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 Dead Rising 2 wishlist
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Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 12, 2007 18:40
The original selling 1M makes Dead Rising 2 a certainty, and that' s obviously a good thing as the original game is awesome. I am curious though as to where the game will be set because in the original you were confined to the expansive Willamette Shopping Mall for 72hrs, which allowed for the toy-box nature of the gameplay.

Will they stick us in a confined location again or will there be multiple locations?! I' m going to assume we' ll still be playing as Frank primarily and so since the guy is a photo-journalist we could theoretically see him visiting multiple separate locations to cover the story.

What kind of locations would you like to see in the sequel and what kind of weapons or moves would you like to have access to, and are there any changes (apart from the save mechanic) you' d like to see???


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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 12, 2007 19:03
i read somewhere that the developers wanted to make DR2 on a beach
< Message edited by fernandino -- 12 Jan 07 11:04:13 >

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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 12, 2007 19:11
airport or small city will be great for me

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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 12, 2007 19:19
If it were a small city it might to be GTA. I like the idea of a college campus like the old Friday 13th films and the like. Imagine the dorm shower scenes (Girls dorms of course.)
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 12 Jan 07 11:20:11 >

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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 13, 2007 00:39
i would like to able to pull back into first person mode to improve the shooting and allow me to walk around while aiming.
the suffering games did this perfectly.

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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 13, 2007 02:32
I like everyone elses ideas, but i think a city like the one that takes place in Sonic Adventure

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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 13, 2007 04:28
sonic adventure!?

so frank has to navigate the loopdee loops!? oh my.
i can see the zombies now climbing up the loops and falling down. i snap a picture and FANTASTIC! i get a lot of PP for that funny shot!

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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 13, 2007 06:48

sonic adventure!?

so frank has to navigate the loopdee loops!? oh my.
i can see the zombies now climbing up the loops and falling down. i snap a picture and FANTASTIC! i get a lot of PP for that funny shot!

No, im not talking about the levels, im talking about the main city

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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 13, 2007 14:42
A small city. Or an airport + Multiple locations. Small City is really the biggest thing I want from DR2.
Agent Ghost

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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 13, 2007 21:30
Why would you want it to be in an airport? Airports don' t have anything except benches and stairs. They' re fucking boring.

I say in a museum or a theme park/carnaval. They' re the only logical choices if not in another bigger mall. A small town would be nice but not a realistic expectation.

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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 13, 2007 22:12

ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost

I say in a museum or a theme park/carnaval.

No that would kick ass!

You could lure the zombies into the path of a fast moving ride...

I' d love for the game to be set in the Vatican City, and have loads of zombie priests everywhere with the final boss being the Pope. That' s unlikely though...
Mass X

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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 14, 2007 00:02
Well hell a small city/ surrounding town the mall was placed in would encompass most everyones ideas woudlnt it? A beach a carnival and airport ect...

I think seeing a street full of zombies would be one helluva sight. Its hard to say what Id like added tho. Just more of what there I guess. I wanna throw a zombies off a tall building and watch it go splat and then to take a picture. And to make it extra nasty theyd need to develope a system or somthign that would render blood splattering to be random and a bit more perminant. Hell maybe just over the top gore in general. Bones guts blood that wouldnt just disappear either. Let the pices pile up. Buthcer som zombies in a small room and over time practically repainting the room red. Or watching zombies rip apart an NPC more realistically... I wonder how a ragdoll system would react in a zombie gaem/ Watching the zombies slowly pull apart the victim. Flesh tearing and so forth and the body flails until it jsut a rgadoll being torn up...

You knwo what I think if I ever achive my goal of getting involved with gameing Id wanna somday creat a agme engine that just ment purly for very disturbing death sequences. I wouldnt want a buncha pre animated stuff neither At leats not entirly. I know they can feel canisters in game with pre determined amounts of liquid, but has any just flowed randomly. and if so imagine that system put into a character only as blood that would flow randomly (dependent on the enviroment of course). Also having tha blood be in limited supply.

I have a sick might yes. I think maybe my main goal is to cross that line of making games tooo realistic... at least when it comes to the whole death side of things...which might have a interesting impact on gamign itself. Could you stomach the sight of a ultra realistically NPC/enemy dieing? Thatd invoke some emotion Id say. SO am i off topic a bit? DO I eevn make sence at this point? If I dont then good cause then no one will steal my goal!

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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 15, 2007 05:23

DO I eevn make sence at this point? If I dont then good cause then no one will steal my goal!
I can' t even read your goal.

Back on topic, I' d like to see a save system in the infinite mode. And more vehicles, in more areas. I want to jump through plate glass windows on a tricycle!
< Message edited by Die_Hounderdoggen -- 14 Jan 07 21:26:30 >

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RE: Dead Rising 2 wishlist - Jan 15, 2007 06:13
Definately a better save system as the old one sucks big style.

However I really like the idea of the theme park.
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 14 Jan 07 22:20:15 >

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