Metal Gear Solid 3 The Last In The Trilogy

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Vincent Cook
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Metal Gear Solid 3 The Last In The Trilogy - Nov 08, 2004 20:05
Hey guys. I don' t know if you already know this but Metal Gear Solid 3 is going to be the last game in the metal gear solid trilogy. I don' t know about the metal gear series in general. Hideo could surely make another couple of games if he wanted to, right?

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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3 The Last In The Trilogy - Nov 11, 2004 06:28
People say theres gonna be a mgs4 but i guess that if hideo says is the end then is the end
-The Worst Thing You Can Say About A Game Is Say Its Just A Game-

Vincent Cook
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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3 The Last In The Trilogy - Nov 11, 2004 20:04 There' s a metal gear solid 4 horrah. Check this out...

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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3 The Last In The Trilogy - Nov 11, 2004 20:37
Meh, even if it was the last Metal Gear Solid I' m sure they' d invent a new Metal Gear subtitle for a new game.

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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3 The Last In The Trilogy - Nov 11, 2004 23:16
The thing is, prior to the Solid trilogy there were two NES/MSX Metal Gears.

If they wanted to call it Metal Gear Liquid or Gas then fair enough.

Vincent Cook
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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3 The Last In The Trilogy - Nov 13, 2004 16:31
Lol. They would still be good games.