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10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 04:15
So to break from all the PS3 Topics, I think this will do nicely. 10 years down the line [or next next generation assmueing ps3/360/wii are current] how do you expect games evolved, since each generation passes the graphical differance, while noticable, is becomeing less and less. Who do you expect to be Market leader? Any new Companys? And exits [like sega]? will all games be avaible to download beside the launch? Will the new Graphics/sound matter now? will The Unreal engine 5 on Ps5 look that close to reality? How will they Play? How will they controll? How will Games Change?
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 04:24
All I expect from every generation is quite simple good games that make you laugh, think or simply have fun. As for who will be the market leader I won' t even attempt to make a guess or assumption but I think it' s going to be down to which feels most comfortable, easilly accessed and easier to upkeep.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 05:09
Sony will lead the market, just like they have since they started.
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RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 05:35
I think lots of development studios will merge due to higher development costs. Big publishers like EA and Sega will pretty much publish all titles except games on the Wii and its successor since Nintendo keeps the small developers happy. Sony will still be No1 but only after a slow start in the 360/Wii/PS3 war. The success is mostly thanks to the japanese market. But Microsoft will be pretty close, almost tied, with bigger sales than Sony in the U.S. Nintendo will make a success with the Wii as most buyers will buy it as a complement to the other two consoles and casual gamers will choose the Wii of course. The generation after the Wii60PS3 generation will give Sony the lead again as they' ve learned from their mistakes with the PS3. Nintendo will keep going the same direction with the Wii-successor but this time they think they' re ready for HD. Microsoft takes the final step in combining PC' s and consoles and makes some kind fo strange hybrid that does really good. Both Sony and MS are forced to innovate their successors as the Wii-successor now has powerful graphics. Graphics won' t be the focus as it can' t get much better. Microsoft will release a handheld but it will be as popular as the Gamecube was compared to the PS2/Xbox. In the end Sony might end up as a powerful leader with Nintendo and Microsoft trying to beat them. But Sony won' t have a big lead. I could imagine some kind of Nintendo-Microsoft cooperation that would disrupt Sony' s lead though. That was just my pure imagination. Probably won' t happen. I' m bad at predictions.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 May 06 21:38:11 >
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RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 06:37
Why would they learn from PS3 if they didn' t learn from PS2? Even better ,what would they learn from PS2? That they will succed no matter what crap they release? PS2 is crap comparing to both GCN and Xbox , but it walks all over both of them in terms of sales.It' s all about brand - they had it with PSX and that saved PS2 - which then turned out to be even cooler than PSX was.Now PS3 - more hype , more lies , more units sold. I honestly can' t see anyone stopping those motherfuckers anytime soon.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 23 May 06 22:37:44 >
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RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 06:38
The PS2 was released long before the GCN and the XBox so Nintendo and MS had plenty of time to improve on the PS2.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 06:43
Actually I' ve had this idea about insane future graphics. Gosh its gonna sound stupid, but it evolves around 3d scanning of actual live objects, so you can use real people to play with. Kind of controll film if you get me. Nothing or atleast characters wont be drawn anymore, but captured and programmed into a game.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 06:49
That' s a good idea. It reminds me of the thing at the Aichi world fair where you scanned your face before watching a movie and in the movie all the characters had faces from the audience. That will probably work much better with videogames so that' s really something that might happen.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 06:57
yes, and not only that, 3d scanners are a technology that really begins to bloom within industry that requires it. This technology has far more potential and I just hope someone sees it. I remember som really old golf game I played on pc, where the golfplayer was an animation that was put together by stillframes of a real person. It was the same moves all the time, but the idea was good, and it was super realistic because basically, you controlled a real life character there.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 07:13
3D Scanning surely will have a place in the future of gaming. It will be one method of the various ways in which we will see user-generated content. User generated content I' m sure will be a big buzz for the next Next Gen. We' ve already seen it take a foothold on the 360: Upload your own music to make your own soundtracks, universal control settings and other user preferences... After all, in 10 years time, prettier graphics won' t be a draw any more. Each and every console will already offer photorealism. So the industry is going to have to start thinking outside the box. Like Sony did with the EyeToy, and how Nintendo have taken it to the next level with the Wiimote.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 07:20
Squaresoft also made a beautiful example of how this will all look. They shot Gackt in livemotion and insterted him in a cgi film, and even made him hold a 3d person, and it all looked perfect.
Chee Saw
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RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 08:29
10 years from now Sony will not be doing consoles anymore! The PS3 will be the start of their downfall, as the price is prohibitive to most casual consumers. 360 and Wii will both command about 40 percent of the gaming market, with the PS3 taking the last 20. With the downfall of the PS3, Blu-ray will also falter, and then die, with HD-DVD becoming the industry standard.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 09:01
Amen! But seriously,even though i belived xbox360 had no chance vs ps3,i actually do that now. The price tag and not having something to counter xbox360 AAA titles and price and while gamers know xbox360+wii will cost as much or even lesser then a ps3. They are in serious trouble,i doubt they will lose their fanbase,but a part of it will probably leave them. I predict something like... 40% for ps3 30% for xbox360 30% for nintendo wii. I would never have done that before,but sony and their blu-ray is really putting them in problem... If they didnt use blu-ray and took a normal price on their ps3,you would have seen something like 60% of the marketshare.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 09:52
Ive got this feeling (and ive had it way before E3), that Wii will be the most successful and will have the highest sales.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 11:50
I remember hearing Nintendo saying about how they hoped one day to have console games that could somehow project the entire environment in a room  Let' s hope that they keep that dream alive. They could be the first console developers to bring about technology like that! Otherwise, I can' t really think that far ahead, but I think we' ll see a divergence from merely 3D graphic posturing, to something more essential to the gameplay. An example is the jump from the SNES era, to the PSX and Dreamcast era aka the advent of 3D games. It wasn' t just about the visuals, it was the jump in the entire basis of video games from that point on. 3-Dimensional movement and psuedo freedom produced an entire new experience for gamers playing those 2D sprites. So, tie in with Nintendo' s speculations, that would seem the logical next step. Bringing that virutal 3D environment even closer to the gamer
stephen ashaley
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RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 12:07
what i thought will come to game generation hasn' t change a bit.they all look the samething i mean the graphics,when will they do different thing from now n i don' t thing so either cuz from now to 10yrs it will like that
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 17:21
In 10 years I' ll be 29... *sigh* ...With that thought in my head I am now depressed and can' t think of games for the moment.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 24 May 06 9:23:01 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 17:37
In 10 years I' ll be 29... *sigh* ...With that thought in my head I am now depressed and can' t think of games for the moment. nothing like a quarter-life crisis! i had one myself at 21!
< Message edited by Vx Chemical -- 24 May 06 9:40:34 >
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RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 17:43
I also think the Wii will do the best. Especially if the current predictions that it will become most gamers " second console" (a prediction stated even by reps from MS and Sony). If that happens, then Nintendo' s marketshare will be enormous. EDIT: Oooh, VxChemical is aging himself, reminiscing about his " quarter-life crisis."  ...and he' s a SENIOR member of the forums.
< Message edited by he -- 24 May 06 9:49:30 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: 10 Years Down The Line
May 24, 2006 18:38
Im 26 years old, with a daugther and a house, im an old man!
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