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 Devil May Cry 3: Dante' s Awakening (PS2) Preview
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Devil May Cry 3: Dante' s Awakening (PS2) Preview - Dec 02, 2004 12:47
I don' t know about you folks, but past installments of this game are awesome (even with the few flaws).

Now it looks as though those flaws were addressed and all will be just fine once again...

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Devil May Cry 3: Dante' s Awakening (PS2)

Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom Production Studio 1
Genre: Third-Person Action
Release Date: March 8, 2005
ESRB: Mature

By Bryn Williams | Dec. 1, 2004

Capcom' s new prequel revives the baddass combat and finesse making for the promising return of Dante to PS2.

Many gamers regard Capcom' s Devil May Cry as a great, but somewhat flawed hardcore action game. Its sequel was a watered-down, easier affair and copped a healthy dose of criticism back at in January 2003. Now it seems as though Devil May Cry 3 -- a prequel to the first game -- will set the record straight by finding a happy medium between the first two efforts. Dante is back, and he' s cooler and smoother than even before.

The story kicks off detailing the sordid sibling rivalry of our protagonist Dante and his twin brother, Virgil. Needless to say, some damage is done and Virgil' s intentions of becoming an über bad guy are well on the road to completion. After a stunning intro movie detailing some shocking events, we' re spun back in time to see Dante chilling in the office of his yet unopened club.

A visit from a particularly menacing individual sparks of the events that will ultimately lead Dante to confront Virgil. But there' s a long way to go before that climax is reached, and so Dante is pitted against hordes of dark minions as he moves towards his violent destiny. This is where the action, stylish combat, and gameplay takes off for real.

In this latest preview version of the game I was able to play through a handful of the first levels that' ll make it into the final game. With a U.S. release date of March 2005, there' s still some ways to go, but what' s on offer at this point is a definite return to the original gameplay from the first game, and that' s to say that action junkies are in for a real big treat.

The series has always focused heavily on over-the-top action and ridiculously cool cinematic fight sequences. The immensely robust combo system is planted firmly at the heart of the gameplay experience, and thanks to a well-designed set of tutorial guidelines, even the most novice player will soon be performing acrobatic stunts that put the likes of The Matrix to total shame.

With a set of tight intuitive controls, Dante' s big whopping sword -- Rebellion -- and dual pistols -- aptly named Ebony and Ivory -- are his initial tools of the trade. He' s once again able to string large, nonstop chained attacks together, which in turn rack up the style points. New moves and techniques are revealed as the game gets going and include the floaty air-gun attack, double jumping off of flat surfaces, and of course, a slew of sweet juggling multi-hitting sword / gun combo attacks.

A decent enemy targeting system and the new quick-access gun cycling button enable the player to keep the action moving at a blistering speed. Some of the more advance moves and techniques require adept timing and button manipulation, so there' s a good learning curve there for those hardcore guys and gals that want to hit the perfect " S" rating for each level.

The combo ranking system has gone through a pretty big overhaul this time around, and now simply repeating the same handful of moves will be a negative strike in terms of the amount of style points you accrue during a fight. But one of the coolest additions to the game has to be the customization options that present themselves at the beginning of each level.

In the version I played, I was able to select from either Trickster, Swordmaster, or Gunslinger. Trickster lays down some new moves that allow Dante to avoid more attacks than usual from enemies. Swordmaster provides more specialized moves for each sword found in the game, while the other Gunslinger option gives more mastery of the various firearms. This option is a really nice addition and will certainly add a new level of replayability to the game as a whole.

Aside from the trademark tongue-in-cheek humor and crazy Mikami-influenced coolness, Devil May Cry 3 is shaping up to offer fans of the series the most balanced and playable incarnation of Dante' s adventure to date. The rocking soundtrack and slick visuals coupled with the increased challenge and excellent controls shouldn' t really fall flat at any level.

GameSpy will be back in the New Year with some more updated impressions, along with more movies and more on the sinister plotline of the game. Devil May Cry 3 might just be the coolest action title currently in development for the PS2, but only March 2005 will reveal the final verdict.

Insanely cool combos and style moves; impressive visuals; promising back story; lots of weapons.

Slowdown hits* when the action is full-on; will there be any true innovation on show?

*Remember, this is an incomplete version - frame rate issues are usually one of the final steps in the process.
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 12/2/2004 12:51:01 PM >

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