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Uwe Boll wants a fight...
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Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
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Uwe Boll wants a fight...
Jun 16, 2006 00:23
IGN This is obviously for publicity, however I truly hope one of those critics is a boxer and knocks Bolls head clear off.
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RE: Uwe Boll wants a fight...
Jun 16, 2006 05:47
....that reminds me... ....did anyone bother seeing Uwe' s Bloodrayne movie?... ....was it any good??..
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Uwe Boll wants a fight...
Jun 16, 2006 06:14
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ....that reminds me... ....did anyone bother seeing Uwe' s Bloodrayne movie?... ....was it any good??.. Is that supposed to be funny?
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RE: Uwe Boll wants a fight...
Jun 19, 2006 21:35
...naw man... ......if you like vampires and TX' s, is it worth checking out?....
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Uwe Boll wants a fight...
Jun 19, 2006 22:50
I heard it was awful. And anything Uwe Boll makes is crap, dont you know that?
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RE: Uwe Boll wants a fight...
Jun 20, 2006 00:02
...y' know... ...i' d actually never herd of Uwe Boll before coming here..... ...could you give a list of his previous offerings to illustrate his ineptitude?...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 19 Jun 06 16:27:30 >
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Uwe Boll wants a fight...
Jun 20, 2006 00:27
The only two I' ve seen are House of the Dead and Alone in the Dark. I walked out of the theater on House of the Dead. I got Alone in the Dark out of a bargain bin. It' s on my self right now. I' ve tried to watch it several times, but I can' t make it to the end. It' s too terrible. I mean, how could this guy know anything about the Alone in the Dark franchise and decide to make a stupid action movie out of it???? ...and who the hell keeps giving him money to make movies???????? I remember seeing the previews for Bloodrayne on TV. It looked like made-for-tv quality. I' ve seen sitcoms with a better sense of atmosphere. Damn, I just looked up his filmography. Sorry Far Cry fans....
< Message edited by nekkid_monkey -- 19 Jun 06 16:41:23 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Uwe Boll wants a fight...
Jun 20, 2006 01:18
He gets money for making crap films, its some sort of German loop hole. Seriously.
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RE: Uwe Boll wants a fight...
Jun 20, 2006 02:10
" Director Credits: Bloodrayne (2006), Dungeon Siege (2006), Alone in the Dark (2005), Heart of America: Homeroom (2005), The House of the Dead (2003), Blackwoods (2002), Sanctimony (2000) " .....is that all?..... ...a thought this dude might of made some well known crap like Charile' s Angels 2 or You' ve got Mail (actually ANY film featuring meg ryan)..... ....guy seems like a nobody to me..... I remember seeing the previews for Bloodrayne on TV. It looked like made-for-tv quality. I' ve seen sitcoms with a better sense of atmosphere. ...so no decent special effects, blood or violence? .....hasn' t it got some pretty big name actors in it too?.... ...what about the TX lady?... ...is she mean??...
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Uwe Boll wants a fight...
Jun 20, 2006 02:51
He did manage to get Ben Kingsley...how he pulled that is beyond me. Other actors range from avg to lesser known including Michael Madsen (Species, Kill Bill) and Michelle Rodriguez(The Fast and the Furious,Resident Evil). Its supposed to be heavy in violence and sexual inuendo...but if you need that just go get some goth porn. Here maybe the only reason to waste time with the movie: But like I said better off with some goth porn. ANd heres some info from Wikipedia: Uwe Boll This is my favorite remark on Boll: When rumors appeared that Uwe Boll expressed interest in a Metal Gear Solid movie, Metal Gear director Hideo Kojima responded in his audioblog HIDECHAN, " Absolutely not! I don' t know why Uwe Boll is even talking about this kind of thing. We' ve never talked to him. It' s impossible that we' d ever do a movie with him." [7]
< Message edited by Mass X -- 19 Jun 06 19:11:59 >
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RE: Uwe Boll wants a fight...
Jun 21, 2006 03:35
 ...green peppers, eh?... ...yum!... ...Michael Madson is cool anyway... ...Michelle Rodriguez too (she rocked in Resi)... ...does she play a vampire too?... ...i can definitely imagine her as one... ..as for metal gear, there' s only person who should be let anywhere near a film version, and that' s Kijoma-san ofc..... But like I said better off with some goth porn. ....goth porn?.. ..what would you recommend??.....
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