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Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
Whew 1000 Posts old
Sep 30, 2004 02:31
Not the biggest accomplishment in my life but Im proud of it. This like the only forum I bothered to stick around in. I just like the place.  HAPPY POSTING EVERY1' s!
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
- Location: Canada
RE: Whew 1000 Posts old
Sep 30, 2004 04:18
way to go! I like it here too. I am not sure i am going to get that far ever.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Whew 1000 Posts old
Sep 30, 2004 05:03
I' ll get there someday...
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Whew 1000 Posts old
Sep 30, 2004 14:21
Congratulations, Mass X!!! I knew you would do it...just wasn' t sure that it would be this soon... I expect to cross the 1,000 mark within two - three weeks. Now, are you ready to go for the 2,000 mark? Congrats again on your landmark accomplishment!!! All hail, Mass X!!!
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 9/30/2004 2:22:14 PM >
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- Joined: Jul 05, 2004
- Location: America's Finest City
RE: Whew 1000 Posts old
Sep 30, 2004 21:41
congrats!!! that' s a pretty amazing task. I have a long way to go...I' ll eventually get there...but considering my rate of posts...i' ll be months before i' ll get there. I joined before Daroosh, Vanswa Garbutt, Starman Anthony, and What_About_Paul, but I have the fewest posts among them...eh...but close to 250 posts isn' t a bad number...if it makes me feel better, then I' ve posted 1/4 of a thousand posts  . I expect Daroosh to be the second member to pass 1000 posts. Then....I' ll pass that in July of 2005. Math: I joined early July, it' s now been 3 months, and I have 250 posts approximately. So, if it takes 1-4 of a year to post 1-4 of a thousand...then it' ll take a full year to post 1000 posts.  ...a long time...and Daroosh joined like what, a month and a half? hahaha
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Whew 1000 Posts old
Oct 01, 2004 00:44
Videogames are my life outside of my family...sounds bad, but it' s really nice to know that one can both find escape within a virtual environment and maintain a social stature equal to those peers that also enjoy videogaming. When I was 14, I worked my arse off to make enough money to get my Atari 2600. And ever since then, I have lived my life spouting the greatness that is videogaming. I' ve owned, or played, just about every system released in the U.S. I remember when the XBOX was first announced. I read up on just about every aspect that a gamer would be interested in, then I began to tell everyone (that loved gaming) about this awesome new console that will blow away everything on the market. For over a year I told of the wonders that would be XBOX. Those co-workers, that did not care about videogames, told me that I should be working for M$ (probably ' cause I bored them at the office and they wanted to get rid of me) - that I was able to tell anyone just about anything related to XBOX. On launch night/morning (12 midnight launch), I was the first in line and the first to complete my purchase. I was the first to head home to play...and I did until about 4 a.m. Then, I woke up about 7 a.m. to play some more...much, much more! To this day, and until I die, videogaming will be in my blood...I will probably die with a game controller in my hand. And now, Kikizo is a part of my videogaming world...
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Whew 1000 Posts old
Oct 01, 2004 01:02
...well then...I ate dirt! But seriously tho thats cool. I had to start a lil bit later, but being poor at first I started with older outdated consoles. However, once my family got onto there feet and all, it was up to date gaming nonstop. So I guess its was good to start off poor cuz it allowed me to start at the begining of gaming. I have yet to find a console I havent played. As for 2000, Im sure Ill get there. Being 1st however...maybe not. But Ive achieved my goals as of far that relate to Kikizo so is all good!
vanswa garbutt
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- Joined: Aug 26, 2004
RE: Whew 1000 Posts old
Oct 01, 2004 01:31
i am so happy for you.
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