Total Play Time: 69:53:32
Continues: 2
Alert Phases: 69
Kills: 250
Recovery Items Used: 15
Weapon Types Procured: 36
Flashbacks Watched: 132
Special Items Used: Not Used
Total Bonus: 17,060DP
Current Drebin Points: 127,469DP
Confer the title of.... " INCHWORM"

I have to admit that when I read that the Crying Wolf boss fight was similar to the boss fight against " THE END" in Metal Gear Solid 3, I was NOT looking forward to fighting her. I HATED fighting " THE END" . But, in the end, Crying Wolf wasn' t so bad, her and her goons did no damage to me as I hid underneath that vehicle like a little girl during the entire fight and just used the Grenade Launcher on all of their a$$es! Picking them apart one by one. Worked like a charm!
LOVED the Grenade launcher, it was one of my best friends in the game!
I wish there were more hiding spots in the game! That was my favorite part of the game. Being able to hide in spots that enemies couldn' t enter, and just pick them apart! Worked beautifully with the Gekkos and those damn little robot things that were all over the place at times.
+ Loved the Drebin system. Purchasing weapons and ammo anytime I want, YES!!
- Chapter 5 and beyond was loooooooooooong as hell with very little gameplay.
Personal Score: 9/10
I can only hope that most of my items and weapons will carry over into a new game!
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 29 Jun 08 7:04:27 >