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10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 00:22
Hmm " 10" reasons eh? Not 10 " unique" reasons right? -When you swap the ' S' and ' N' it makes Nosy (altho not the correct spelling it certainly holds the basic meaning, and works for Sony quite well :) -They have one helluva talent into convincing ppl to suck their cocks clean no matter how many asses theyve been in....ok ya I apologize for that one...sort of. ok here 10 real and unique reasons: -Up until PS3 comes out theyve had pretty slim and light console designs. -They get alot of love from publishers/developers. -Some great exclusives thatsd make other console fanboys jealous if they could ever stop dry fucking their beloved consoles for a minute. - - - - - - - Did you have to make it 10...how bout just " reasons" I dont think I can think of 10 for any other company that would also be true about another.
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 01:00
They have one helluva talent into convincing ppl to suck their cocks clean no matter how many asses theyve been in.... Damn right - that' s the best Sony description I' ve ever seen :)
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 01:09
My mom always said that if you can' t say anything nice you shouldn' t say anything at all...
Terry Bogard
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 01:33
1- Media convergence... A lot of people find that to be an UGLY word when it deals with gaming, but had it not been for the PS2' s ability to play DVDs, there' s no way I would have rushed out and got one as early as I did... I LOVE that in addition to games, my PSP can play movies and music, and I love that the PS2, Xbox, and Xbox 360 can do the same. I enjoy having those options available to me. I could care less about their quality compared to standalone/specialized players.. 2-Like ginjirou said, like em or not, Sony does push console (and now handheld) technology forward. (maybe more later)
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 02:28
I just gonna give you one... They made gaming mainstream with ps1. bye!
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 03:43
My all time favourite 3 consoles are (in order): Dreamcast Snes Playstation There were so many quality games on Playstation and the start of so many franchises. I have always hoped for Deathtrap Dungeon and Vagrant Story sequels, or maybe another G-Police. Wipeout 2097, Rage Racer, RR Type 4, Moto Racer, Tekken 2 & 3, Soul Blade, Final Fantasy 7 & 8 etc.... the list could go on for pages. Roll on the PSone emulator for PSP!
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 04:22
Well this thread certainly is a breath of fresh air, as I think that Sony tends to get much more flaming than they deserve … But then again, when not ill spoken, they tend to get more praise than they deserve as well (Cetra, I know your out there  ). Well I myself have had great fun with PSOne and the PS2, and hopes it will continue in this next gen. -I really like the design of the Playstation 3 (‘cept the Spiderman font text saying “Playstation 3â€[:' (]). -I don’t think there is any other system which have given me so many different kinds of games I like as the PS2 has, and I THINK it’s the system I own most games for -I myself am really fond of the Dual-shock controller and really enjoy the two parallel analog sticks (though the cord connecting the controller to the console is the most troublesome, worst of them all. You hear me? WORST!) -Backwards compatibility is very important to me, so I’m really glad they will continue with that (btw: weren’t Sony the ones who started this? …INNOVATION!) -In the begging they were the cheapest choice (I think… correct me if I’m wrong) As I have a headache I will end the list at that, but lastly I would like to thank Sony and the third parties supporting them, for: ICO - Shadow of the Colossus - Zone of the Enders - Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 & 3 - Chrono Cross - Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga - Resident Evil - Silent Hill - Broken Sword - Final Fantasy VII-XII (someone will probably comment that last one  ), and all the other great games I’ve forgotten to mention. And remember that a console is useless without games (might not be true with this coming gen  ) and that all that matters is what games you like, and none know what games you like, better than yourself. *Walks away proudly after his over dramatic speech* …*Comes running back!* Oh, almost forgot! Now I know this is supposed to be a “defend Sony†thread, but just check this out… It’s really fun, RRREEEALY FUN! http://lexluthor.ytmnd.com/
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 7 Jun 06 20:55:34 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 04:55
(btw: weren’t Sony the ones who started this? …INNOVATION!) Nope. Sega had the Powerbase converter add-on for the Genesis console which allowed gamers to play Sega Master System games on it. Rather than use a separate add-on, Sony just slapped some PSOne hardware into the PS2 in order to ensure better compatibility with PSOne games, as opposed to going the software emulation route. They simply modified an already existing idea, they didn' t invent it I imagine the GameBoy Color featured backwards compatibility with regular GameBoy games as well..
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 7 Jun 06 21:03:15 >
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 04:58
Nope. Sega had the Powerbase converter add-on for the Genesis console which allowed gamers to play Sega Master System games on it. Rather than use a separate add-on, Sony just slapped some PSOne hardware into the PS2 in order to ensure better compatibility with PSOne games, as opposed to going the software emulation route. They simply modified an already existing idea, they didn' t invent it  Ah!
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 05:02
I' m staying well clear of this one... Well I' m jumping right into the firing line! I like Playstation from Sony, and that is it. THE PS1 goddammit! It was when Sony were " virgins" from all this corporate bollocks (in my opinion). They wanted to push a games console innocently, they wanted to sell a console and try their hands at a different type of electronic manafacturing; this is a time when they LISTENED to what people wanted. If you ask most level headed people they will tell you that the PS1 was the best console from Sony. Their primary focus was on games, they had no reputation in the industry; so they tried their hardest to deliver. I can' t remember one bit of bull sh*t about the PS1 (maybe the dinosaur demo, but I can let that slide), and that is the reason Sony gained my respect hands down with the PS. Then they were hit by that evil storm " Money-Making" ... As a consumer, I don' t like being lied to, but Sony knew that there was a vast majority out there willing to bite, munch and digest any kind of sh*t that they could mudsling at people. Which lead people away from a then reformed Sega, who had the more honest and cheaper product (and a slamdunk better). Sega had learnt their mistakes, but hoped their fanbase was still around, and unfortunately they had all gone to SonySh*tville to bask in glorious sh*t and chow down on sh*tcakes, knocking back a couple of Sony tequila sh*ts. But because of the big thick " PS2" smog, no-one could see a damn thing. (You try sticking your face in sh*t, and see if you can see or smell anything else) Sony didn' t wanna lose their audience, so felt that they had to deceive in order to win. The more annoying thing is that since the days of the PS, each of Sony' s consoles have been used to push the next form of movie-playback (creating unnecessary costs). If Sony were more honest, I would like them a lot more, but just because there is an isolated pocket of Sony-resistance here at Kikizo, doesn' t mean that we should automatically conform to what they are doing now. I didn' t believe that the PSP would have those kinda graphics, but when they DELIVERED I was hooked and bought it. I showed a lot of my friends this years E3 and last years, and they were disappointed to find out that their beloved Killzone was not even there, and most certainly not in-game graphics. When they found that they had been deceived, they turned to Gears of War. It' s not like Microsoft are a perfect company either, but when they f$ck up they will speak honestly and say.. " We were blood stupid Americans.. and we f%cked up" Where as Sony will blast you with hot teargas and say " You didn' t see anything" I bought a 360 because M$ were honest, I was happy with their decision to roll out Alpha kits; at least it was playable. But Sony have crapped their last crap for the last time on us consumers, it' s time they start cleaning their act (and their sh*t) and deliver us honesty and great games a' la PS1. (And stop getting idiots like Hirai, Harrison, and Howard Stringer (?) not forgetting David Reeves) To come out and spew nonsense, but in light of the thread here are 14 things I like about Sony.. (How about a round of applause.. 14?! I must be related to Kutaragi..) 1- P 2- L 3- A 4- Y 5- S 6- T 7- A 8- T 9- I 10- O 11- N 12- 1 13- SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS 14- ICO
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 05:08
Tiz, -- THAT post deserves an award!!! I' m going to be quoting... Sony will blast you with hot teargas and say " You didn' t see anything" ...forever!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 7 Jun 06 21:09:11 >
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 05:12
Tiz, -- THAT post deserves an award!!! *Holds both hands in the air and shakes them side to side.*
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 05:48
Nice, although, that doesn' t seem to be Sony' s style. Sony would make you buy the teargas from them with your own money, and then tell you that it' s a good deal because it was such a bargain. I' m getting a little tired of them lying to us though. http://games.kikizo.com/news/200507/122.asp?f=122.asp http://games.kikizo.com/news/200605/142.asp?f=142.asp I mean, direct contradiction of what they said themselves, and not as a group either, their headman said one thing, and then went the complete other way. Nah, much like ps3 threads and Madonna, this whole bashing ps3 thing is getting a little old, and a little overhyped. That' s not saying i love the way they treat their customers, like numbers on a revenue sheet. But you' ll have to admit, they do know how to market their stuff. So back on topic. I really like what Sony has done with downsizing their consoles, I' ve opened many full-sized ps2' s over the last year or two, and i just opened up one of the Slims for the first time today. I was blown away by how tiny everything was in comparison to the fat models. I also think they had many solid launch titles, or at least titles that were long enough to hold you out till the next wave of games hit.
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 05:54
Nice, although, that doesn' t seem to be Sony' s style. Sony would make you buy the teargas from them with your own money, and then tell you that it' s a good deal because it was such a bargain. Some comments, you just can' t get on other forums.... Priceless!
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 08:11
I Like all the consoles. I like 360, I like Wii, I like Playstation, nobody hates a console. Thats just childish. You may dislike the company but not the console, did the ps3 lie to you? did the ps3 say " I a supermachine,...and I can also eat cars" ? , did the ps3 show you those those cgi renders that you ' should know are fake but you bought it anyway' ? OR was it Sony? Becuase, ah heck, hateing a console is so easy. Hateing a company makes matters more complicated. " OMG! Oh yea, i hate ps3 cos they haxrd Nintendo!!!!111!! such n00bs!, LOL, Wii60 pwns Ps3." I think you get my point. You hate a company, but maybe its baby is beautifull? Maybe sony are in it for the long run, thinking ahead. Maybe they throw a Ridce Racer party in Haz Hirai place every night, and Ken does stand up with the Seinfield theme playing the back. Hell, I dont know. Just dont hate a console which isnt even out yet, 5 years down the line, how do you know the ps3 wasnt worth it? maybe its selection of games is better or worse than 360 and wii, maybe it might screw up the online. Maybe it might be the best console ever created. Maybe. 10- P [please] 9 - L [lay] 8 - A [an] 7 - Y [yen] 6 - S [single] 5 - T [thats] 4 - A [acculmated] 3 - T [total] 2 - I [investment] 1 - O [on] 0 - N [Nintendo] Does thyat make sense?
Vx Chemical
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 08, 2006 15:44
10- P [please] 9 - L [lay] 8 - A [an] 7 - Y [yen] 6 - S [single] 5 - T [thats] 4 - A [acculmated] 3 - T [total] 2 - I [investment] 1 - O [on] 0 - N [Nintendo] Does that make sense? All your base are belong to us
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 8 Jun 06 7:45:40 >
Game Junkie
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 09, 2006 06:33
I like Sony playing a central role in the birth of the modern console. Sony is largely responsible for making console gaming bigger then pc gaming. If Nintendo is the father of gaming, Sony would be king. I just happen to think the King is full of himself and is begining to become a little currupt...
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 8 Jun 06 22:35:46 >
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 09, 2006 19:02
Nintendo is the father Sony is the king And Sega is the God!
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 09, 2006 19:59
Nintendo is the father Sony is the king And Sega is the God!  Then what makes that Microsoft?
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 9 Jun 06 12:12:15 >
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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony
Jun 09, 2006 20:27
Then what makes that, Microsoft? The jester? Nintendo is the father Sony is the king And Sega is the God! The father: Looks after the lost children, and is responsible for bringing new people to the family, also very laid back, and does not involve himself with Royal matters.. The King: Sceptical of everyone, rules with an iron fist, and is fully aware of some form of conspiracy to take him down, therefore he acts less like a king and more like a worried individual which leads him and his representatives to say otherwise unheard of and irresponsible speeches which offend the court and his Kingdom; which leads to him losing a grip on power and the people grow tired of him. A re-election is in order.. The Jester: Has been weary of the King for some time, its all been fun for him making jokes at the Kings amusement and laughter, coming up with things that would otherwise be considered a joke, but in these jokes, there was definitely a sparkle of something that could lead to larger and greater things. The King did not know the Jester came from a rich background, and in the shadows the Jester has been plotting for some time a way to become King. Then one day he presents to the King a joke to end all jokes, in fact it was more serious then anything, the court saw the Jesters brilliance, but the King remained complacent " A Jester is a Jester for all eternity; and a King can never be over- thrown..." The God: Was once heavily involved with the small matters of the people doing his best to be worshipped, producing great things that no mere King, Jester or Father could dream of. The God worked his way about producing amazing things for his people; but it was never to last, the Father was greedy and the King was new, they were physical representations of what could be done, which lead the people to turn away from The God; he had lost hope and he had lost his people. Then he figured that what he had done in the past was a big guillotine cut above these figures, and he relished in that glory. He decided that the people would never accept him if they couldn' t see him, so he chose to reside in a far off place in the sky, lending his talents to the Father, Jester and King. Deciding to only have little involvement, but having the biggest impact, he took it upon himself that a God' s role is to provide the catalyst for great material.. and to not be as bothered or heavily involved as the Jester, Father or King. These 3 all fear that if the God were to rise again, he would be too powerful and at the same time they are grateful for his works. The Father acknowledges the God. The Jester acknowledges the God' s ideas. The King secretly hates the God.
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