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The Official/Unofficial Memorial Celebrity Awareness Kikizo Faceplate Worklog For the Cure
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The Official/Unofficial Memorial Celebrity Awareness Kikizo Faceplate Worklog For the Cure
Aug 05, 2008 16:09
If you've got one, can you send me a larger image/psd/whatever of the Kikizo K, and Kikizo logo itself? Thanks.
<message edited by Eddie_the_Hated on Nov 18, 2008 21:00>
Adam Doree
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Re:Hey Adam!
Aug 05, 2008 17:05
What sort of resolution are we talking. I've got versions of the logo so big my PC can barely open them. How geeky is that. Also, what's it for?
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
Re:Hey Adam!
Aug 05, 2008 21:36
Hmm... methinks a case mod is in the works.
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Re:Hey Adam!
Aug 06, 2008 00:30
He's obviously getting a full body tatoo
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- Location: Wayne, MI
Re:Hey Adam!
Aug 06, 2008 00:59
Hmm... methinks a case mod is in the works. LOL! Me? Casemod. You're funny. He's obviously getting a full body tatoo You guessed it. What sort of resolution are we talking. Final product will be five or so inches across. I just need something larger than the current logo. Somewhere between double that one, and full screen size will do (I prefer to go a little large, as I can always resize before I ship it off. PM'd.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
Re:Hey Adam!
Aug 06, 2008 01:55
I got a Kikizo tatto on my ass but they said they spelled it wrong and now i cant use a toaster.
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- Location: Wayne, MI
Re:Hey Adam!
Aug 06, 2008 02:02
...are you wasted?
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
Re:Hey Adam!
Aug 06, 2008 04:18
It sounds more like he's stoned.
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Re:Hey Adam!
Aug 07, 2008 04:34
And you can tell this just by reading? Damn you're good 
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Re:Hey Adam!
Aug 07, 2008 04:43
maybe he meant toilet
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Re:Hey Adam!
Aug 07, 2008 13:24
And you can tell this just by reading? Damn you're good It makes sense. If you're drunk, your fine motor coordination goes down the shitter. Not so when you're high, at least not the potheads I know. Ghost becomes more articulate when high, at least in writing anyway. It's actually really funny.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
Re:Hey Adam!
Aug 08, 2008 05:28
I doubt I'm more articulate (if so it's ony because I try more) but I tend to have better ideas, assuming it's a pure Sativa and not an Indica.
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- Location: Wayne, MI
Re:Hey Adam!
Nov 08, 2008 03:36
After about three months, and tons of email tag, I've finally gotten the stuff I need to finish this project. I did a test plate tonight, and the results look pretty sweet, if I do say so myself. Methodology, and tons of photos later this week.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
Re:Hey Adam!
Nov 08, 2008 14:47
I dont remember writing that post... Looking forward to the case mod eddie...
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- Location: Wayne, MI
Re:Hey Adam!
Nov 18, 2008 21:14
NOVEMBER 18th, 2008 One stock Xbox 360 Faceplate. Buttons removed, face sanded. I'm experimenting with using vynil stamps as decals, and so far, the results have been promising. I dust the portion of faceplate I want the Kikizo logo on in black, to provide a black outline for the text. I apply the decal, in preparation for painting the other two layers of color. because I fouled up my decal request, the guy that runs these off for me sent me what I ordered, which was just the outlines, where I really wanted the entire deal, with just the lines cut. This means I had to tape up the outline of the plate by hand. It'll all make more sense when the results are final, some time next week, however, I did get excited and do a two-tone mock-up plate...
Joe Redifer
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Re:Hey Adam!
Nov 18, 2008 21:37
Pretty nice! That faceplate and similar ones should be on all of the Xbox 360's at the next E3. Talk about a cool promotion. I think I like the first pic best, with the black lettering on white.
<message edited by Joe Redifer on Nov 18, 2008 21:39>
Johnny Jiron
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Re:Hey Adam!
Nov 19, 2008 03:52
Lovely. Very well done.
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Re:Hey Adam!
Nov 19, 2008 04:01
Thanks guys. It's not finished yet. The blue was a five minute job, (as you can see, the ROL plastic has been totally obscured) and the black on white was just a black decal on a white plate for sizing. The final plate will be blue, with black outlined white text, and it'll be shipped to somebody here. You'll get a PM if it's you. If any of you guys are interested, I'll be doing custom plates after this period of my semester ends.
Chee Saw
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Re:Hey Adam!
Nov 19, 2008 06:55
I forgot we had private messages! So, Eddie, are you charging cash for these custom faceplates? I've got Cheesaw License plates, might as well get a Cheesaw faceplate as well.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
Re:Hey Adam!
Nov 19, 2008 07:08
Nice man. Simple and it looks great.
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