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- Joined: Sep 20, 2008
Kikizo and the future
Aug 24, 2009 21:23
Hey guys, This is just a quick, belated post to let you know what's happening with Kikizo at present. The can-be-arsed-with-the-frontpage among you may have noticed that updates have slowed to a trickle in the past few weeks. The reasons for this are twofold: first off, we're in the process of ripping Kikizo's backend apart and replacing it with something far more user-friendly and efficient, which will ease the content bottleneck (we have literally acres of pending material). Secondly we're gearing up to roll out the next batch of sites, all of which will run on the same content management backbone as the upgraded Kikizo. Adam can probably phrase this better than I, but strategically speaking we're in the middle of a shift from one, full-fat, all-purpose game editorial site to a network of punchy outlets tailored to specific audiences and subject matters, much as Flytrap is aimed at penniless casuals/indies and Blu-ray Daily the HD film freaks. It's all quite exciting for me personally as it means I'm going to be able to write a whole bunch of different shizzle, rather than the more by-the-numbers preview/interview/review stuff (though we'll still be doing plenty of that on Kikizo itself, of course). Apologies for neglecting you chaps a bit, but I think the results will be worth it. Thanks for your patience :)