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- Joined: Jul 21, 2004
Any more PC gamers out there?
Aug 19, 2004 15:25
Was just wondering if im the only one, but im more of a PC gamer than a console gamer. The only consoles I own are a NES, N64, and PS2 (mainly for the fighting games ) I was also wondering if anyone could help me with a problem that i cant seem to figure out. I was installing one of my fav games Giants: Citizen Kabuto (on PC of course) and it crashed about 2/3 way through install. Now its in my reg and i cant uninstall because there isent enough, and i cant install because there is somthing. So I located every file from that game and deleted it by hand, and tried erasing it from my registry. When i go onto the CD and click the setup icon (not from auto run) it looks like its initializing install, but it just run the deinstall which obviously dosent work.