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 PSP Update + regarding the Ridge Racers (PSP) Review
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Terry Bogard

  • Total Posts : 3915
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PSP Update + regarding the Ridge Racers (PSP) Review - Jan 06, 2005 02:21
(LOL, Let' s try this again, I tried posting this Wednesday morning from Work and it didn' t take.)

Anyways, as if my anticipation for the game wasn' t already at a fever pitch, reading Adam' s review actually had me wiping a bit of drool from the corner of my mouth. I honestly can' t see any other PSP Racing game beating this one out for quite some time. Hell, Ridge Racer V is still my favorite PS2 racer.

As for the music of Ridge Racers, my favorite Ridge Racer music is from Ridge Racer V, LOVED " Dare Devil" and " Samurai Rocket" , are there any Ridge Racer V-ish tracks in Ridge Racers??

Ahhh,,, It' s been a looong grueling wait for the PSP for me and I just refused to pay/give up the arm & 2 legs that was required to get one sooner from an importer. But with the recent updated NCS price which was finally at the level I wanted it to be at I finally told them to go ahead and send that bad boy when they received their next shipment on the 10th (next week). Imagine how high I jumped into the air when I received an email update that Wednesday afternoon telling me that they received the shipment earlier than expected and will be shipping that sucker out to me on Thursday (Today!) and I' ll get it tomorrow.. (Remember the old TOYOTA commercials that ended with the song, " I know what you do for me Toyota" and the car owners jumping high into the air?? lol). Already have 5 games at home just waiting to be played! Damm I need to finish work on that Time Machine I started work on back in 1995. OR maybe Adam will let me use the one he used to travel back in time to fix the forum that day!

I' ll more than likely be playing the PSP more at work and during the looong bus rides to and from work than I will at home. I' ve already got my frequent *Bathroom breaks* mapped out and found a few cool hiding places in the office, this is gonna friggin ROCK!!!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 1/9/2005 7:10:51 PM >

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RE: Ridge Racers (PSP) Review - Jan 06, 2005 16:19
when you get bored of it [probley after a week knowing you ;) ] can you send it out to us? [as by us i mean me] hell i even let you pay me for the previlage of sending something to me, how lucky are you? And if you dont send it i wont believe you have one :D

Anyway your quite lucky to be getting one, be sure to update with your thoughts torm. yes?
Joe Redifer

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RE: Ridge Racers (PSP) Review - Jan 06, 2005 17:19
I know that this game would be a MUST BUY if I ever decide to break down and get a PSP. I' ve liked all of the Ridge Racers, even V. Oh, there is one exception, though. The one that came out right after the original Ridge Racer and added half of a track or something like that. That was lame. I didn' t by that. But I loved Rage Racer the most. Does that count as part 3?

The announcer guy is crazy! In the first game I thought he was having convulsions, especially when I came in fist and he told me that he had recorded the whole thing and I could watch it later, and that I' m the greatest. But I couldn' t watch it later because the game would only replay 1 lap at the most if I recall. And when the race starts and nothing has happened yet, he says something like " Wow! What a great start! This is just what I wanted to see!! OMG OMG!!!" Take some Ritalin, dude!
Terry Bogard

  • Total Posts : 3915
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RE: PSP Update + regarding the Ridge Racers (PSP) Review - Jan 09, 2005 19:56
My PSP finally arrived Friday.. A few days before that I told the UPS Driver that he would be my new best friend come Friday. Which he was on that day. I waited patiently for him at work, waited till the magical 1:30 P.M. time he always makes his deliveries to the office and then when I heard the office door squeek at 1:30 and the familiar sounds of boxes banging against the side of one of the twin doors I raced to the front and proceeded to tackle the young lad who just did NOT see it coming. After I got my hands on the PSP I told him the friendship wasn' t going to work so we went our separate ways. Of course I should have said that to him AFTER checking out the PSP just in case Karma planned to get back at me with a defective unit but luckily I guess Karma wasn' t paying attention...

Anyways after checking out the unit I can' t even begin to tell you how impressed I am with it. It truly is all that and a bag o chips and dip. The unit itself feels incredibly sturdy and feels quite comfortable with the button places and all, the mark of great craftsmanship. The user interface of the unit is really easy to navigate around and quite intuitive and should allow players to get up to speed in no time. Connecting the PSP to the laptop and Transferring music and pictures was a breeze thanks to being able to drag & drop stuff onto it, transferring movies will require a bit more work but as long as you have decent DVD ripping software and the 3GP_Converter or Image Converter 2 and up, you' ll do fine. I was able to transfer 2 movies I encoded from the Biohazard 4 demo and a DVD movie without a problem.

I can' t wait till the online features become active cause the PSP was able to recognize my wireless router (Linksys 802.11b) so we' ll just have to wait and see what Sony has planned in that department.

While I have 5 games I' ve only played Ridge Racers to hell and back so far, absolutely Fantastic racer! I' ve always wanted to experience another Ridge Racer game after enjoying the hell out of Ridge Racer V for the PS2 and FINALLY I get that! Obviously Namco did NOT get the memo Sony sent out to developers about taking it easy with the graphics early on in the PSP' s life and not do anything graphically intensive/impressive yet in order to keep the battery life longer. I haven' t been truly impressed with a racer since Outrun 2 and before that it was Ridge Racer 5. Drifting in this game is awesome and the sense of speed is quite nice.

What sent my enjoyment of the game further into the stratosphere was switching over to one of the other BGM selections and hearing both " Dare Devil" and " Samurai Rocket" from Ridge Racer V. You should have seen the HUGE smile that formed on my face when those tunes played while starting a race. Racing nirvana. So far the battery life has been pretty decent, especially today when I played through many of the tracks of Ridge Racers.

As far as defects or annoyances go, I guess I' m lucky I haven' t encountered any of the infamous dead pixels yet, no nubs fell off and no UMDs flew out of the unit and smacked someone on the head. But one thing about the PSP, it seems prone to accumulating dust easily (I spotted a microscopic dust spec or two) so if you' re not playing it it would be best to keep it in a safe, sealed place like a case of some sorts.

For more detailed and comprehensive coverage on the PSP Hardware and Ridge Racers check out Adam' s review on the front page NOW!!1!

p.s.- almost forgot to mention how gorgeous the screen is, it' s gorgeous. ok. done.. For the longest time the Turbo Express handheld had the best resolution of all of the handhelds but now it has finally been surpassed!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 1/9/2005 11:22:41 PM >
Joe Redifer

  • Total Posts : 4481
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  • Location: Denver, CO
RE: PSP Update + regarding the Ridge Racers (PSP) Review - Jan 09, 2005 22:45
Are the RRV tunes direct from RRV or are they arranged? If arranged, I require MP3 samples!
Terry Bogard

  • Total Posts : 3915
  • Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: PSP Update + regarding the Ridge Racers (PSP) Review - Jan 09, 2005 23:20
They sound like direct rips.

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