) of uni (Univeristy of Teeside in Middlesbrough, UK) and we were asked to put together a brief but elaborate concept for a game (BA-Hons Computer Games Design - http://www.tees.ac.uk/Undergraduate_courses/Animation_&_Computer_Games/), and that was better than any that we went through. My friends think dropping out was the biggest mistake i' ve ever made, but i thought it would all be about character design and storyboarding and stuff but it was mostly programming and 3D Studio Max/Maya work, HTML and 2D animation (my favourite module) and i struggled to keep up with more mathematically minded people, so i finished my 1st year, got my foundation degree and quit. It does seem kind of stupid at times because i LOVE games but i wouldn' t have gotten to specialize in character design or whatever until at least the 3rd year and i would still have had to do all the harder stuff that i was struggling with already. Sucks man!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 17 Jan 06 18:08:11 >
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RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 14:41
go bak majokdra6on. U owe it to urself to finish it if u love it so much. One day u might be able to work on a GREAT game. I dunno about u but I feel so bad and regret so much droppin out of university just cuz i didn' t study for the first two and a half months, and i didn' t want things to get complicated with my academic standing and my OSAP loan (Ontario Student Assistance Program) so I dropped out and it was a good move to drop out to avoid the complications. But I really regret having to drop out just cuz I was LAZY. I' m going back in september for the same thing (Civil Engineering) but I lost a year, and my friends are gonna be already a year ahead of me, some 3 years. Go back and finish it, deal with the headaches and struggles, I' m sure it' ll be worth it as the gaming industry is getting bigger and bigger, and more workforce is needed. Sorry about the paragraph above but it' s been eating me inside so I had to let it out. Back to topic, I dunno what game I would make, but i know it would be a 2D game. You can make a 2D game look beautiful, just look at some NeoGeo stuff (SNK). And it would be a fighting game, cuz I just love 2D fighting   
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Create your own game!
Jan 17, 2006 16:15
Unfortunately i live in a country with only 2 " real" devopers, and no education towards that line of work! Well here is one of my ideas. The setting is medival, the darkest of times. The game would be in 3rd person view, not quick paced, but a more realistic movement pattern. The main character Marius Cobler, is a merchant with a fairly big apple farm, being well off. Married to the local mayors daugther. Premise: On the way to the town one very rainy night on their wagon, they get jumped by bandits, killing the beautiful wife, robbing Marius and leaving him for dead in the mud, with an arrow through his chest. In his delirous state, wounded, bleeding, a stranger approaches Marius, tending his wounds. Marius wakes up the following day, nothing wrong with his chest but a scar, arrow lies broken beside him, the rain apparently having washed the blood away. *Game Starts* Marius enters town, its a dark day, skies looming over the country side (like that almost all the way through) Marius begins to hear voices, telling him who he should talk to, interrogate, kill, to get answers about his dead wife. its the players option to decide whether to act on the voices requests or talk a gentle approach, the voice provoking, taunting, dark and evil. The game would lead you through various towns and villages, make u doubt whether Marius is actually talking to another being, or if he is just a raving lunatic killing people, whether or not the voice is guiding him to vengeance or just using him as an instrument. I would make it realistick in graphics, excellent water effects, and mud splattering on clothes, to help set the dirty setting.
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: Create your own game!
Jan 18, 2006 01:39
I can' t even afford to go to a game school in the US but that is something I am trying on I am most interested but lack any skill aside from art direction story and play mechanics In other words I (am) like a rock with great Ideas, but cannot do anything. I wish I knew where to start on my own The Game industry needs me. lol I really like you guys ideas I can' t state my Own as of yet but good job
< Message edited by Kannon -- 18 Jan 06 9:41:38 >
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Create your own game!
Jan 18, 2006 02:04
It' s funny you ask, as I intend on getting a career in script writing for games, Anime and the like. I' m not gonna spill any of my best work but: One game I have thought up is a Survival horror/RPG called Lifeless(working title). It stars a woman in her mid-twenties named Rachael Sharp(working name  ) who has been assigned a secret mission by a secret organisation. Unexpectedly, her plane(of which she is in) was taken down by something, killing the rest of her ' crew' and automatically throwing her into a (real-time) battle against some human-like figures. Later in the game, she discovers that these people are the result of a world-renowned scientist' s clones gone wrong. Her initial objective was to interogate him, but she finds him dead against the cloning machine- and so begins her long and confusion adventure... Hey, I said it wasn' t my best work!
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Create your own game!
Apr 19, 2006 01:24
Since there has been quite a boom in new users here, im bumping this thread up. Also feel free to add a second game if you already replied once before! :)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Create your own game!
Apr 19, 2006 05:18
I' d like to make a bartender game for the Revolution. Where the controller is the bottle and then you do tricks to earn points. Like in Cocktail with Tom Cruise. And then you could have an online mode where you could meet other people in tournaments. ANd if you have several controllers you can try more difficult tricks. Man, I should work for Nintendo. Not that I think they' d like a game based on the alcohol industry but I think the concept is their style.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Create your own game!
Apr 19, 2006 05:27
It could be called Mario shaker, and you could be making smoothies instead ;)
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Create your own game!
Apr 19, 2006 06:04
Yeah! You hear that Nintendo! You guys can' t come up with ideas as good as these! Hire us now, before some other company does.
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