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CJ 2007: Is Shenmue Online finally dead? Should Suzuki remain at SEGA?
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RE: CJ 2007: Is Shenmue Online finally dead? Should Suzuki remain at SEGA?
Jul 23, 2007 08:00
As for the storyline I agree that the basic premise was not that interesting (Son wants to avenge fathers death Well that doesnt really matter because almost every jrpg has the,kicked out of town and all alone crap that force you to start a journey. Its not like its unique but its a concept that works,the real deal is what you put in after the town and to the end,thats what matter. In Shenmue you do all kind of things,its like an adevnture/thrill/action movie. I also love how the NPC actually guide you to certain places or say,follow me and show you the road. I mean for ex in some RPG when you talk to some NPC and you wanna find out where a store/place is you wont even be able to ask him,and even so he hardly wont explain or show you,but in shenmue they might say,yeah its just here,to the right look,or follow me its just around the corner. Finally an A.I that acted a bit normal.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: CJ 2007: Is Shenmue Online finally dead? Should Suzuki remain at SEGA?
Jul 23, 2007 08:16
lol, Evilman' s Back, stirring trouble as usual.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 23 Jul 07 0:20:40 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: CJ 2007: Is Shenmue Online finally dead? Should Suzuki remain at SEGA?
Jul 23, 2007 09:37
ORIGINAL: ginjirou I doubt a couple of die hard fans will convince Sega to invest millions of dollars on a new Shenmue. You' re right, it' ll take at least 5 die hard fans. Guess what? More (many, many more) people bought 50 Cent Bulletproof than Shenmue. Why? People love crap. If Shenmue was crap, it would have sold trillions. That' s the only argument I' ve got (or need).
Ninja Dog
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RE: CJ 2007: Is Shenmue Online finally dead? Should Suzuki remain at SEGA?
Jul 23, 2007 10:38
it' s just that it sucked and no one bought it because of that. 1.3 million from what I saw from different sources. Not too bad considering that the Platinum series on PS2 was for games that sold 500 000 or something. It just sold less than expected for Sega.
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RE: CJ 2007: Is Shenmue Online finally dead? Should Suzuki remain at SEGA?
Jul 23, 2007 10:41
Also what is the other game called that was a shenmue clone from SEGA? It sold really good.
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RE: CJ 2007: Is Shenmue Online finally dead? Should Suzuki remain at SEGA?
Jul 23, 2007 10:45
Also what is the other game called that was a shenmue clone from SEGA? It sold really good. Was it Yakuza for the PS2?
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RE: CJ 2007: Is Shenmue Online finally dead? Should Suzuki remain at SEGA?
Jul 23, 2007 11:32
Don' t argue with the fag, it' s pointless. Shenmue was so different that people didn' t really get what kind of game it was. It' s hard to sell a game when no one knows what kind of game it is. Many of the ones who did buy it probably had some kind of expectations that were never met, since the game is so unique. I believe that is why Shenmue failed. Of course, Sega (or you and your pals alimn) could to an online survey and ask people " why did you buy Shenmue" " why did you not buy Shenmue" " what did you like and what did you not like in Shenmue" " when you first heard about Shenmue, what were your expectations" And so on. Eventually we' d get a picture of how the consumers viewed Shenmue.
Ninja Dog
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RE: CJ 2007: Is Shenmue Online finally dead? Should Suzuki remain at SEGA?
Jul 23, 2007 22:18
ORIGINAL: ys it' s just that it sucked and no one bought it because of that. 1.3 million from what I saw from different sources. Not too bad considering that the Platinum series on PS2 was for games that sold 500 000 or something. It just sold less than expected for Sega. Yeah well it is rumored Sega would have needed to sell 2 million units to break even. And Shenmue 2 sold even less than the first (even though it was released on Xbox, too). Btw. 1,3 million is especially impressive if you consider that when the game was released, there was an installed hwardware base of 2 or 3 million.
Ninja Dog
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RE: CJ 2007: Is Shenmue Online finally dead? Should Suzuki remain at SEGA?
Jul 23, 2007 23:22
We can' t force people to love all great things in the world, let' s just leave them alone, they can love what they want. We just give them our suggestion, they can love it or " leave it" . Here is my opinion as a person who loves games like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Gears Of War, God Of War, Zelda, Shenmue, DOA, VF and ... " Shenmue is a masterpiece" - >>>it is not only a game, it is an experience & you should have enough knowledge to feel this experience with your heart. People can' t change my opinion. Regards-Alimn
Ninja Dog
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RE: CJ 2007: Is Shenmue Online finally dead? Should Suzuki remain at SEGA?
Jul 24, 2007 06:38
Yeah well it is rumored Sega would have needed to sell 2 million units to break even. And Shenmue 2 sold even less than the first (even though it was released on Xbox, too). Btw. 1,3 million is especially impressive if you consider that when the game was released, there was an installed hwardware base of 2 or 3 million. Interesing. I didn' t know about this. That' s a great attachment rate there! And yeah, 1,3million isn' t a flop or a big failure as so many like to say on countless forums. And as alimn said : not everybody likes the same but I' ll also stick with my opinion about Shenmue. I don' t get why some people can' t acknowledge certain games beyond their personal preference though. Chosing to bash it instead. I for one don' t like FPS really but can see when such a game is made well or has some special things going for it. As Quez said, Shenmue for example had NPC' s that were way more realistic than what is found in practically any game. Plus that they all had voices, or other details like good camerawork during conversations etc. Everyone should be able to see this objectively, despite liking the genre or not.
< Message edited by ys -- 23 Jul 07 22:41:58 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: CJ 2007: Is Shenmue Online finally dead? Should Suzuki remain at SEGA?
Jul 24, 2007 08:54
Didn' t Microsoft pay for and release Shenmue 2 Xbox themselves? I don' t think Sega footed the bill for that one. I know it was released very early in the Xbox' s life. And the American Dreamcast version was canceled due to MS' s buyout of the game. So they were going to release the second game here, so the first must have sold enough for them to even consider it.
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