I went to IKEA today. I was going to buy a couple of lamps, maybe a nice tea cup or something. Didn' t expect to spend more than $40.
I ended up wasting over $360
IKEA has so many things that you just want to have in your home when you see them. A nice and soft bathroom carpet, a cool soap bar cup, some nice cutlery etc.
You just keep picking things up as you go and then when you' re at the cash register you just don' t know what happened.
I' m lucky I had more than enough money to mindlessly spend on the stuff but it' s not always I can do that. So if you ever go to IKEA, I suggest you decide what to buy before hand or you might do what I did today
And the time flies as well. I was there for well over four hours, but it felt like half an hour.
It' s a good thing you can buy loads food for practically nothing there...
I think I just spent some game designated money on IKEA products