Couldn' t seem to find the old thread for this. Theres one for music/films/food etc, but we' ve lost the one for games heh.
Pretty slow times while we wait for the big games to hit this year. STALKER and Trackmania United are both tiding me over until Forza 2, but I' ve also had to go back a bit and play the games I missed.
The new
Sam & Max episodes are soooo funny. Timeless characters. Such a cynical, morbid yet strangely cute and fuzzy sense of humour. The latest episode is the penultimate one - ' Reality 2.0' is defnitely the best one yet, and the last in the series is due in the next few days. Walking between locations does kinda grate after a while however. Still I recommend playing them in order.
Jarringly, I went straight on to finish playing through
FEAR - Extraction Point, which is so oppressively dark and thick with atmosphere, the last couple of levels provided a near constant chill down my entire body. The last games to do that were Silent Hill and Manhunt. This is a great mix of both. Admittedly the first few levels are kinda dull though. And it builds up amazingly to big anti-climax. Hopefully Monolith are planning a FEAR 2 to end the story. I dunno how the console versions measure up, but for me the experience on PC is unrivalled as yet.
So what' s everyone playing.