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I got banned from Canada?
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I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 06:48
Well, i finally recieved a response from the Canadian High Comission in London. I' ve been refused. I' ve waited for three and a half years only to find out i can' t go and i' m gutted. They' ve refused me because i have a criminal record - 2 counts of assault and public disturbance to be precise - but i had hoped that it wouldn' t really be an issue. What' s worse is that they now won' t let me into the country for another 3 years (is has to have been 5 years since the offense and you have to apply for rehabilitation, whatever that is). I need to see my solicitor but i doubt anything can be done about it. It does mean that i can now focus on moving to somewhere like Spain or Greece. I can' t go to France - i got ejected for fighting at a drinking festival in Barjac in 2004 - it wasn' t even my fault... Anyway, Barcelona' s nice, i could always move there.
Joe Redifer
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RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 07:01
Sounds like you' re pretty hot under the collar. You need to calm down when you' re in public.
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RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 07:07
Dude this kinda sucks man. Joe might have a point though on the whole fights stuff, but you could be one of those terminal cases of wrong place wrong time syndrome. There is always the US.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 07:40
Nitro I know how much you were looking forward to moving out there, so I really feel for you. Cyprus is quite nice if you goto the right part of the island. Torr I think that a move to the US will be in the same boat as Canada due to Nitro' s past activities. Once again sorry to read the bad news.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 07:44
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer Sounds like you' re pretty hot under the collar. You need to calm down when you' re in public. What happened in France was a joke. A group of random French guys didn' t like the fact that a group of English guys were at their town festival talking to their women. I guess it could have been avoided though. The first of the assaults i was charged with happened at a house party while i was at university and the guy had taken a dislike to and pushed one of my girlfriends friends. Again, it probably could have been avoided, but i don' t really regret it. The second was on a night out in a town called Barnsley in Yorkshire. I was new to the aea (and county) and coming from Manchester (a very metropolitan city) i didn' t realise that wearing a pink polo shirt would cause trouble. Apparently the group my brother and i got caught up with assumed i was gay, and being gay is some sort of crime in Barnsley. They said stuff to me, i said stuff about one of the guys overweight girlfriend and a fight broke out. Not that it was much of a fight - we were all way too drunk to do anything meaningful. We didnt even try to escape when we heard the police arriving. I' ve only been convicted twice but i' ve been arrested more than a dozen times so i can' t really say i was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. But then i' m hardly a ruffian who goes looking for trouble - i was privately educated y' know! I' d be interested to know if any of you guys has been in ttrouble with the law before though...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 07:48
ORIGINAL: alijay034 Nitro I know how much you were looking forward to moving out there, so I really feel for you. Cyprus is quite nice if you goto the right part of the island. Torr I think that a move to the US will be in the same boat as Canada due to Nitro' s past activities. Once again sorry to read the bad news. Thanks dude. You know what it' s like here, ...you don' t have to do much for them to throw the book at you... Cyprus is an option i' ve looked at before and will look at again. I' ve been a handful of times and always enjoyed it. Great weather and great beaches. I just need to evaluate the feasability of setting up or buying a business there or wherever. And yeah, if i can' t get into Canada then i' m definitely locked out of the US - athough i can probably still visit. I hope so anyway, i' m supposed to be going to New Yoik in February!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 08:47
You fucking psycho. But then again,my dad was in the swe hooligans in her teens and has a sword+baseballbat+bamboo racket in our house for some reason. And shown his roadrage pelnty of times,one time he left the car,and run after someone who gave him the finger. Thats not normal. But he doesnt have a criminal record.
Mass X
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RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 09:02
my dad was in the swe hooligans in her teens -Quezcatol Anyways I' ve got a nice perfectly clean record...only because they can' t catch me. I was banned from an apartment complex tho. They didnt charge me because I was being accused of stuff they knew I didnt do. It was the managers son so rather then deal with that they just put the restraining order me.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 27 Oct 07 1:28:18 >
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 09:16
When I say " swe hooligans" I mean black army,basically fotball fans who fought vs each other,however he thought everyone was retarded there and quited,and dont want anything with them to do again.
Mass X
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RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 09:19
Let me try that again real quick: my dad was in the swe hooligans in her teens -Quezcatol ...That typo is only 2nd to the post on a video at Heaven666 To be honest with all of you, I will have call 9-11 and then if the guy didn' t have any weapons I will at least cream at the guy to let the guy go. Of course that poster meant " scream" but shit I counldn' t stop laughing at it for some reason...I guess if you wanna help someone just cream on the the attacker...
< Message edited by Mass X -- 27 Oct 07 1:22:56 >
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RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 09:26
lmfao quez' s english is the best
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 09:29
I' d be interested to know if any of you guys has been in ttrouble with the law before though... I have been teargassed at demonstrations, but they' ve never nabbed me! Fortunately I found I can run while vomiting. [:' (]
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 13:12
I' d be interested to know if any of you guys has been in trouble with the law before though... I' ve done a lot of stupid shit, but I' ve never been caught. Actually I was once, for something minor as a kid. When I was 9 a girl dared me to pull the fire alarm in the apartment building where I lived. Being the sucker that I was I did and the police were there in about 30 seconds...those ***ers are fast. I no chance to run, first of all I had nowhere to run and the neighbours saw me as they headed for the exit. So obviously living there I had no chance to get away with it. Probably the dumbest thing I' ve ever done. The police and fire departent had a chat with me but being 9 years old there was nothing they could do. I told my mom it was an accident and that was it. I was so embarrased I did something that stupid. That' s the day I learned how conniving girls can be. She was a little devil, she laughed at me for years after that one. Then as a teen in High School and College I was helping some buddies sell weed. Starting at age 14 through to about 18. I rarely smoked the stuff myself, I just enjoyed the thrill of dealing it. Of course it gave me some spending money. Which I spent mostly on alcohol lol. In High school it was a good experience, I was invited to most of the parties even though I usually didn' t go. You can be the biggest loner, but as soon as they find out you bring Marry Jane suddenly everyone' s your best friend. I' m a solitary person, I was happier handing it out at school and spending my weekends alone in peace. There was a lake and some woods right next to the school and there was about half my grade that went out to smoke pot on any given day during lunch hour. So many people were smoking and they couldn' t figure out where it was coming from. It was perfect though, I was one of the few students that didn' t go to school stoned/high. Perfectly well behaved, to the point were some perceived me as a " teachers pet" . They even had police search the lockers of a few suspicious students. They never found anything because I had most of it in my locker sealed in a big thermos to hide the smell. The good times were over after High School. By the time I was in College half my friends didn' t make it that far, so I lost most of my connections. In College it was tough to find interested people, especially since most people there were strangers. So I gave up dealing. I' ve been in a few fights, nothing major except for the time two thugs tried to rob me. I think I already talked about that. Majik, I`m sorry to hear about your banning. ***ing pussies...
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 27 Oct 07 14:36:22 >
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RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 20:17
What a perfect example of how your smaller actions in life can have bigger consequences than you expect, even several years later. You can never put too much emphasis on your choice of action. I guess there is no one else to blame than yourself, but it' s still too bad you can' t go. But at least you have alternatives, it' s not always people have alternatives.
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
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RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 22:32
Holy Shit !!! I will think twice before talking shit to u guys . You guys are scary !!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 22:35
Well its pretty hard to spell right in your third language when its 1-3 am. Especially when you suffer from dyslexia,while that isnt a problem,since I often re-read what I written and correct it,I wont when it comes to my third language and 1-3 am at night.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 27 Oct 07 14:36:12 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 27, 2007 22:43
Quez what' s your second language?
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RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 28, 2007 01:18
Dude! That absolutely blows. Sorry you didn' t make it in. So, as for second options, where' s second on your list of places to go? Or have you not really settled on a location yet? I' ve never actually been arrested. I' ve been in a few fights, but the police are so strapped for money & manpower around here that it sometimes takes an hour-&-a-half plus for a squad car to arrive. Plenty of time to walk away clean. To be honest, most of the dumb stuff I' ve done has been relatively harmless. I' m not a confrontational person by nature, at least until a family member or girlfriend gets brought into the picture, so I don' t usually have much of a reason to pick a scrap. Opening up a 50-cal ammo can with certain " items" that were leaking tear-gas in my garage. That was one of the dumber things I' ve done. There was the occasional random exploit with stuff that was flammible/explosive as well. Some of which was with Torr actually. (Not entirely sure I want to get into the details)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 28, 2007 09:25
Quez what' s your second language Finish.
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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RE: I got banned from Canada?
Oct 28, 2007 13:35
I' ve done some dumb shit, but if it was illegal I never got caught(heres hoping). I have a strong personality and have an opinion about everything, but after learning that the stronger guys are more persuasive in a fight I learned to talk fast, and it has helped a lot since. I am mostly a bad fighter and so just don' t get into them, but hardly ever run away from one. I suspect that I will gain a record of some sort in the future, but as of right now nothing really. I have broken the law a lot and I tend to be a pyromaniac(and so is Eddie), so shit tends to blow up or catch fire around us and it is never us  . Sorry you can' t go to Canada man, I was looking forward to possibly meeting you in person. Hope you can get a business up and buy your way in. Also Ali I was just kidding.
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