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 microsoft and nintendo buddying up?
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microsoft and nintendo buddying up? - May 12, 2006 08:18

In an unprecedented move, top Microsoft executive Peter Moore tells Yahoo News and Reuters that PS3 is over-priced at $500 and $600, and that consumers are going to choose the Xbox 360 and Wii. Is buddying up with Nintendo a smart strategy for Microsoft?

Wow Microsoft really hates Sony huh? Well i can see why they copy their live service and Sony bashes MS for having 2 sku' s and doing a world launch and said they would never do that and guess what they are doing this fall? haha

This coud be good news for the Wii back library and the Rare games like goldeneye and the original Perfect Dark which was WAY better then it' s rushed 360 counterpart.

Plus MS knows that Nintendo has a BIG following in Japan and they do so they might get a boost in Japan is Nintendo helps out.

For high def games go with the 360 and for different innovated games and the back library get the Wii. For the same price of the PS3 pro bundle.

what do all you think?

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RE: microsoft and nintendo buddying up? - May 12, 2006 08:28
I don' t think they' re buddying up. I think they seem to have a bit of mutual respect for each other especially microsoft for nintendo since their buying rare. Also it' s interesting to note that microsoft is letting rare develop diddy kong racing for the ds to add to their library. So it would be interesting is all of a sudden you had a zelda port for the 360 and halo for the wii. I know it' s hardly likely but it' s fun to dream.

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RE: microsoft and nintendo buddying up? - May 12, 2006 08:30
Xbox+GC sold around half of what ps2 sold.

So ofc they want sony to lose some of their market.
And by trashtalking sony together they will both win on it,espeaclly since the price will be the same for a xbox360+nintendo wii as for a ps3.

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RE: microsoft and nintendo buddying up? - May 12, 2006 08:34

ORIGINAL: dasher232

So it would be interesting is all of a sudden you had a zelda port for the 360 and halo for the wii. I know it' s hardly likely but it' s fun to dream.

lol. imagine playing halo3, turning a corner and seeing Samus roll up. Cortana catches the chief looking just a little too long and gets all jealous.


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RE: microsoft and nintendo buddying up? - May 12, 2006 08:41
that was a good one nekkid

oh how about this Master Chief on Smash brothers

Hey why not? Solid snake is on it.

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RE: microsoft and nintendo buddying up? - May 12, 2006 08:43
sorry i forgot to put the link on.
Game Junkie

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RE: microsoft and nintendo buddying up? - May 12, 2006 08:45

Xbox+GC sold around half of what ps2 sold.

Thats a really bad statistic that isn' t representative of the whole picture. The fact of the matter is that a ridiculous amount of people bought more then one ps2 as throught the entire life of the console Sony has built a lot of defective units. Just ask anyone who has a ps2 and ask them how many they bought. Do the same for xbox and gamecube owners and you will see the difference. I myself owned a ps2, I bought it the Christmas of the year it launched. I was so pissed about Disc read error and Sonys dispicable customer support that I refused to buy another ps2. Theres no fucking way I will ever buy the same console twice. While its true that Sony has the largest market share this gen, I doubt it has the same ratio as the amount of consoles sold.

Meanwhile, my 360 has recently died on me so I called MS support and they' re going to replace it with a new one free of charge and my 3 month warrenty is up. I can' t comment on Nintendo' s customer support as I' ve never seen a defective Nintendo console.

As for nintendo and MS double teaming Sony, I doubt they discussed it with eachother. More likely they are just thinking the samer thing, 360 and ps3 have similar gaming capabilities only one is competitively priced while the other is not, and Wii stands out on its own.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 12 May 06 0:52:14 >

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RE: microsoft and nintendo buddying up? - May 12, 2006 08:51
true true.

My nintendo stuff all works fine first one of each and each going strong. My xbox also works which is a godo thing seieng how i bought it on ebay :-p

my 360 i bought at my work (best buy) and i bought the PRP (product replacement plan) which means if anythign goes wrong i take it back and get a new one for free for 2 years

by the way i bought like 2 or 3 PS1' s and PS2' s lost count. So no way am i buying one for $600 especially at launch well atleast my work wil sell a bunch of PRPs hehe.

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RE: microsoft and nintendo buddying up? - May 12, 2006 09:32
Big mouth Peter Moore said that? The boring big balooka? That is smooth, something I truly would not have expected. Perhaps there is more to this though. After all, Nintendo is currently the second biggest console influence in Japan, not to mention the leading handheld maker, regardless of locale.

Microsoft is having a VERY hard time establishing itself over in Japan. Foreign titles do not sell well because, if memory serves me, they sell non-Japanese made titles in a Foreign designated area of the store. Finally, Japanese gamers definately do not have the same tastes for games as the European and American markets, even though Europeans and Americans DO like Japanese titles well enough. How does a company overcome such a stubborn base? By knocking the biggest company down to size, even if they need to prop up the opposition to do it.

By publicly supporting Nintendo, Microsoft hopes to establish themselves in the eyes of the Japanese gamers. Furthermore, Microsoft is banking on the notion that most people are only going to spend approximately $500-$600 American on consoles per console generation. In order to usurp the large, Sony userbase, Microsoft seems to be appealing to Sony fans to abandon the PS3 and spend the cash instead on the Wii, whose titles like Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Zelda, Wario, etc. for a cheaper cost, AND still be able to afford a 360 and a more traditional, and graphically superior (to the Wii anyways) console. Furthermore, this will undoubtedly open up for subtle cross promotions between Nintendo and Microsoft' s intellectual properties. I thought (and still think) that seeing Master Chief in a Smash Bros. is unlikely, but the odds have increased from virtually nill a year ago.

In short, I think Microsoft is wisely buddying up with Nintendo to grab the average gamers' more limited budgets, and in the process, garner some attention from the Japanese Sony user base. 1MS+1Nintendo=1Sony cost wise, but 2 consoles are greater than one. And remember, there are WAY more people with limited budgets that can barely afford a PS3 than those that can afford all three.
< Message edited by vdig -- 11 May 06 20:34:58 >

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