ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical
Quake 4 was truly wasted potential, Quake 2 was really awesome.
Quake 2 still remains one of the most compelling games i' ve ever played. I was obsessed with it for what must of been a couple of years. Everything about it was flawless (for the time). The music, the physics, the sound the graphics... it was an amazing experience in 97/98.
But then Half Life was released almost 12 months later and turned the FPS genre upside down. After that, straight up shooters in the same vein as Quake 2 simply weren' t enough. Doom 3 was different in that it revelled in nostalgia and was a technical benchmark. It helped that it also had great art direction and that everything about is had been perfectly crafted - from the character models to the players hands and PDA. Quake 4 on the otherhand was a technical mess, featured some seriously awful character, weapon and level designs and simply didn' t feel like a sequel to Quake 2.
The mistake id made was handing development over to Raven Software. Not that they' re a terrible development studio, they' ve had a handful of decent titles like HeXen, Soldier of Fortune and the Jedi Knight games. But those games still weren' t of the same calibre that id' s inhouse developed titles were.
id Software made the same mistake with Quake Wars. It could have been their follow up to Quake III Arena and a direct competitor to UT3 and CoD4. Instead, it' s sat rotting courtesy of poor game design and a lack of technical proficiency compared to it' s peers.
I have this thing about hands in first person shooters. I figure that if i' m going to spend the entire game looking at a gun and some hands, they better be modeled properly. The hands in Quake 2 are still superior to the vast majority of those in other games, even far more recent ones. The hands in Doom 3 are possibly the best, maybe with the exception of those in BioShock.
Prey was a long time coming and turned up with archaic game design, lame art direction and a seriously poor b-movie storyline. It was released nearly 2 years after Half Life 2 and while it has some nice texture work (or had in 2006), the game as a whole is laughable compared to it' s peers..
When you look at the competition in the genre now, a game has to be something special to even make a dent. Medal of Honor: Airborne would have been great, once upon a time, ...but compared to the likes of CoD4 and Crysis, it' s little more than a hiccup.
The same kind of applies to Halo 3. It hasn' t evolved with the times and it' s game design is archaic. If Bungie had licensed UE3.0 i feel that it would have been far more technically impressive, ...but it would have sacrificed that " look" . It' s not a great looking game, ...it' s passable as a console title, but it should have been the best looking game on the platform at it' s time of release and it wasn' t even close. Worse still, the lame ass Resistance: Fall of Man which i' ve dogged for being fugly in areas is still a better looking agme than Halo 3.
Not that it' s all about the looks. Halo 3 is gun, but where every other FPS has adopted using ironsights, sprint commands and the ability to cook grenades... Halo 3 just feels old before its time.
I don' t know what makes a shooter good, but i know what i like, and what i don' t like is trash like Quake 4 and Prey