::LOTUSSON:: The Poll

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::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 04:39
A valued asset to Kikizo or a deadly plague?

Asset: 1 (Rampage)
Plague: 1 (fathoms)

The battle' s heating up!!!

Ready your pokemon!
< Message edited by lotusson -- 12/20/2004 4:44:14 AM >

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 04:41

ORIGINAL: lotusson

(why do you all hate me?

Just because, lol. Definately a valued member. You' ve been valued since GW.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 04:47
Valued Asset.

What, surprised?

It' s not my problem that you constantly zone in on me, or trying to prove that certain other people have a problem with me. I have over 1000 posts here. A very tiny percentage have anything to do with arguments like the one tonight, and you know that. You also know that most ALL of those arguments are with YOU, with a few of your little friends to bash me right along with you... and generally, for no reason.

You act like you' re innocent, and pretend that I' m 100% guilty. You need to ease up off me for two seconds and act like an adult. You keep bringing up maturity, but objectivity eludes you. I can be objective in a poll like this, looking at your history. Can you? Can your pathetic cronies? Of course not.

And THAT' S the point.
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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 04:49
Seriously, just don' t type anymore. You' ve been pwned. There' s nothing more you can do. You have lost gour dignity, go back to gamespot with the other biased fanboys.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 04:51

Seriously, just don' t type anymore. You' ve been pwned. There' s nothing more you can do. You have lost gour dignity, go back to gamespot with the other biased fanboys.

I' ll make sure to let them know you said that. They always enjoy random forumites in other forums making baseless accusations because they feel like it. Most of them in that one forum I post in over there are twice as old as you and know more about games than you could ever hope to know. But good assumption, though.
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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 04:55
I used to post there. It was crap. So what if they are twice as old as me. Think I care? You think they know more about games, think what you want. Tell them for all I care. Gamespot sucks, and that' s why you feel right at home there.

Btw, most of my proffesors agree that that forum is crap... yes, the same people that work in the field. Most of them don' t even like gamespot.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 04:55

You act like you' re innocent, and pretend that I' m 100% guilty. You need to ease up off me for two seconds and act like an adult. You keep bringing up maturity, but objectivity eludes you. I can be objective in a poll like this, looking at your history. Can you? Can your pathetic cronies? Of course not.


I' m sorry, the maturity, act like an adult crap was hilarious. You do realize that in all the arguments you get in with lotusson, you end up acting far more immature than he does, right?

Plague. Kikizo doesn' t need horribly biased fanboys.

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 04:58

I used to post there. It was crap. So what if they are twice as old as me. Think I care? You think they know more about games, think what you want. Tell them for all I care. Gamespot sucks, and that' s why you feel right at home there.

Btw, most of my proffesors agree that that forum is crap... yes, the same people that work in the field. Most of them don' t even like gamespot.

Didn' t post where I post. Most public forums there ARE crap. Private forums...it' s the only places that matter.
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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 05:04
Ooooooo... is fathoms in a secret private sony fanboy club?! Did you get a cool secret decoder ring? If so, I may have to through away my ittelegence just so I can join.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 05:09

You act like you' re innocent, and pretend that I' m 100% guilty. You need to ease up off me for two seconds and act like an adult. You keep bringing up maturity, but objectivity eludes you. I can be objective in a poll like this, looking at your history. Can you? Can your pathetic cronies? Of course not.

And you consider yourself mature?!?

I smell a bit of hypocrisy.

I wouldn' t talk of maturity and objectivity -- then end with calling other people cronies. Doesn' t..... doesn' t really go hand in hand.

And at which point did I get cronies?

Like I' m commanding them to argue with you or something......

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 05:10
This has become a night to remember (or day depending on your timezone :P), this battle has now spilled over to 3 threads.

The endurance from all combatents I salute you!

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 05:15

Ooooooo... is fathoms in a secret private sony fanboy club?! Did you get a cool secret decoder ring? If so, I may have to through away my ittelegence just so I can join.

I would never join a private forum to talk about videogames.

Just getting an invitation simply means you’ve been invited to join a hive mind where everyone else thinks like you, talks like you, and share the same opinions on games as you (give or take a few). Getting invited means the forum has expectations of how you are to act. And disagreeing, and causing trouble with your alternative opinions typically isn’t one of them.

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 05:23

This has become a night to remember (or day depending on your timezone :P), this battle has now spilled over to 3 threads.

Possibly four!

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 06:03

I would never join a private forum to talk about videogames.

Just getting an invitation simply means you’ve been invited to join a hive mind where everyone else thinks like you, talks like you, and share the same opinions on games as you (give or take a few). Getting invited means the forum has expectations of how you are to act. And disagreeing, and causing trouble with your alternative opinions typically isn’t one of them.

Or, it COULD be that due to the massive colony of idiots that infests the GS forums that we wanted to create a place, a haven, for real gamers who don' t want to deal with the thousands of posts of insanity. It' s not a private forum, either; it' s public. What I meant is, it was created privately but is open to anyone.
< Message edited by fathoms -- 12/20/2004 5:38:21 PM >
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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 07:17
I can' t really make a comment on this poll because Lotusson doesn' t have an avatar. What does THAT have to do with anything? Well I' m a very visually oriented person, and having an avatar makes me remember a member' s identity more. So while I' ve probably read a ton of Lotusson posts, his personality doesn' t really stand out in my mind.

One thing I' ve noticed, though, that I think you should change is to let your argument speak for itself and stop telling people that you' ve " owned" or " pwnd" them. If you are confident with your case, then it' s unnecessary and really looks bad. Don' t stoop to their level. It' s like winning a race, turning to the guy who came in second and saying " I won!" . No duh.

< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 12/20/2004 7:18:34 AM >

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 20, 2004 17:43
Hell, I' m thinking about making it five. To date I have made more people leave, insulted more people...I believe I even insulted an entire country once here as well. If you guys are looking for true evil...don' t look much farther than me.

BTW...where are the sigs?
< Message edited by yoshimitsu15 -- 12/20/2004 5:44:29 PM >
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature:

" by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." -Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 21, 2004 02:05
I will address both of the individuals discussed in this thread...

First, lotusson, we have gotten along very well...I respect you for your even-tempered style. just like fathoms said, you are an asset to Kikizo.

Now, for all of you out there that have the nerve to jump all over fathoms again...I will say it like this - " You mess with him, you mess with me..."

fathoms has done nothing but keep people in line, while trying to share his videogaming experience with those less knowledgeable. And what does he get for his efforts? A bi*ch slap!

Well, thank you for your support, people!

Maybe next time, you can hang him at high noon!

Better yet, maybe he should become sheriff and put a few of you folks out of you misery.


Who cares about his past on this or that website...we' re talking about what he brings to Kikizo here and now...

You should try to better understand his position, not crucify him for the little or nothing you really know about him.

In summarization - lotusson and fathoms, there are those of us here that admire you and appreciate your contributions to Kikizo.

Just keep being yourselves...
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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 21, 2004 02:43

" You mess with him, you mess with me..."

...please, spare me your triumphant saving of this lost soul.

fathoms has done nothing but keep people in line

Is that why the majority of flames are started by, or initiated by fathoms' posts?

Who cares about his past on this or that website...we' re talking about what he brings to Kikizo here and now...

His past is his present. He hasn' t changed, ever.

You should try to better understand his position, not crucify him for the little or nothing you really know about him.

What position is that? The position of pretending to know everything about everything? Does he deserve some kind of un-earned respect because he' s been playing video games since Pong? I' m sorry, but people must earn other peoples' respect (ok, I' m not really sorry). I have disagreed with many people in my life, yet respected them at the same time because of how they presented their viewpoint. Fathoms is incapable of discussing/disagreeing/arguing his viewpoint without extreme bias, no matter what that bias may be. He will blow up at the hint that you may disagree with his views (as seen in a thread about GT4 being delayed), displaying the highest level of immaturity that I have ever witnessed from someone past the age of puberty.

Fathoms is a plague on everyone he meets, but the people that I really feel sorry for are those that can' t see through his facade and are actually fooled by his so-called logic. There' s a reason this is my first post (actually I posted in the fathoms thread too) in [insert number of months here]. That reason is fathoms.

btw, lotossun seems like a swell guy. I couldn' t imagine him being anything other than an asset to whatever online community he' s involved in.
< Message edited by skurf -- 12/21/2004 2:45:03 AM >

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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 21, 2004 12:58
You ever watch Armageddon?

Not many supported the style of Willis' character, but all respected him for his success.

I liken the Willis character to fathoms' ...

As such, I will stand by my decision. Loyalty means nothing to most of the younger generation...fathoms, you have a loyal friend in me.

***sword being pulled from sheath***

It' s time for battle...let those dark souls see the light of good, before they are da**ed to the horrors of the he** they have worked so hard to build!

Yes, it is a bit dramatic...but fathoms has been nothing less than a good friend to me. He was one of the first to welcome me to the Kikizo forums, and he has treated me with nothing less than complete respect since that time.

As for lotusson (I haven' t forgotten you either), you are well-respected and a definite asset to Kikizo as well.
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 12/21/2004 1:00:26 PM >
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RE: ::LOTUSSON:: The Poll - Dec 21, 2004 20:38

In summarization - lotusson and fathoms, there are those of us here that admire you and appreciate your contributions to Kikizo.

I agree, though threads like this shouldn' t be here. I refuse to ban anyone when all they are doing is debating. It' s cheap shots, bitching and cussing that' s not allowed. I will try and keep a closer eye on what happens. It would be nice to have a proper mod around. Preferably from outside the existing community.