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Request Shenmue II for XBL
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Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 20, 2007 07:00
For the 5 year birthday of Xbox Live, Microsoft has announced the " Xbox Originals. Full versions of Original Xbox games available for download. The games will run 1200 points ($15) and will give new gamers a chance to experience games they may have missed. Now why am I telling you this? Because Microsoft has stated that fans can demand what games come to their service and the have a little title known as Shenmue II waiting in their catalog. Even better is Sega is on board for this service, ready to bring their past games to download. It seems like the demands will be looked at in their newly opened Xbox Originals Forum. I' ve started the drive for Shenmue, so click the link and lets make it happen: [url=" http://forums.xbox.com/16752814/ShowPost.aspx" ]Call for Shenmue[/url] http://forums.xbox.com/16752814/ShowPost.aspx Right now it is the single most viewed game request topic in the forum :) Thank you from Shenmue Myspace Campaign, 2nd Opp http://www.myspace.com/legendofshenmue
< Message edited by 2ndopp -- 19 Nov 07 23:03:16 >
Mass X
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 20, 2007 07:03
How bout buy the game for $3 at gamestop like I did...with the catch up dvd (the very funny catch up dvd its like the worst badly acted foreign film you could imagine).
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 20, 2007 07:15
Is it really 3 dollars?
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 20, 2007 07:15
Haha, yeah I remember the catch up DVD. I remember finding it very funny until my eyes started to bleed. Bought it after I got my 360, but still haven' t gotten very far yet. I imagine it would' ve been revolutionary for its time (was Shen1 the first game to use interactive action cutscenes?), but now I cant get used to the controls or the snail pace of the game. So far I just got a job as a crate lifter uper, and theres a crazy semi-clad european (or oriental with dyed hair) girl on a bike following me around.
Mass X
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 20, 2007 07:21
I found it for $3 without case and manual and all that stuff. It was from a rental store as shown by the disc sized sticker on it front. Yeah Choupolo I think thats where I left off. Its ok but not this godly game I woudl recommend all to go out and play. I liked it better back back when Shenmue first arrived. It belonged to my brother who only let me play when he was around. I snuck in alot to play it.
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 20, 2007 08:26
or you can get' em both on dreamcast.. i just need to get a new system that works more then 5% of the time..
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 20, 2007 08:42
Not a patch on the original.
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 20, 2007 11:56
Wouldn' t Shenmue II be a ridiculously huge download??
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 20, 2007 12:05
 If you consider 2-3gbs huge then sure. No one bought Shenmue II the first go around, hence no ShenmueIII. Im sure with all the great games this holiday season no one will buy it this time.
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 20, 2007 20:16
I imagine it would' ve been revolutionary for its time (was Shen1 the first game to use interactive action cutscenes?), but now I cant get used to the controls or the snail pace of the game. Actually the controls and the pace were issues from the start. The controls are admittedly horrible and if they remake Shenmue then better controls should be their first priority. The pace is more up to personal preference. You either love it or hate it. I personally loved the pace because nothing felt forced or rushed. Everything had its natural flow. Unlike most other RPG' s where you' re simply rushed through the whole story.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 20 Nov 07 12:17:22 >
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 20, 2007 21:02
I had just completed my first term at college when the original game was released here, but it' d been available in Japan for about a year before that and i' d spent hours reading about the game in UK' s then arguably most popular but now defunct games magazine CVG. I went through a period of major obsession, just like i had done with Metal Gear Solid before it, and Quake II before that. I told everybody i knew that it wasn' t going to be the best game ever, and for me it was, at least for a while.
< Message edited by Majik -- 20 Nov 07 13:03:09 >
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 20, 2007 22:12
It' s great to have Shenmue II X on my Xbox 360' s hard drive, in this way I can relive it any time I want... Shenmue is a masterpiece which needs to become more famous and successful, in this way we may see Shenmue III sooner. I am ready to buy Shenmue II X as a Xbox Original on LIVE. before this I' ve never been a Xbox LIVE user mainly because there is nothing Shenmue-related on Microsoft' s online service. BTW for more info, updates and etc on what' s happening and how you can help there is a topic at Shenmue Dojo forums, here it is: http://shenmue.planets.gamespy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=35462 With Regards-Alimn
< Message edited by alimn -- 20 Nov 07 14:16:59 >
Adam Doree
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 21, 2007 01:55
Why not just buy the boxed original for $3? For the same reason that people still pay actual money to play 20 year old Nintendo games on Wii. People love spending money and people are stupid.
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 21, 2007 02:20
Aahh, now you' re being a little too harsh. It' s very convenient to just buy stuff over the Internet as an impulse buy in the convenience of your home. At least I think it beats buying some crappy used sperm soaked CD/cover from the 20th century in a rundown store in the scary parts of town with a clerk that looks like a pedophile, which requires you to travel through town to get there and where it' s only open at dreadful hours so you have to get there on your precious lunch and skip all the important meetings just for one f***ing old game. Edit: And the store happens to be filled with sweaty geeks who just quit school for the day and are lining up for the new release of some crappy modern shooter and ugly gamer girls try to touch you and there' s bad lighting and a crappy queue system and lousy background music and when you finally get to the cash register the guy working there is having the worst day of his life and when you try to get out of the damn place all the geeks want to know what the h*** you bought so you RUN FOR YOUR FRIGGIN LIFE!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 20 Nov 07 18:24:46 >
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 21, 2007 02:26
yeah, I know you can order used stuff on the Internet but that doesn' t make it any less sperm soaked.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 21, 2007 03:09
Why not just buy the boxed original for $3? For the same reason that people still pay actual money to play 20 year old Nintendo games on Wii. People love spending money and people are stupid. Yes, ild rather go out and find a big dusty NES and a copy of Mario 3 on a pad that hrts my hands after 5 mins.. [blow.. blow.. blow. BLOW.. BLOWW WORK GODDAMMIT STUPID NES CARTRIDGE!!]
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 21, 2007 15:03
Well if they release Shenmue II on XBL the biggest reasons to get it are: 1. Used games profit Gamestop, not Sega 2. It puts more money towards that $70,000,000 used to make the first game 3. If it does well it might trigger the needed catalyst for Shenmue III...
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 21, 2007 21:59
Why not just buy the boxed original for $3? As 2ndopp says: 1. Used games profit Gamestop, not Sega 2. It puts more money towards that $70,000,000 used to make the first game 3. If it does well it might trigger the needed catalyst for Shenmue III... Beside I can have Shenmue II on my Xbox 360' s HDD  , so I can play it any time I want...thank god, it will remain safety. My Shenmue II X DVD is now too old, and I feel bad whenever I use it. and the biggest reason is this: 4-More people will know Shenmue this time. Regards-Alimn
< Message edited by alimn -- 21 Nov 07 14:00:24 >
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 22, 2007 00:29
Shenmue = Overrated but worth 3 bucks.
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RE: Request Shenmue II for XBL
Nov 22, 2007 08:24
Downloads takes half the fun out of retro though. I like owning the old system, brushing off the dusty disk and or cartridge, & re-adjusting to the old awkward controllers. Once I really think about it half the retro games I play really aren' t great, and I wouldn' t consider buying if I saw them in a store today. It' s more about the experience.
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