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Who hasn' t played Crysis? / Did Crytek hit their GDC 2006 trailer target? / All videos added to OP
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Who hasn' t played Crysis? / Did Crytek hit their GDC 2006 trailer target? / All videos a
May 16, 2008 18:32
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 16, 2008 18:44
i didn' t but i would love to, the reason is not owning a computer strong enough to even run it at medium, i' m planning to buy a beast in the not so distant futur, with a 8800 GTS 512 as the absolute minimum, but i have the next nvidia card 9900 GT in sight. One thing i would like to know and i want an honest answer, does the game look like the pictures that were shown some months before the game launch, i still have in my mind the jungle that looks freakingly amazing and lifelike, were those bullshots ? i was disapointed by many screens after the launch.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 16, 2008 19:33
I played it but have yet to finish it. Hope i do that after exams. Aba, i think the 8800GT is the best performance/money deal out there so you may want to check it out. Yes the game looks absolutely amazing on highest settings and still looks great on medium. Nitro uploaded some screens in earlier threads and he will upload some vids so you can see for yourself.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 16, 2008 19:43
Played the Demo and liked that, basically just been too lazy to pick it up, plus had some PC issues as well, trying to get dual boot working on my PC and it keeps crapping up every couple of weeks. I will get round to getting it though, once dual boot and PC issues are resolved.
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RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 16, 2008 19:45
Grayfox, i think the 8800 gts 512 is a better deal, don' t confuse it with the old 8800 gts which is less powerful than the 8800 GT. the new version offers a close performance to the 8800 GTX, with 20 dollars or so more than the GT' s price, it runs cooler, consumes less, you still can' t go wrong with both choices infact, but from what i read in the forums and a couple of article with benchmarks along, the best card for the money is the new 8800 GTS. However this generation of graphic card is still not so appealing if you own a ps3 and a 360, those card can run smoothly any game released on any console platform at even 60 fps , yet they fail to offer the highest quality with Crysis at high resolutions, if we consider Crysis as the first game to offer a generation leap in PC gaming, what can we say about the future ? That' s why i' m more interestd in the new 9900 GT (GTX would be expensive for no use), this card will run anything similar to crysis and beyond smoothly at highest setting with a high resolution. it will also features DX 10.1 ( it' s always good to have it). so that' s how i see things and it all depends on my budget, if it' s tight by the time i decide to buy a pc , then the 8800 GTS will be.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 16, 2008 19:52
To be honest, the pre-release stuff pretty much pales in comparison to what we ended up with. I think maybe you' re talking about THIS shady-looking " Teh powar of DX10!!1!" trailer. Well for the most part the jungle in the retail version isn' t actually as dense as in that trailer. It must have been done relatively early in the development cycle because quite a lot of stuff from the early videos ended up being different. The Nano-suit and weapons etc... That said, the game is breathtaking. Birds, butterflies, bees, frogs, fish, chickens, turtles etc... it' s not perfect but the details are damn impressive. This is the game running on my laptop and shows what to expect from the retail version... This is denser custom map... I' ll do a video for you showing the various jungle areas in the game to give you a better idea :)
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 16, 2008 20:09
Then it wasn' t a wrong impression, i thought that my memory played a bad trick but the game does not look as amazing as the early stuff indeed. the pics you showed me are damn impressive , specialy the last one, but it' s not what i saw before, pretty close though. I remmember the jungle that almost looked real, that was crazy back then and still now. i guess back in 2006, devs themselves didn' t have the required hardware to run the game at a solid 30 fps with those details.
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 16, 2008 20:13
I played about half an hour' s worth a little while after it came out. It totally changed my opinion on the game. I can' t play it, because I don' t have a capable PC. I' ll be uploading some cool gameplay video' s over the weekend. If you haven' t played it and would like to see anything in particular, just say. Do something badass. I' ll leave what exactly to your judgment.
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- Joined: Sep 28, 2007
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 16, 2008 20:29
I played 30 min on it... and never came back, it' s just... too boring. [:' (]
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 16, 2008 21:34
ORIGINAL: killemoff I played 30 min on it... and never came back, it' s just... too boring. [:' (] Should have carried on playing...
Terry Bogard
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RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 16, 2008 23:55
Name: Terry Bogard Reason: Don' t play PC games. Don' t play first-person shooters (if that' s what Crysis is). Put Crysis on a console and make it a 3rd person shooter and I' ll be all over it!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 16 May 08 15:56:22 >
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RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 17, 2008 00:21
Crysis, done Contra style would be bad ass!
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RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 17, 2008 01:16
As soon as I upgrade my PC I' m buying it. From the sounds of it theres no point playing it on a mid-range PC. Although I' m still kinda disappointed dx10 doesn' t work better. They were promising it to be a performance booster more than anything over dx9, and it hasn' t really fulfilled.
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RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 17, 2008 01:29
I haven' t played because the only computer I own is a laptop for school use and of course being on Kikizo.com
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 17, 2008 01:57
ORIGINAL: Nitro ORIGINAL: killemoff I played 30 min on it... and never came back, it' s just... too boring. [:' (] Should have carried on playing... That' s such an awesome moment.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 17, 2008 03:11
but i have the next nvidia card 9900 GT in sight. GTX 260 (9900GTS) and GTX 280 (9900GTX) are the names of the next Nvidia GPUs. They' re changing their naming scheme. UnluckyOne I like your new avatar. Is that a sketch of yourself?
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 17, 2008 03:32
Well, working for gamestop (yes, I got a job with them a week ago  ) doesn' t exactly give me enough money for a decent PC. Otherwise, I would love to play it.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 17, 2008 04:02
I look forward to playing this on my laptop in 5 years time.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 17, 2008 04:17
GTX 260 (9900GTS) and GTX 280 (9900GTX) are the names of the next Nvidia GPUs. They' re changing their naming scheme. thanks for the news agent, seems like that just made it yesterday to the net. i like those names much better, i was wondering if they were going with the 5 digits, glad they didn' t.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Who hasn' t played Crysis?
May 17, 2008 04:41
I look forward to playing this on my laptop in 5 years time. Your laptop = Fail?
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