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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Dec 31, 2004 11:06
Hubby is cooking dinner tonight, while I' ll be sitting back and playing Morrowind. We might take the kids out to the ski hill later for some celebrations. Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO KIKIZO AND EVERYONE HERE!

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RE: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Dec 31, 2004 12:50

Joe Redifer
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RE: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Dec 31, 2004 17:04
It' ll probably be a mediocre new year for me. Is that against the law?

Mass X
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RE: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Dec 31, 2004 20:10
Still 2 hours til our balls drop over here. HAPPY NEW YEARS TO THOSE IN CELEBRATION AND THOSE WAITING!!!

Terry Bogard
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RE: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Dec 31, 2004 20:47

Still 2 hours til our balls drop over here.

LOL, wow that sounds quite painful

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RE: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Jan 01, 2005 01:04
Happy New Year All!
New Years hit about 5 hours ago here

Terry Bogard
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RE: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Jan 01, 2005 05:14
" It is the year 2005, the treacherous Decepticons have conquered the Autobots' home planet of Cybertron."

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RE: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Jan 01, 2005 07:58

Ohh, went to a cool party last night. *sigh* it was such a cool night. Now I' ve got a few days off work which I intend to enjoy to the max.

Adam Doree
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RE: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Jan 01, 2005 16:04
Watched the fireworks on the Embankment in london yesterday with some buddies, it was ram packed. Could have been worse!

My friend Stefan got married in Seattle on NY Eve, so, yay Stefan!

Mass X
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RE: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Jan 01, 2005 16:08
Congrats to him and awsome time to do so.

I sort of saw some fireworks cross the lake. But minnesota has been hit wind a huge windstorm,previous icestorm,and currently a hailstorm pelting the hell out of everything blahg[:' (]. However this isnt all bad news for me since its an awsome time for photos.

Joe Redifer
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RE: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Jan 01, 2005 16:11
I went over to my sister' s house and the rest of the family showed up as well (except my niece). Most left around 12:30am but I stayed until after 4:00am chattin' and stuff.

Be prepared for Autobot City (which isn' t far from Vail, Colorado) to get destroyed this year. Yes, I' m afraid this year will see even more tragedy and death. So if you see giant robots approaching from the sky, you might want to hop on your turbo airboard and skeedaddle on out of there!

< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 1/1/2005 4:12:32 PM >

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RE: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Jan 01, 2005 18:33
kind of dull new year' s here as well. What can you do.

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RE: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! - Jan 02, 2005 16:30
Happy New Year, everybody!

My New Year' s Eve was spent at home drinking wine coolers, snacking on pizza rolls and chips/dip, and watching I-robot and the Dick Clark Rockin' New Year' s Eve Show.

Not overly exciting, but definitely relaxing...
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