Cheap Kliq Plug

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Cheap Kliq Plug - Nov 14, 2004 14:13
lol, am I allowed to do this? I suppose I' ll be told if I' m not.

I' m the singer in a band called Kliq (pronounced Click) and we' ve got a website going. I had nothing to do with the making of the site but its cool none the less. We had our first two gigs one after another Wednesday and Thursday last week. They went great, 54 people came to see us at out first and the feeling we got on stage was great. Now I know why there are so many bands about, it' s such a buzz being on stage performing.

We have another gig on Friday which is for charity (Children In Need) and one the Saturday after that.

If anybody wants to check out our website it' s at Hopefully you' ll be able to see which band member is me from my avatar.

We’ve been described as the Red Hot Chilli Peppers crossed with Faith No More… if that’s much help. ^_^

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RE: Cheap Kliq Plug - Nov 14, 2004 15:06
I tried, but the link tells me " domain currently unavailable" . My husband was a professional musician for twenty years (drummer/singer). Those were awesome times. I could tell you some interesting stories....ahhh, the memories. Good luck with the band.

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RE: Cheap Kliq Plug - Nov 14, 2004 20:30
I' ve got the same problem with the link.

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RE: Cheap Kliq Plug - Nov 14, 2004 23:00
Very odd. There seems to be a problem with the link. If you type the address in a new browser window then it seems to work.

Sharon, your husbands band ever get close to ' making it' or have any singles/EP' s out?

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RE: Cheap Kliq Plug - Nov 15, 2004 14:43
" Youth In Asia" was the name of one of his bands that recorded, but the tapes were only played on local radio stations back home. He actually got royalty cheques for years from the songs ($15 - $30 here and there). He never cashed them, but put them in a photo album as keepsakes. Other than that, he' s played in a lot of cover bands over the years, helped with drum clinics around Canada and the States (I went to supper with Billy Joel' s drummer - Liberty Devito - because my husband teched for him at a drum clinic). Lots of things like that happened. He also teched for David Lee Roth' s drummer in Boston. Cool times

Also, I did get to the site by typing the address in my web bar; however, the " enter" link on your site doesn' t work. It wasn' t hard to pick you out
< Message edited by Sharon -- 11/15/2004 2:49:42 PM >

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RE: Cheap Kliq Plug - Nov 20, 2004 13:35
lol, I can' t believe it. I think things might be fixed now. if that doesn' t work you can click the letters at the top to enter the site.

Youth In Asia... why do I seem to know that name? Sounds great anyway! A dream of mine at the moment now we' ve actually had a few gigs is to get a CD done then get played on the radio. Obviously this might take some time but never mind, we are having fun in the meantime.

We had a gig last night actually but our lead guitarist couldn' t make it because of work! After an emergency practice on Thursday we decided not to pull out but struggle on. The gig wasn' t our best but we managed to avoid sounding crap.

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RE: Cheap Kliq Plug - Nov 20, 2004 15:17
Many times David' s band was short a member or the sound man didn' t show up, the lights didn' t work, etc., etc., etc., but as the saying goes " the show must go on" . I hope everything works out for you and the band.