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COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 02:29
COD2 was awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And since we already know that COD3 is coming, what do you want to be added to it????
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 03:03
THIS is much better. This is the kind of thread we need, not FAQs... In CoD3 i want to see: - More than 3 campaigns. It wasn' t only the British, American and Russian forces who fought against the Axis. - Longer campaigns! I thought the Russian campaign in CoD2 was dreadfully short, ...which was made even worse seeing as it was also my favourite (i like the snow!). - No vehicles. I don' t ant to be able to drive any vehicles at all. The tank mission felt out of place and for me the COD games are about infantry combat. - More realistic textures. The wood and metal textures in CoD2 were great, but some of the others were too shiny, plasticky looking. - More snow. - Better explosions. That' s all i can think of at the moment...
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 04:11
The call of duty could imply to maybe campaigns in the Pacific as well, or maybe some more exotic locations that hasnt be explored before like jungles. Also the franchise could move onward in time to include Korea, Vietnam or the Golf wars, to avoid to much repetition! Instead of no vehicles, id go for fun vehicles instead, i dont like it in COD2.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 04:16
They would do the Gulf Wars i don' t think. Too close to home, ...so to speak!
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 04:19
They would do the Gulf Wars i don' t think. Too close to home, ...so to speak! Thats too bad, it would make a really great game, and it would sell a lot, maybe not in the middle east though  but they hardly have computers there at all do they  and the few there are, are censored useless.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 04:54
If they didnt make another one atall would be a start.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 04:56
If they didnt make another one atall would be a start. No if you said what you dislike about it so much, now that would be a start!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 07:41
How about making us play the fins or swedish against the russians? Basically finland won the war vs russia and killed over 450.000 russians,and only lost ca 40.000,there you have heroes!! And why did i then say sweden? well 8700 swedieh elite soldiers went to help finland out. Well they was voulenteers but... Anyway i want to fucking kill russia in a game for trying to take scandinavia...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 07:58
Erm, ...because Russia was on the Allies side not Axis. That' s why you won' t be able to kill the Russians. The Axis Powers consisted primarily of Germany, Italy, and Japan. Other countries fighting on the Axis side were Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia and Finland. So that' s why you won' t be able to play as the Fins. The Russians had signed a non-aggression treaty with Germany, but Germany invaded the Soviet Union, pulling that country into the war as well. Being able to play as a Fin in a game set during World War 2 would be like letting you play as a NAZI.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 08:05
Actually,the only reason why finland decied to be " allied" with germany,was because russia managed to stole some parts of their land,and they wanted it back. Finnish people wa snever nazi. Russia wanted eastern europe and finland,while germany wanted western europe. And yes i know the axis and the allied side. GERMANY,ITALY and Japan And the allies was USA,England and russia,ofc china and canada and other small countries was with the allies but you only really count them in. " EDIT" i forgot to add that France wanted to come for Finland when russia invaded them,but never came. The thing was what russia did was horrible,and to this day russia hasn' t apolgies the finnish people for their horrible invasion,and btw at the same war finnish people invented moltova cocktails which they throw down into russian tanks.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 26 Feb 06 0:07:23 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 08:26
Dispite which side of the story is told, ...it still means you won' t get to fight as the Fins in a World War 2 based game.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 10:12
ARGH!!!! :) Well... Im pretty tired of ww2 games tbh...mayby try something new? The team behind cod2 are so damn talented they should try the korean war perhaps?
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 12:54
How about an online implementation that fucking works. One where we can choose to be a host and make our own exclusive rooms. I would like to be able to play without the server disconnecting every five seconds, and the lag in cod2 is ridiculous. This one is minor one but it needs to be said: I hate how the crosshair disapears when you run. Its distracting. And would it kill them to add a Canadian campaign or at least a few missions. I know our military is pathetic these days but back then we had fucking balls, out of 11.5 million people we sent out 1 million for the conflict. I mean we were in Europe before the Americans, as soon as the shit hit the fan we were there.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 26 Feb 06 4:59:54 >
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
- Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 16:42
I would like to see another war in that game. They could probabily do a waaaay better job in making COD3 for the events in Somalia, Black Hawk Down the Game wasn' t good at all. Infinity Ward could do a waaaay better job. Or how about Vietnam???? Now that would make a sick game. And wen you run, make the camera move from side to side, kinda like The chronicles of riddick.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 19:02
And would it kill them to add a Canadian campaign or at least a few missions. I know our military is pathetic these days but back then we had fucking balls, out of 11.5 million people we sent out 1 million for the conflict. I mean we were in Europe before the Americans, as soon as the shit hit the fan we were there. Canada did not play any major part in the war or even minor,even other countries did more that isn' t in the game. Fins/swedish who killed 450.000 russian trops and 100' s of war tanks isnt mention for ex,however i guess thats because russia after their horrible invansion,suddenly had nazi germany as enemies and then suddenly you forget what they did. Hitler and stalin wanted europe,i dont care what their name is,if you send an army with over 1 million to take our country,then your an asshole and we kill you,we showed russia that,dont ever fukk with us again :P However we invaded them in 1700,only karl XII(our former swedish king) hitler and napoleon has ever done that,and look,they came 200 years later,and what happend? themself got owned.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 26 Feb 06 11:04:15 >
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 19:35
I can' t say I' m a huge patriot , but Poland is one of the most signifficant countries of WW2 - it' s where this whole mess started. It would be cool to be able to defend Polish borders from the German suprise attack , than fight some battles , Warsow uprising and many incredible battles (defending Westerplatte - bunch of guys stood up against german navy and full scale attack - after they were captured they were even given some privilages among prisoners) And many more. There' s actually a lot of stuff from WW2 that could be added.Maybe those campaigns could be sold as downloadable content for some fee.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 26 Feb 06 11:37:06 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 22:16
There' s actually a lot of stuff from WW2 that could be added.Maybe those campaigns could be sold as downloadable content for some fee. Man, i' d LOVE that!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 26, 2006 23:37
I think that the COD team should expand their horizons to the pacific front. Not totally, mind you, because i still like a good european firefight, but something to cauterize the wound that was Medal of Honor: Rising Sun. I sometimes cry myself to sleep just thinking about it. I' d enjoy something like that as long as it kept away from the airial combat, this game has always been about infantry. But, if they kept it on the european front, i think they should have some of the beginning, and final days of the European campaign, where european nations were defending against the growing nazi army, or after d-day, where the soviets were storming berlin. Just so long as I never have to storm Omaha Beach again. But maybe they could take a different route on d-day and let you play as an airborne troop that got dropped over France. they definately need to take a different route with the invasion of france. (p.s. i have the original COD: finest hour, for GC, i was wondering if there were only 3 british levels in the other ports. that part seemed really rushed)
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
- Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 27, 2006 01:57
they can' t justg keep making d-day invasions. im tired of them. They have to show other faces of the war, on other fronts. Like Quez is saying maybe we could play the fins, or the polish. How about playing the axis, I dun get it. why not, we' re past that shit, don' t matter who we play now, it' s all history. I wanna play germany. that would be cool. quez, stop bragging so much, we got it
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: COD3 Improvements
Feb 27, 2006 02:31
Yeah playing germany would be cool - what' s wrong with that? They could even make us (the gamer) the good side - we would play a german guy who' s against the war and hitler but is forced to kill to survive and so on :)
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