What are your favorite military quotes of all time.

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Mikey G
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What are your favorite military quotes of all time. - Oct 07, 2004 01:59
Please choose your top 3 favorite military quotes from this website if you do not know of any.: http://www.military-quotes.com/quotes.htm

My top 3 are:

1.) No b*stard ever won a war by dying for his country.
He won it by making the other poor dumb b*stard die for his country- General Patton.
2.) The death of one is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic- Josef Stalin
3.)A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon- Napoleon Bonaparte
< Message edited by mikey g -- 10/7/2004 2:07:24 AM >
" Life' s a garden, dig it."

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RE: What are your favorite military quotes of all time. - Oct 07, 2004 02:10
I can only think of one:

" Kill! Kill! Stab! Twist! Kill!"
" A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever" - Shigeru Miyamoto

Mikey G
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RE: What are your favorite military quotes of all time. - Oct 07, 2004 02:14
Your one crazy guy Doakie!
" Life' s a garden, dig it."

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RE: What are your favorite military quotes of all time. - Oct 07, 2004 13:16
Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.
- General George Patton Jr

" There is no victory at bargain basement prices."
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower

" No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation"
- General Douglas MacArthur

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RE: What are your favorite military quotes of all time. - Oct 07, 2004 15:10
My father' s fav was (and still is) Jesus, Mary and Joseph
< Message edited by Sharon -- 10/7/2004 3:11:50 PM >

Mikey G
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RE: What are your favorite military quotes of all time. - Oct 07, 2004 22:25

" There is no victory at bargain basement prices."
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower

ha-ha. Thats awesome!
" Life' s a garden, dig it."

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RE: What are your favorite military quotes of all time. - Oct 08, 2004 01:16

" There is no victory at bargain basement prices."
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower

ha-ha. Thats awesome!

Thanks...I just wish Bush and Cheney would have thought of this quote before they sent our troops to war for false causes!
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 10/8/2004 1:18:48 AM >
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RE: What are your favorite military quotes of all time. - Oct 08, 2004 04:57
I am closing my 52 years of military service. When I joined the army, even before the turn of the century, it was the fulfillment of all my boyish hopes and dreams. The world has turned over many times since I took the oath on the plain at West Point, and the hopes and dreams have long since vanished, but I still remember the refrain of one of the most used barracks ballads of that day which proclaimed most proudly that old soldiers never die; they just fade away. And like the old soldier of that ballad, I now close my military career and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty. Goodbye.-General MacArthur

One of the better retirement quotes and probably his most memorable quote.
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RE: What are your favorite military quotes of all time. - Oct 09, 2004 03:55
what is so proud in fading away?

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RE: What are your favorite military quotes of all time. - Oct 09, 2004 06:52
*shakes head*

I can almost see the words going right over your head.
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature:

" by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." -Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass

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RE: What are your favorite military quotes of all time. - Oct 10, 2004 04:29
" Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
- Prime Minister Winston Churchill
(about the Royal Air Force)