Mine' s not so much a game but a potentially interesting controller method for a PC FP-RPG (maybe like a free roam world with thousands of useful/non-useful items..) There' s a few bits to it...
Basically, normal movement would be the traditional WASD+mouse, but I thought it' d be cool to use the left and right buttons to directly control your left and right arms, in order to pick stuff up and use them. So, heh, bear with me...
- You' d click+hold a button to gain control of that arm, eg left click for left arm, and move the arm about with the mouse. The camera would then stop following mouse movements but move slightly with the arm movements instead.
- You' d move an arm over an object and release the button to pick it up.
- Then you could perform quick clicks of that/either ' hand' to use the item or shoot (although guns should be rare items!). You could potentially use both hands together/duel wield!
- Then click+hold to move the arm again to prepare to drop, and release the mouse button to drop the item.
- Alternatively push the mouse forward and release the button simultaneously to throw an item. How far depends on how fast you pushed the mouse forward before letting go.
- You' d press ' E' to access the inventory, then you' d store any items you were holding with the corresponding mouse button, or retrieve items with an empty hand button. Inventory space would represent your pockets etc so depending on what clothes you were wearing you' d be able to carry different amounts of stuff!
Fixed objects like levers/door handles would work slightly differently to feel a bit more natural...
- You' d click+hold to move your arm, but this time it' d
automatically grab the lever/handle.
- Then while holding the mouse button you can move your arm and the lever/door (can be while walking).
- And then release the mouse button to let go.
And then there' s character movement...
- The mouse wheel would control walk speed - sneak, slow walk, fast walk, jog, sprint.
- Middle mouse button would zoom/' look harder' .
- Space would jump/climb depending on where you were.
Well, I' m never going to be in a position to make a game, so I might as well share!

I think it would feel pretty intuitive. Any thoughts? I remember one game having the mouse wheel-speed adjustment idea in it, but I can' t remember which game it was...?
I suppose this could work with the revolution wand as well somehow, but I think it' d work better with a mouse.
The game itself could be a free roam FP-RPG as I said (maybe based on Ghost in the Shell/Akira!), with thousands of items (implants?) and an interesting story based mission structure with several methods to avoid difficulties/achieve your goal.
Eg you and a buddy are trying to break into the side door to a building at night to steal some info on an enemy character. You' re friend is trying to pick the lock, when you spot a guard approaching. (You have no weapons, but the guard has a gun!) You can either go up and talk to him to distract him which would have its own conversation branches, or try and hide together until he passed. Either way would allow you to continue, whereas if he spots you trying to break in he' ll call security (but never forget you were there!). It won' t be ' game over' , but it' ll be extra difficult to near impossible to achieve your goal via the same method, and you may have to think of something else.