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your favorite controler ever
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your favorite controler ever
Nov 09, 2005 17:38
i do think that the best controler is Dual shock 2, i could have say the n64 one but its analog was not really enjoyable when your hand get sweaty and the plus was terrible... for PS2 i don' t like the analog that much because it' s hard to make precision but overall grade is very good... also the rumble built-in is quiet good and the plus is good as well... it' s very solid too
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 10 Nov 05 1:43:32 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 09, 2005 17:47
OF ALL TIME = Japanese Saturn controller, nuff said THIS GENERATION = Nintendo Wave Bird MOST HATED CONTROLLER = Dual Shock 2.
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 09, 2005 17:49
oh come on terry come on !! i just noticed that you always push too much  , what would you say about teh first and second x box controler?? ok just the first at least ?? hun?? or just the first playstation controler ..
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 10 Nov 05 1:52:52 >
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 09, 2005 17:52
i can tell that they are two. for the best 3d control that´s the n64 controler, as long as it´s a new, because it breaks after some time. and for the best battle control it´s the saturn controler. for 2d games, they are all good, because it´s easy to control a 2d game.
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 09, 2005 17:54
No matter how much i love the xbox controll over the ps2 in fps games and racing games,i say the dual shock,...cause its so good overall in every genre.
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 09, 2005 19:13
My favorite controller is the Dreamcast controller, loved the trigger buttons, and the vmu.
Joe Redifer
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 09, 2005 22:11
Best controller = Saturn (US second generation, didn' t have all of the retarded multi-colored buttons like the Japanese one did, which was otherwise identical). Runner up = Sega Genesis 6-button controller. Had the identical buttons and D-pad of the of the Japanese Saturn controller, was very comfortable and small, but lacked the shoulder buttons. Worst controller = Sega Dreamcast. Worst piece of crap ever. Runner up = PS2 dual shock. The thing is pure crap on a stick.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 10 Nov 05 6:13:53 >
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 09, 2005 22:40
Best ever: XBox 360 controller Runner Up: original xbox controller Best 2D controller: Sega Genesis 6 button Worst Ever: regular game cube, it hurts my hand just thinking about holding it Runner Up: PS2 dual shock, consoles get better, controllers should too. PS3 looks like it will steal the worst controller ever award, but I haven' t used it yet so I don' t know for sure. The 360 pad is so comfy. I haven' t been able to use it for more than 10 minutes at a time yet but it seems to have no high pressure points anywhere. Other controllers always seem to have spots that put a lot of pressure on your hand, it just seems like this doesn' t. My hands will never get sore!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 09, 2005 23:06
Totally agree with Joe' s list. As much as I adore Sega I absolutely hated the Dreamcast controller for a number of reasons, the only reason I ranked the Dual Shock 2 worst is because of the D-pad. I' m a d-pad man and the Dual Shock 2 has by far the worst one of them all. oh come on terry come on !! i just noticed that you always push too much , what would you say about teh first and second x box controler?? ok just the first at least ?? hun?? or just the first playstation controler .. Don' t really care much for the Xbox controller, don' t really like the button placement, especially the two on the bottom right, I always forget that they' re even there while playing a game. They' re like on a different continent away from the other buttons! The analog sticks and triggers feel nice, but overall I' m not a fan of the controller... As for the original PlayStation' s controller, well given that I like the Dual Shock 2 more than that one, and given how much I hate the Dual Shock 2, I think you can imagine how I feel about the first controller  . I' ve only found ONE game, ONE game that I felt was quite playable with the Dual Shock 2 and that game was Virtua Fighter 2.
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 09, 2005 23:16
" Duke" Xbox Controller. Who cares about people with small hands?
Vx Chemical
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 10, 2005 01:40
Mmm it must be logitechs wireless controller for xbox. I cant stand the Dual Shock controller, that those analog sticks just twist my thumbs into highly painful and arkward positions *OUCH* before that, i was a pc gamer, so my PS2 was my first console... ever.
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 10, 2005 10:51
i really don´t find that the xbox controler is one of the best controlers. i think that it´s a bad one (it´s just my point of view) but i wanna add something important about controlers, that most (not all of them) controlers now are just remakes of nintendo´s controlers . i sure hate nintendo´s strategie. but, we mustn´t forget that we get a new plaisir playing their games with a new concept of controler all over the time and for each console : plus direction (Nintendo) R and L button (Super Nintendo) analog and the rumble (N64) wave bird (Game cube) and the new controler with the revolution (i hate it by the first look but after i saw the video i changed my opinion) i think the others (Sony, Microsoft and sega) they can´t created new concept.
< Message edited by sakr -- 10 Nov 05 19:51:32 >
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 10, 2005 12:17
Sakr nintendo didn' t invent all of those features. Analog sticks are soooooo sooooo old, and they had third party wireless controllers for the first nintendo. Rumble wasn' t invented by nintendo, in fact they have to pay another company to use rumble.
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 10, 2005 12:39
we ( I ) know all those features just with nintendo´s controlers. and nintendo was the first to integer them to their joystick taking the risk, that other companies don´t. that important is who introduce the technik to gamers first. ps : nintendo is popular with their gameplay, and that not only thanks games but due to their controlers too.
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RE: your favorite controler ever
Nov 10, 2005 13:10
The new 360 pad is really sexy looking and it fits in your hand really well. I' m looking foward to spending more time with it :) I really liked the Saturn Nights pad and thus felt right at home with the Dreamcast pad. The PS2 pad I *still* can' t really get along with. I can use it but don' t like it. Going back tot he Megadrive pads now makes me realise they weren' t too good.
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