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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
Perfect Dark Zero
Nov 22, 2005 15:56
Picked this up today (limited edition, it was the same price as regular) and wow. First off, ifyou come across a same priced LE, buy it, The case is so damn cool. No text on it at all, just two beautiful pictures on a metal case. I' ll go into more depth on the game if people ask questions, but I' ll just say a few quick things now. I' ve only played multiplayer so far, but from there, I' d say the graphics are good, not great. Some slight tearing issues, but only on one of the levels. Some things will look amazing, while others just ok. 4 player split screen though, you can only expect so much. Gameplay wise, it is a blast. If you don' t like FPS you aren' t buying this game anyways, but if you do, have fun. Not horribly fast paced, but it' s all about the level design. only 6 multiplayer maps available, and I' ve played 5 out of six, and really enjoyed 4 of those. Definetly glad I bought it.