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 HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
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HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 06, 2006 20:01
Hello everyone i am watching G4tv and they were having something about the CES show and the guy said that the Blu-Ray player will cost around $1800 which is WAY TOO MUCH and he also said the HD-DVD player will only cost $400 gee i wonder who will win. This is the Beta Vs VHS all over again and Sony has both expensive one (beta and BD-ROM). They are both High def so i wil choose HD-DVD. I knew this would happen and i knew HD-DVD would be cheaper so i didn' t buy into all the hype of Blu-Ray. I mean come on $1800? Compared to just $400?

I know you are probably wondering how this relates to video games well if the Blu-Ray Player will cost that much how much will the PS3 cost being not just a blu-ray player but as mr. Kutaragi says " a super computer for the home."

kinda scary when you think about it huh?

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 03:33
yeah well it' s not for you to decide which one you get - if Blue-ray has more support it will be the only HD medium that matters and it will be at many houses thanks to PS3.

This is terrible for us consumers - but Both HD DVD and Blue Ray have their flaws and none of the companies supporting them is honest.

1800$ is a lot but new technologies always start at high price point and when they settle down it' s not that bad.

HD DVD is a great solution for a cheap medium , but it' s not future proof(Capacity).Blue Ray on the other hand is great on paper but it remains to be seen how it shines in reality.

Did you know that China has come up with a next gen DVD that I heard is really reasonable? :)
Joe Redifer

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 04:27
Like I' ve been saying, the Blu-Ray player for the PS3 will likely be extremely half-assed, just like the PS2' s DVD player. Can you even consider that thing a real DVD player? Not really.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 05:17
yeah I know that and you know that but milions of dumb people out there don' t and they are the ones who shape this industry not you and me :)
Chee Saw

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 08:48

ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer

Like I' ve been saying, the Blu-Ray player for the PS3 will likely be extremely half-assed, just like the PS2' s DVD player. Can you even consider that thing a real DVD player? Not really.

I don' t get it. What was the problem with the PS2 dvd player? I used it for a while as my dvd player (until I upgraded to an upconversion unit) and it performed just fine. I mean, pop in a dvd, and it plays. Are there issues that are unbeknownst to me?

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 08:55
and cd' s costed min 30 dollar each when they where new,can you imagien paying 120 dollar just for the cd' s to FF8?
Not to mention to add the cost for the developement team Square-enix,and the tax they must pay SONY,we will be up easy at 170 dollars...
but that never happend,cause when you start mass produce something it will lower the cost extremly.

a single blu ray disc at september costed 60 dollars,basically double price as cd costed when they was new.

Its the same as with Plasma TV' s when they was new and not mass producing,only rich people and celeb could buy them.
Saw 32 tum plasma for 10.000 dollars when the ywas new.
Plz show me a 32 tum plasma that is medicore for 10.000 dollar today plz...
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 7 Jan 06 16:58:38 >

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 09:35
hey gangsta what do you mean it' s not upto " me" to decide which one " I" get? It' s only upto me which one i get. Beta and VHS were not future proof and Beta was even better but VHS won because it' s cheaper. Most of the consumers don' t want to spend alot of money buying a new format they just want somehting that is cheap and high def which HD-DVD is. I might buy a HD-DVD player if it' s that cheap and no way in hell i wil buy a Blu-Ray Player for that much. I read that Samsung got smart and is making a multi format player to play DVD, HD-DVD, and Blu-Ray player. I am almost scared to ask how much. But Samsung is a smart company and they have risen to be one of the leading companies in technology. When i heard about that i was like cool maybe i wil just get that one. You do know there is a possibility that both will fail and the masses do not want to buy a new format yet and are happy with their normal DVDs seeing how small the HD user base is. But it' s obvious who might win and will get the most suport if the Blu-ray is $1800 and the HD-DVD $400 just like the DS vs. PSP the PSP is expensive and more powerful and the DS is cheaper and funner and is destroying the PSP in sales. Most people do not want to spend alot of money. If the HD-DVD being at $400 sells well companies wil support it more having a bigger user base.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 09:47
It a tricky situation this really since many Film companies are now deciding to support both mediums.

Sony obviously has Blu-Ray tech in PS3 (which in the UK should retail for about £400), and Ken already said that the PS3 wasn' t a games machine (though it will play games) first and foremost.

PS3 will get Blu-Ray into people homes and that' s how Sony will make their money. I think games will come second to that.

The problem lies with Microsoft now backing away from HD-DVD. Any although initilally HD-DVD will be cheaper, the Blu-Ray prices will have to be competative or they just won' t sell.

Frankly i just don' t trust Sony and PS3. Perhaps if they' d shown ' real' footage at E3 & TGS (other than MGS4) then i' d be more comfortable. And rumours are circulating that PS3 might launch in North America in Sept/Nov (realistic), but possibly pushed back into early 2007.

I won' t be buying into Blu-Ray until everything settles down and we have a clear winner. They should really just stop arguing and make both compatible with any HD ready machine. We' re getting screwed!

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 10:06
I feel the same way you do. There was hope for the Unifed format but what i read and i wil lfind the article to prove it and not just say because i also not not trust Sony is that Toshiba was getting mad because SOny was trying to cheat them out and just say we will share but again like the Nintendo/Sony SNES PSX drive Sony wanted full control and Toshiba said now this is supposed to be a partnership and equal rights and control. This also happend with G4tv and Tech TV i liekd Techtv and i thought it was cool they were merging but G4 just swallowed up Techtv for it' s veiwwers and phased them out nbow i can' t watch any of the shows Tech Tv had because G4 canceled them all. Anywho I think it was only fair that Toshiba wanted equal control seeing how HD-DVD are cheaper to produce and basically there is not real different in themovie quality they will both be high def just Blu-Ray has more space and if they are the same size that means all that extra space wil be wasted.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 10:53
Yeah. I really don' t see why i should make the move to HD yet. I mean, i' m using my 22" CRT for my and until prices come down i don' t think i' ll be getting a Blu-Ray player, any Blu-Ray Dvds or a PS3. I think Sony have a lot of work to do.

Does anyone know when Blu-Ray or HD-DVD actually launch proper?

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 11:12
....not only is HD-DVD cheaper, it will also play in your current Mac/PC... ...useful when you consider that almost everyone uses a ' High Definition' LCD screen as standard.... you can Copy, Rip and Backup HD-DVD too.... something Sony and most Movie companies would like to put an end to...

...personally i don' t buy into HD anyway... .. i think it' s just Corporate BS designed to generate more income in a sagging technology market (the fact that the DVD player under your tv ' can' t' play a higher capacity DVD is just plain extortion). ..most people have only very recently upgraded to DVD and a larger/wider/flatter tv... now we gotta ditch all that newish hardware and media, and start over again? for more money this time?? ...

..Sony and Microsoft especially, are trying to force you into HD two or three years early...

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 12:04
Hd dvd is cheaper and got the movie companies i like.
However seeing how blu-ray can take 50 gb,it must be a nice thing for any developer,seeing how they could add many previous games demos,movies etc etc in their games.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 14:26
Hey what' s wrong with having games on more than one disc? I remember playing Shenmue 2 on the DC and then playing it on the Xbox. All the magic that surrounded the disc change had sadly disappeared! It' s like when you played FFVII " Wow, I get to change discs" . Man, that was magic. The feeling of progress you get when you know you have played an entire CD.
HD is overestimated. Shit, big screens are also overestimated. I watch a good movie or play a fun game because it' s great, not because the screen is big or have super resolution. I don' t want to waste my money on Sony and other hardware manufacturers just because they hype up the next step in technology.
You are all fools who fall for their tricks. They don' t try to sell you stuff by saying it' s better than something else, they sell it by first creating a demand from the buyer by making him think " Oh yeah, I really NEED that" but in reality he really doesn' t need the new product. It' s all psychology and marketing and you have all fallen for it. It' s really sad.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 Jan 06 22:27:37 >

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 14:37
Well of course it is. BUt it' s cool and i am a tech person i love new technology. THere is this TV i want which is beautiful you can totally tell the difference between HD and old CRTs the onw i saw is a 67" Samsung DLP with a 1920x1080p resolution and one of the coolest features is that it has PC input and split screen PIP so you can have half the screen be the PC and half be the TV or PC and video game system hell you and a friend or loved one can play 2 different consoles on one screen. and half of 67 is still 33.5" which is a nice size screen. Since i work at best buy i get a nice discount on it normally $5500 which is a hell of a deal seeing how LCD and Plasms which are inferior technologies for the same size screen would cost 2-3 times more. If you don' t notice a difference you are blind there is a totally noticeable difference. Plus it' s a AWESOME looking BIG ASS Tv everyone always stops to look at admire it.

Although at $1800 i don' t see how Sony plans make any money off it. $400 is still alot of money but it' s a much more reasonable price for new technology seeing how MS will incorporate HD-DVD in the Xbox 360 and windows like Vista and XP.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 14:45
ginjirou what a crap^talk, of course we need a better storage for this new gen and for hdtv, same move from cd' s to dvd' s why won' t you say then

" hey why should i use a dvd, they can burn that game on 7 cd' s why not and i' ll keep changing whenever it is needed??" but hey ginjirou wake up this is not how it works , and don' t compare actual games with games released in 3 years. if you have to store so many textures that will make the enviromeent look realistic then i don' t think that a single dvd or two will be enough for an RPG.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 14:48
Yeah well I' m getting one of those TV' s too because they really are amazing. But I think they are advancing the technology too fast and they are really hyping things up. It' s not nice towards us customers. I mean, to keep up with technology you' ll have to buy a new TV every year. And to that you add new sound systems, DVD-players, music-players, videogame consoles, PCs, Internet connections etc. It' s just too much at once. And when you' ve managed to get all that stuff you realize that there' s already something new on the market.
During the whole time between the NES and the N64, you didn' t have to buy a new TV to experience the new games. But from the Xbox to the 360 we have gone from 28" normal TV to 32" wide-screen TV to progressive scan technology to LCD TV to 42" plasma TV and now finally to 42" HDTV.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 8 Jan 06 0:13:54 >

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 14:51
I remember playing FF on CD and thinking WOW a FF on DVD i can' t imaghine how big that wil be but back then we didn' t account for digital audio and speech which takes up alot of space and higher resolution and textures. For Movies HD-DVD is plenty. For big games a Blu-Ray since it stores more might be needed but i don' t mind having to exhange disks. It does feel cool knowing i went through one entire disk and to havre to put in a new one. THere is even a new technology i read on engaget about a holo-disk holding upto like 200-300 GBs which is alot more then Blu-ray and HD-DVD and DVD combined. THere wil always be new formats.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 15:32
According to the new HD-drive for the Xbox360 might only be used for movies and not games.
Full article here:

But that' s just what they believe. Nothing is certain yet...?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 8 Jan 06 0:32:30 >

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 15:42
it is certain, microsoft already confirmed this, there is so far no plan to have 360 games on hd dvd... i don' t remember the source but i' ve read that in a couple of places and those don' t bullshit.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 07, 2006 15:44
But how does that make any sence? I mean if you have the ability to use HD-DVDs for games, and if you have used money to develop such a drive then why not allow games on HD-DVDs?
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