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Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect gameplay footage
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Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect gameplay footage
May 12, 2006 09:17
Its even better then GoW,Too human,mgs4 or halo3 if you ask me. If anyone find flaws in this video you should check your eyes,this is the best looking shit ever made hands down . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnhGMpDTPt4 .... YUMMY!!!! ... :/ its coming this year also. Can you imagien how it look in a high reso video?
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 12 May 06 10:14:26 >
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RE: Best looking game ever,if you ask me! i got the video!
May 12, 2006 09:25
How can you tell if it' s barely visible because of the videoquality? Halo 3 is much more impresisive while MGS4 is beyond both IMO
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 12 May 06 1:25:42 >
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RE: Best looking game ever,if you ask me! i got the video!
May 12, 2006 09:27
Bah,bs :p Its the best looking game,and halo3 doesnt even come close.
Game Junkie
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RE: Best looking game ever,if you ask me! i got the video!
May 12, 2006 09:33
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RE: Best looking game ever,if you ask me! i got the video!
May 12, 2006 09:37
Yes,you see gameplay here,while in MGS4 and Halo3 you see " real time" . mass effect is supposed to come this winter,and they said for over a year ago that it would take them 15-18 months basically late 2006 or early 2007 if we take that in mind,however as it is today its " winter" its coming so hold your thumbs and its being out this year O_O!!!
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RE: Best looking game ever,if you ask me! i got the video!
May 12, 2006 09:49
Maybe the topic should read " Best looking game for this current year ever,if you ask me! i got the video!"
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 12, 2006 09:51
I changed it now...
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 12, 2006 15:22
Though the movie was messed up I can still See the great visuals The video I had saw earlier all though cleare did not do it justice.
< Message edited by Kannon -- 12 May 06 7:22:58 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 12, 2006 17:28
Its plain to see the game will look amazine, and i think they are going a bit away from the Classic Unreal engine look, which is great. Im very dissapointed if they dont release any gameplay videos at a decent resolutoin soon!
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 12, 2006 17:49
Looks stunning so far... Best looking game at the show though, Crysis. The level of detail with the obcene amounts of geometry being pushed around, coupled with some of the best lighting and particle effects I' ve seen so far. The gameplay and physics athough early more than hold up too.
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 12, 2006 18:15
charachter models in Crysis isn' t near Mass effect though,but that is a fps...
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 12, 2006 19:20
Actually the best looking game for me was mario galaxy -cause looking at it just makes me wanna play it - I' m so totally excited about it ...damn...- same goes for Sonic (360) - looks like a really fun game to play (Wii Sionic game also looks like a lot of fun).
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 12, 2006 19:41
Well,everyone have right if they say,gears of war,mgs4 or crysis was the best looking game,its all about taste,but i think we can all agree on that the visuals from Mass effect is just insane. And btw i never wanted mass effect for the visuals,why do you think i played baldurs gates.
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 12, 2006 20:42
I' M HOME!!! I' m just trying to catch up with everything now. I just found out that Mass Effect isn' t going to be like i thought and it actually has an over the shoulder camera (seemingly the new trend for next-gen action games). This is easily the best looking game (in EVERY respect) that i' ve seen since i' ve been home (about 4 1/2 hrs). Nobody can possibly doubt the Unreal Engine 3.0 now, surely! I seriously want this game!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 12 May 06 12:44:12 >
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 13, 2006 05:51
...welcome back... ....i dunno how you managed to survive so long without posting... .....actually, i would of thought that you would' ve posted from a PSP or something... .....Mass Effect looks like it might steal the thunder from under GOW' s nose... ...it looks much better than most expected.....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 12 May 06 21:53:16 >
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 13, 2006 06:02
....i dunno how you managed to survive so long without posting... .....actually i would of though that you would' ve posted from a PSP or something... Not a damn chance that i would use my PSP to write anything. Not without the forthcoming keyboard attatchment anyway. .....Mass Effect looks like it might steal the thunder from under GOW' s nose... ...it looks much better than most expected..... Yeah. I' m super-hyped about both titles, but i HAD expected Mass Effect to be like KOTOR and not as it it. It looks wicked good though so i' m not complaining! Gears is gonne be an awesome title in it' s own right, i guarantee that, but they' re very different. At heart Mass Effect is still an RPG. Bish, did you see the Cliffy B Gears of War demonstration?! There' s the Microsoft conference one and the Epic conference one. They scowcase the opening level and it seriously looks better than ever. It' s available to download here... http://xboxmovies.teamxbox.com/xbox-360/3162/Gears-of-War-E3-2006-Demo/
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 12 May 06 22:02:47 >
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 13, 2006 08:45
...very impressive... ....i' d seen a clip of that but not the whole thing.... ...i like how that cliff dude talks about how Gears is designed to merge fps with 3rd person gameplay... ...this is the exact same sort of thinking i used to explain why Resi 4 was so great.... ....epic seem to have taken this general idea and then set it on fire running at 100mph!! .....i can see the high probability of it blowing Halo3 out of the water now also, even though it owes just as much to the big H as it does to Resi... (graphically i doubt very much H3 will come anywhere near gears)... ....it certainly won' t touch the intelligence of Metal Gear 4 (but then again no other action game will), and it could get repetitive towards the end of the game (which leads me to think that epic might make it a shorter length game), unless they come up with novel features to keep every thing fresh and interesting (being drip-fed team members is a start in the right direction).... ....if i could talk to epic about ways of improving Gears, i' d be speaking about ways inwhich they could give the title more depth.... ..more intelligence.... .....i think that gears could benefit greatly from RPG elements involving you and your team specifically... ...such as developing team member specialities and preferences, like the guy who busts you out of the prison being developed through the game in to a heavy weapons/close range type character, whilst the next addition to the party develops into a ranger/sniper type class... ...you could also upgrade weapons/armour and AI actions accordingly... ...sorta like FFXII' s gambit system.... .....shame there' s no Mass Effect gameplay to compare the two accurately though...
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 13, 2006 08:50
About the gears,thats basically what mass effect will do.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 13, 2006 09:22
....if i could talk to epic about ways of improving Gears, i' d be speaking about ways inwhich they could give the title more depth.... ..more intelligence.... You mean like if you had Cliffy B' s email address?! I can see how people would think that it would be a very simple " run & gun" (or as Cliff likes to put it " stop & pop" ) game, and that does exist at it' s core, but their are squad mechanics and vehicular action in there too so it does have more depth than it would initially seem. Graphically it' s one of the best looking games i' ve ever seen and it' s a perfect showcase for the Unreal Engine 3.0. Mass Effect uses the engine slightly differently and in some instances actually looks cleaner (from what i' ve seen), but Gears is gonna kick major ass. Anybody who watches that trailer should note the melee combat that hadn' t been unveiled pre-E3 but i posted about when discussing the game with Mr " i work at Epic" OptaviusX. I knew about it and he didn' t and i had to proof until now so it' s a shame he hasn' t come back. People keep saying the famerate looks off but it isn' t. Even in the videos they are talking about i only see what i would expect to see from a camcorder filming a digital screen.   Hey guys, check out this Dead Rising video shown in a private presentation... http://www.xboxyde.com/leech_2647_en.aspx Couple of screencaps from the video...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 13 May 06 1:26:18 >
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RE: Best looking game in e3! check out this mass effect trailer
May 13, 2006 09:45
I want to quickly note that the quicktime video of Rainbow Six: Vegas (showfloor gameplay) fuckin kicks ass! The new camera system looks great, the visuals look way better than even Advanced Warfighter and the stuff you can do (like tagging enemies for your team mates to take out) is the king of progression i expect to see next year and onwards (later this year for this title). If you haven' t watched it then it' s a definate must! It' s the E3 demo (off screen) ... http://uk.media.xbox360.ign.com/media/815/815419/vids_1.aspx
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