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Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
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Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 01:25
Sup guys. I' m sitting in a phone meeting at the moment for work and am bored out of my mind. I was browsing sites trying to entertain myself and thought about the forums. Haven' t talked to you guys in a while so I thought I' d say sup. To give a little update on my life I' ve now graduated with my Game Art & Design degree. I' m working for a videogame recruitment firm while I' m looking for an art role. Other than that not a whole lot is new. How ya guys been?
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 02:00
No job, fiance left me, my basement flooded, and I' ve been diagnosed with Ultra Cycle Bipolar Disorder...oddly enough Im not really doing all that bad considering. Mostly because im very optimistic on a few things. Plus Im throwing a huge ass party in a couple days. Few weeks and I hit the reset button and put all my plans into motion and see how it all turns out. You got CoD4? Quite a few of us had played eachother on there.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 02:59
Damn dude, sorry to hear that. I' m glad you' re keeping your head up though. I' ve got CoD4 but not the 360 version. I just bought a new computer so I got it for that. I got a Dell XPS 720, here' s the specs- Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz NVidia GeForce 8800GTX 4Gigs of RAM @ 800MHz 320Gig Hard drive Windows Vista Home Premium I managed to get it for under $2,000 after getting rid off all the shit that Dell tries to over charge you on. 2 of the four gigs of ram I bought off new egg for $60. Dell was going to charge me an extra $700... yeah, holy shit. I also got it without a monitor which knocked off a lot. Ended up grabbing a Samsung 22" monitor from Best Buy on Black Friday for $100 off. Crysis and CoD4 are incredible on this thing. I can run Crysis maxed out.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 03:19
You lucky bastard. Ive shyed away from PC gaming. I started there then backed away and tried to hop back in but just cant get myself going. So now Im downgrading my PC to a basic tool of internet browsing and art hobbies. Overtime I' ll probably try and have at it again...most likly when I land a decent job. I did pick up a new moniter tho. Dropped my 26" Olevia HDTV for a 22" Hanns G Moniter, mostly due to the fact I move around alot and dont like to leave my 360 and PC to far behind.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 03:35
I mainly upgraded for 3 reasons. First, my Alienware laptop is basically garbage at this point. Alienware really screwed me over with the whole warranty fiasco. It still runs... but that' s about it. Second was I wanted a computer that could tackle Crysis. Finally I wanted a setup that I could rely on for high end 3d and art programs. On my laptop I was getting some serious slow down when putting together my 3d scenes for my demo reel. Render a 3 second shot took 20+ hours. It was not a fun experience. I' ve tested a few games on here but haven' t become too much of a PC gamer. Right now all I' ve got installed is Crysis, CoD4, WoW (don' t really play it but I pay half price since I know a guy at Blizzard), StarCraft, WarCraft III, World In Conflict, and I think that' s about it...
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- Joined: Nov 17, 2007
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 03:44
Is it the 64 bit version of Vista Rampage? If not, how much RAM is you OS able to access? About 3GB? Oh yeah, ...good to see you back!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 03:51
Dude! Welcome back! My life' s been pretty eventful. -I quit my job. -Fell head-over-heels in love with my best friend, now girlfriend. -My 360 died (I knew I had a good reason for not buying a year of Live). -Almost had a nervous breakdown & (lead to me quitting job)stopped seriously posting/cut off most of my net presence for a while. I' ve only really started up seriously again in the past couple weeks or so.
You got CoD4? Quite a few of us had played eachother on there. I' ve got CoD4 but not the 360 version. Bah, No excuse! Sell a lung or something. Half the fun of CoD:4 is playing with these lunatics anyhow!
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 04:10
Majik- Thanks man. Actually I' m running the 32 bit version of Vista so it only recognizes 3 gigs. I tried updating to 64 bit but the Dell version of Vista only gives you the license to the 32 bit unlike a store bought version which allows you to install either. I ran 64 bit for a while using the Windows trial but had more problems with it than I cared to deal with. ITunes didn' t work, my iPod Touch isn' t compatible with 64 bit, several driver issues, couldn' t use the antivirus software that came with the computer, software for using my jobs remote desktop (used to work from home) didn' t work, and so on... So not being able to access one gig of ram seems like a decent trade off for now. My computer never seemed to use that extra gig anyway. Eddie- Much appreciated dude, glad to be back. That is some pretty eventful stuff! Hope everything is working out. Speaking of dead 360s I think I' m on my 5th one and this one is about to get returned because the disc drive locks up by either not opening or refusing to close. It' s a good thing I love it so much so that I don' t just completely trade it in. It' s also good that I have the best buy warranty because I can just take my 360 in and trade it on the spot. I would like to get CoD4 for the 360 but I' m trying to save up some money right now. All my Christmas shopping is done and I finished buying everything for my computer so now I have to get some cash put away for whenever I move. Probably moving out west once I get a job in the industry.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 04:42
Eddie- Much appreciated dude, glad to be back. That is some pretty eventful stuff! Hope everything is working out. Yeah, life has been getting progressively better since Summer, which is a bit of a life-trend change for me. Speaking of dead 360s I think I' m on my 5th one and this one is about to get returned because the disc drive locks up by either not opening or refusing to close. It' s a good thing I love it so much so that I don' t just completely trade it in. It' s also good that I have the best buy warranty because I can just take my 360 in and trade it on the spot. Ah! I can fix that! Better yet, you can fix that, without voiding the warranty I might add. It' s uncommon, but I' ve heard of it (Mine & Ghost' s both do it). Lemme know if you want to try to fix it. Worse comes to worse, you bring it back to Best-Buy and they give you a brand new one.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 04:45
I think it' s just going back to Best Buy. The console is also the loadest out of all the ones I' ve had. This thing is literally louder than the Dreamcast which I didn' t think could be possible. I can hear the damn thing over my surround sound.IT' s wierd too since it' s one of the holiday bundle Elites. It should have the 45nm chips in there which requires less use of the fans. I think it' s just overall defective.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 05:46
Doubt it, it' s probably suffering from the same ' ol GPU failure. The new Elites actually aren' t 45nm, they' re 65, down from ninety. And even still, only the CPU is in 65, the GPU (the one giving all these boxes grief) is still stuck in crappy ' ol 90. There' s no telling what they' re throwing in their boxes these days. I' ve heard of & seen some absolutely crazy innards coming stock from Microsoft. It' s making me think they' re repackaging & reselling refurb units. Old motherboards with Zephyr (elite) heatsinks, and no HDMI ports. Falcon motherboards (the new 65/90 split boards) with the old heatsinks. All kinds of crazy stuff. I mentioned their criteria for hardware specifications over on Xbox Scene a while back. Criteria for determining whether or not your new Xbox 360 has an HDMI port, a heatsink, or 65nm architecture is as follows: A)Was it a full moon on the evening of your purchase? B)Do all the male members of your mom' s side of the family have all 5 fingers on their left hands? C)Do you hang to the right? D)Did you support VHS or Betamax? E)Do you make a bi-weekly net income of over 1800 US Dollars? F)Have you ever been charged with recklessly slow driving in Milwaukee? G)Were you subsequently convicted of recklessly slow driving in Milwaukee? If you answered anything to any of those questions, you' re one of the thousands that has no effing clue what Microsoft is putting in their machines these days!
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 27 Nov 07 21:47:04 >
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 05:53
Oops, I meant to say 65nm. But yeah something isn' t right with my current console and it' s about to get kicked to the curb. May do that tonight in fact. I' m headed to Sport Authority to pick up new running shoes anyway and Best Buy is next door.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 09:47
-Fell head-over-heels in love with my best friend, now girlfriend. really i didnt know that, we need pics. Nice to see you back Rampage.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 12:45
If not, how much RAM is you OS able to access? About 3GB? 32 bit can access 4GB including the memory on your videocard. I have 32 bit Vista OEM (tied to my MOBO). With my 8800GTX I have 3.25GB. When i upgrade my mobo and CPU next year I' ll get the 64bit version. Crysis actually benefits from 64 bit. I imagine most future games and applications will. Nice to have you back Rampage.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
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RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 22:08
Good to have ya back Rampage.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 28, 2007 23:13
Thanks guys!
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 29, 2007 00:38
Hey Rampage, last I remember of you is you asked me about a playable map on Double Agent, that was AAAAges ago. Congratulations on graduating, all the best! I have been: -Moping about since I left my job at Carphone Warehouse in March 07 where I realised I had so much free time for games, then turns out there aren' t many good games at the time. -In June started a year long ambitious project to boost my portfolio and show LionHead studios what it means to say " You don' t have enough Computer-aided drawing" , unknowingly they have made themselves a target for my scourn, bless em. -Now in November just working at HMV, trying to look at as many industry insiders as possible. I missed Jade Raymond by about 2 seconds which sucks. -Yeah, and now waitng to see the New Year in and finally show the world I am ready to enter the gaming industry with my oodles and noodlesof lovely " shopped" work and WACOM ccrrreeeeeeaaaaaazzzzyyyyy skillzz. -Ah, and got feedback from a senior artist at Bioware for a couple of drawings. I s' pose you could say things are looking good...
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Nov 29, 2007 00:45
Very cool! You got a site with your drawings? If not post a few so I can check them out. Btw, here' s my portfolio from graduation. It was kinda rushed and I should have put more effort into it but doing work and school full time restricted things.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Dec 03, 2007 01:14
I don' t have a site with my drawings on as of yet. That demoreel was cool Rampage, I didn' t know you did 3D as well as 2D, some of the monster/beast designs were particularly detailed, and even though you rushed it, it still looks good. Here' s a picture I can show though: The above is the beginning of a concept drawing for a project. I showed this one before, but it' s copied fan art. I copied the image from the Shenmue Online trailer. It took about eight hours, just one of the main four that I have done. So there' s a few there, I have no demoreel, but hopefully soon. So are you looking to apply for a job in the gaming industry? From what you' ve said, it sounds as though you' re satisfyingly close.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Bored at work... yeah, I' m kinda back.
Dec 03, 2007 17:01
ORIGINAL: Tiz Here' s a picture I can show though:  What happened to her feet?
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