..and guess what she got! No, it wasn' t a crappy old clock, No, not a bigass book. Nope, definately not any kind of antique! She received some money from me(because I forgot to get her anything), a lot of chocolate from my brother, and from my dad...
A brand spanking new black DS Lite!!! With this, she also got a copy of Dr. Kawashima' s Brain Training, Tetris DS and Top Spin. The unusual part of it is, she doesn' t even play video games. Sure, she enjoys the occasional downloadable puzzle game, but this is different.
I' m not jealous, I just thought I' d mention it. I never wanted to buy a DS Lite, but I sure as hell wouldn' t mind getting one for free- I mean, wouldn' t we all?
She said she just wanted Tetris DS, which isnt really much of a surprise, but now I can possibly get her interested in games(well, mostly) and have an extra person to beat at them.
< Message edited by Marink -- 7 Jul 06 16:12:39 >