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Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
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Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jun 15, 2005 15:05
Oh yeah, I went there. In fact it' s twice as good as both of them combined. Infact it' s the hands down best comic book based movie ever. EVER! I don' t want to give anything away but I can definately say that was quite possibly the most enjoybale experience I' ve ever had at the movies. I was in complete awe from beginning to end. I got a private screening for just me and my friend at midnight last night so we got to yell and cheer as much as we wanted since no one was around to complain. Boy did we ever cheer. The movie was just so damn amazing it' s hard to put into words. It was so good! Scarecrow was f*cking crazy by the way. The way they developed his character was insane! I was in shock at how terrifying they protrayed him. Batman himself f*cking pwned too. Just f*ckin pwned. the first stime he goes out with his bat suite and takes out a bunch of crminals I was speechless. My mouth was just hanging wisde open. The action scenes were intense as hell. The story was kick ass. Oh, and they definately went for a very dark style to this movie. those neon lights that plagues the last cpouple movies are not back. Infact you don' t see very many colorful things at all in this movie. this was pure gritty, dark, powerful action. Just so damn good!
Mass X
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RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jun 15, 2005 15:39
Well fuck thats good to hear. I Have to wait and see it this weekend...(curse you Chickapoo!!! I love you still tho dont worry). I at the moment still keep Sin City at the top of my list. You think this might drop it down a level?
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RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jun 15, 2005 15:46
Best Batman movie yet..... but still only worthy of an 8.5/10 and nothing more.
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RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jun 16, 2005 11:24
Spidey' s OK, but the Batster just seems a more likely hero to me...
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RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jun 16, 2005 15:10
For future comic book heroes movie wannabes, this is how a superhero movie should be made. I can name major and minor aspects of the movie that hit bullseye on everything to do with Batman. All the original 4 Batmans are crap compared to this one. And hell yes, it really does outbeat the first movie. I don' t care what anyone says, Joker doesn' t even stand a chance against this version of Batman. The one thing that people overlook about being a Batman fan and a critic of this movie is the fact that at the end of the movie. Batman chose to deal out his version of justice. Batman was and has been in between good and evil from the Year One comics. For people who saw this movie, he chose to do what he did at the end of the fight in the train. That was and still is Batman' s version of justice. I am so proud of this movie that I' m not going to download it and I will respect the copyright of it and will wait for this movie to come out on dvd. This movie deserves your $7.50. I plan on seeing it again this weekend and next paycheck. This really is the movie that you have been waiting for. This is a movie of a lifetime that will truly represent future superhero movies to come.
Mass X
Winner! APR 2004
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- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jun 19, 2005 12:25
I hope this movie does good cuase I want to see more! Altho my only complaint it the ' Batman Voice' ...uh just sounded weird except when he was really really pissed and yelling it out.
Winner! FEB 2004
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RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jun 19, 2005 12:57
Saw it again...... I love it even more. Marvel' s got some catching up to do IMO.
Star Tekkie
Ninja Dog
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RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jun 29, 2005 23:14
I so have to agree with Rampage.. Batman Begins is totally awesome! I loved it, and it did end up above Sin City on my list (which is also a grand movie). I highly recommend it to everyone; I' m a big Batman fan and this was the best movie yet! Batman was awesome, Alfred kicked, and the Scarecrow... the scarecrow.. was wicked!
Boss Hogg
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RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jul 03, 2005 17:12
Batman is definatley the best movie next to sin city
George Foreman
Ninja Dog
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RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jul 03, 2005 18:43
Batman Begins is better than Spiderman 1, Spiderman 2, Spiderman 3...., and Spiderman 6 combined and unlike most people think Diary of a Mad Black Woman is the best movie ever created by anyone. Even God was impressed.
Ninja Dog
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RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jul 03, 2005 23:01
i remember lining up to see this movie with some screening passes that i got from work and the line was so long and i was so pissed that i almost didn' t go....i had to wait in line for 25 minutes to get in because everyone was being patted down and had their purses gone through, metal detectors, etc....and i thought to myself, ' i don' t need to deal with this shit' and i almost left, but am so totally glad i did not. this movie was totally worth the wait....so i went and saw it again on the imax screen and that was fan-fucking-tastic....this movie had everything i could ask for in a movie, though there were times when christian bale was walking around in his tux and grinning away were i couldn' t help but think to myself, ' in the next scene he' ll be running out of the bedroom with a chainsaw chasing down a hysterical naked woman' ...and in case you were wondering, the lin was so long to get in because the security was checking everyone for recording device after the incident of star wars hitting the internet 6 hours before it' s official release.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jul 03, 2005 23:51
Dam*, all the praise you guys are giving this movie makes me NOT want to see it. I normally check movies out based on how badly you guys pan them. Movies that get roasted across the board I RUSH to the theatres to see
Mass X
Winner! APR 2004
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- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jul 04, 2005 00:44
though there were times when christian bale was walking around in his tux and grinning away were i couldn' t help but think to myself, ' in the next scene he' ll be running out of the bedroom with a chainsaw chasing down a hysterical naked woman' Oddly enough I had the same movie running thru my head every so often. And Terry worst pile of dogshit ever...now go see it.
Star Tekkie
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 09, 2004
RE: Batman Begins is better than Spider-Man 1 and 2 combined!
Jul 10, 2005 03:15
the.ben, I saw it on the Imax too!! it was kick ass, well worth the roadtrip to the imax theatre.
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