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Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
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Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 24, 2007 23:27
Well after the 60hz debacle, and not being able to play Tekken 5:DR in 480p60 I' ve decided on simply getting a US machine. Seeling as I need a US DVD player also it works out quite a wise decision overall. Trouble is I can' t find anywhere in the UK selling the US machine. I' ve seen the 60gb Jap model at VideoGameImports.com but they' re not selling the US one. And the place which comes most higly reccomended for overseas sales is Videogamesplus.ca, which wouldn' t give me any real warranty. Unlike VGI which do one year on all consoles. So is there anywhere else in the UK that sells the US machine? Maybe Adam or some of the other Kikizo staff might know, since all of my usual old places seem not to be selling them.
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 25, 2007 00:43
You may have to have a friend send you one from the us. but to my understanding you cannot import one from the usa. But hell the jap and the us ps3 are the same you can change the language in the setting to English. I sure the jap version will work out just fine for ya
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 25, 2007 01:52
I doubt you will find a US PS3 in the UK, but you could get one off ebay
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RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 25, 2007 02:11
Your best bet is eBay. There' s no warrantee on them (unless the console is warranteed & you want to ship it back to the US  ) but they' re running at a pretty hefty discount. I' ve seen 20 gigs go for as little as $350.
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RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 25, 2007 03:18
Your best bet is eBay Like always
Evil Man
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RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 25, 2007 08:08
Get a Japanese one numb nuts, it' s the same shit. And you don' t need a warranty for PS3 anyway, it' s not made out of garbage like 360 is, the PS3 has the durability last seen on cartridge systems like snes/n64, you can throw that shit down the stairs, plug it back in and it' ll still work, don' t be scared because microsoft' s piece of shit bargain console doesn' t last more than a few weeks, PS3 = Quality. And yeah you can sometimes find a good deal for them on ebay, it isn' t very hard to find 60GB US/JP models selling for $400-450
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 25 Mar 07 0:17:37 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 25, 2007 08:15
Dude! Make a video (with no edits) of one being thrown down the stairs and then working again. I honestly would be very entertained watching something like that.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 25 Mar 07 0:16:26 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 25, 2007 10:05
Evil Man since " ...$600 ain' t shit..." you should have no problem buying a used PS3 and throwing it down some stairs and capture it on video. I bet it would work if you let it fall down the stairs but if you throw it down the stairs... Well, I think we all want to see that.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 25, 2007 11:05
That' s true. $600 ain' t shit to Evil Man. That means he WILL buy one to throw down the stairs and videotape it. Unless, of course, he' s poor and can' t afford to spend $600 on such things.
Evil Man
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RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 25, 2007 12:17
Why would I do anything for you scoundrels?
Joe Redifer
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RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 25, 2007 13:01
For fun!
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 25, 2007 13:03
That just means he really doesnt have that much money and is just running his mouth about it. Does he even have a ps3?
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2003
RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 25, 2007 18:47
Thanks guys. May just get one from VG+, as they come highly recomended and it should be here by friday if all goes well. Let' s just hope there' s no customs charge, though I' m prepared for it.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 25 Mar 07 10:47:25 >
Evil Man
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RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 26, 2007 08:34
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw That just means he really doesn' t have that much money and is just running his mouth about it. Does he even have a ps3? If you ask bill gates to give you $600, he' s not going to do it, because no one is going to waste their money on dumb fucks on a forum, oh no that must mean bill gates is poor and doesn' t have that much money :( Stfu.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 26, 2007 09:30
I suspect Evil Man has more money than most of Kikizo' s forum posters, and he' s right, ...i mean $600 (or the equivalent in whatever currency) isn' t a lot of money to me but i wouldn' t just throw it away. And he' s also right about the build quality, except when i said it nobody argued, but as son as he says anything people quickly go on the offensive. I started a thread months ago calling 360 the worst console ever, with regard to the build quality and it' s reliability, but the only person who said anything was Quez. Everybody else pretty much agreed. Then more recently we discussed the overheating and drive read error issues and how cheap components were the biggest problem (coupled with shitty eco-friendly solder). THEN, just yesterday i said PS3' s build quality was much higher than 360' s, ...and did anybody contest it!? No But when it' s Evil Man people do. Odd that.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 26, 2007 10:08
I don' t care for the build quality of either the ps3 or 360. SO i never agreed or disagreed with anyone here on this issue, just so you know. I' ll stick to good old Nintendo and there quality built machines thankyou very much.
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RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 26, 2007 11:11
I' ll stick to good old Nintendo and there quality built machines thankyou very much. My NES, SNES, and Gameboy color all broke. My N64 screwed up for a month until I cleaned it. I also take very good care of my systems, so they didn' t break due to mis-use. I never bought a GC so I can' t vouch for it.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 26, 2007 11:53
I never bought a GC so I can' t vouch for it. GC' s dont break, their underused
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 26, 2007 12:21
You did mention that before BTW  . I' m not saying that Nintendo consoles are perfect. I have heard on the net of people having problems with the Wii (though many have reported that the customer service was very good), plus i have purchased an extended warranty for my Wii aswell for a bit of piece of mind. From what i gathered the quality of Nintendo consoles is second to none. Anyway I' m just sticking with my experiences with Nintendo consoles, and so far they have never let me down. Actually almost every gaming machine i had still worked (unfortunately my dad sold my Commodore 64 all those years ago, but it worked) All 4 of my gaming PCs (of varying age) still work on top of all my Nintendo consoles. I guess i' m either very lucky, treat my machines with great care or don' t play them as often as others.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Anywhere in the UK selling new US PS3?
Mar 26, 2007 12:27
Yah, I know I said that once before, but I felt like re-itterating. I actually only know 1 guy who still has his NES working. About half my friends have broken SNES' , and most of them still have good n64' s. Mine still works too, I just had to clean it that time. So far, I' ve owned 4 sega consoles and none have broke. So they are my best experience so far.
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