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 Video Game BS artists/Liars!
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Terry Bogard

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Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 19, 2005 13:25
So how many of you have ever come across people that tried to spoon feed you some uber BS about gaming? And what was the stupid lies they tried feeding ya?

I don' t know why but ever since I was in Junior High School I' ve been able to attract Video game BS artists almost every where I went. I remember back in my teen years I was reading an issue of EGM on the bus and some random guy I never met before sat next to me and was checking out the magazine real quickly and then proceded to hand me some BS about one of his relatives working for Sega OF JAPAN and how he gets a bunch of stuff for free from that relative. What killed me was that some of the games he pointed to in the magazine and claimed to own were friggin cancelled OR at least a year away from being released, but he supposedly had FULL version copies already, lol..

But my favorites are always the kids that claim that one of their Uncles, (for some bizarre reason it' s always an Uncle!) worked for Capcom OF JAPAN.. I' ve never called them out on the lie but I did ask questions just to further cement their lie. That' s always been the most fun part to me, lol. If they bothered to do any research they' d know how stupid they sounded.
Joe Redifer

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 19, 2005 14:37
One kid in my high school kept telling everyone he had Double Dragon for the NES back when it was really hard to find because they only made 3 or 4 copies. He said he bought it at Lionel Playworld (they turn that frown upside down). But lo and behold one of the teachers in the school' s second job was working at Lionel Playworld and he said they had never had the game in ever. Pawned! or Owned! Whichever works best!

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 25, 2005 16:34
Yeah it' s funny how many people BS you like that - even now I know people saying shit they misunderstood while reading or just made up for god knows what reason.

It' s incredible how they argue that they' re right and you just know they' re not

My tactics: Make them believe that you believe and have lots of fun provoking them to show some UBER stupidity :)
< Message edited by ]GaNgStA[ -- 26 Oct 05 0:35:37 >

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 25, 2005 16:58
It always pisses me off how people always finish every damn game on hardest diffculity and never had a problem with a game,never heard anyone say damn i sucked at it and played easy the whole game,its always bragging and lying,when you ask someone about a hard part,its always:" y that was pretty easy all i did was that and that" and you know they are full of shit,cause they are always unlucky when your at their home watching them die an die.
I was once called a big liar in my school,for saying i had 100 lifes in sonic,no one can ave 100 life in a video game everyone claimed...but if you get hit,you just need to be very fast and retake all the rings and you can be hit 100 times more.

Oh btw i got so angry at all liars,who had gotten aeris alive in FF7,no one has ever untill this day the developer even said they did not even let the player be able to do it with any secret,and they know that would hurt some players feeling,but even today we hear people getting aeris to life without any proof at all.

And i love those people who work at gamestores and doesnt know a shit,it was year 2002 2nd may my birthday >_< and i got 3000 kronor from my grandma,so i could buy a xbox and i was going into the store and my mom had droven me there and a clerk was like saying,omg no,you cant buy a xbox its useless buy a ps2 instead,or wait for gc tomorrow(gc release was 3 may) its basically gonna be the best console ever,did you like zelda 64 and mario 64? i said ofc,he said well those are like 1% of all great games coming to this baby,and he let me try the console and i played starwars rouge squadron,and he told my mom i had " fun" all the time,how the fukk could he know that?
And i said cool,i buy i later but i rather take xbox,and he said like-" omg your just gonna be sorry and come back with it next day,buy a ps2 or wait tomorrow and buy a gc" now at this time this sucker had pissed me off a bit :) he did not let me buy my xbox in fact he took the console out of my arms laying it back,and said you wanna play luigi mainsion?
Clearly this guy was a nintendo fanboy,and sick too :P
Anyway,i inisted on xbox and he gaved up,saying dont come to me when ffx is out.
A month later i came back and he recgonised me,making fun of me saying -" hah your like the only one who bought xbox but gj" ,and i said k?
And i said i wanted a gc,damn he was happy,i got a gc+mario for 1600 kronor,was a special prize.
A ps2 would cost me 3000 without a game
But clearly this guy was very childish,he probably wanted GC to sell much so he could import many GC games,cause my brother worked as a cleark and they have to decie how many and what games to import.
They cant say like 5 halo,they must say like 80 games,in like a package,but you can choose which majority of games.
Probably this fanboy had ordered to many GC and stuff.
I actually went back to him and bought a ps2,and asked him if he rembered me,and he said i must have been confused with someone else,and then said if you want games look over there(pointing at a gc corner) sick retarded guy.
He can be found in Sweden/Stockholm/lännavägen / on off.
Fat blonde guy :P
But when i think about it now he wasn' t so bad.

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 25, 2005 18:59
QuezcatoL, I feel your pain. The most BS about games I' ve been fed has been from people who work at Videogame stores. I' ve decided most know knothing, especially the ones in charge; managers and the like. I' ve been constently lied to, brushed aside and ignored throughout my childhood and teens by them when it came to asking for release dates, info on games, demos and pre orders.

Just for fun and already schooled up on the 360 a friend and I decided to ask game shops round town about it. My pre order hinged on which place could give me the best answrs. Sure enough most places knew the basics but tried to fob us off with rubbish at the same time:

  • MGS4 is apparently a dead cert and it' s been fully confirmed for 360.
  • Only the premium package with hard drive can go online.
  • You can play online with X-Box Live Silver from the box
  • Random theories on how the 360 can play X-Box games passed off as fact when we knew nothing about it.
  • Wired 360 joypads cant be used with a PC

I did actually find one place with a dude who knew everything I knew.

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 25, 2005 22:44
I' ll abreviate it but there are 3 examples that I can remember.

1. This kid who " had an uncle" that could get me Virtua Racing for the Mega Drvie/Genesis, this was back in 1993/4 when it was really new.

2. Another kid who could get free nintendo stuff from his " uncle" , this was about 4 years ago.

3. A kid who claimed that he put a Pentium 4 in his PS2 to make it go faster...

Another one I guess (this is related to a Mac gamer) who claim that you can put a pentium in a Mac but " you wouldn' t want to because they are crap" ... I' m dating her at the moment, apart from her Mac loving crap she' s cool. ;)
Joe Redifer

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 26, 2005 00:23
Today at a new game store I was checking out, the employee was talking about how crapily PS2 systems are built. The entire world knows that the PS2 is a notoriously unreliable piece of hardware, and he was telling me how Sony now fixes them for free. He was saying that the BluRay discs are what usually have problems playing. BluRay. of course since I am smarter than him I knew that he meant the PS2 CD-ROM discs which happen to be blue. But wow. BluRay limited to only 700MB?
Terry Bogard

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 26, 2005 00:38
Kind of reminds of a Best Buy clerk telling a customer that Redbook audio tracks in CDs are compressed and that he works with sounds on a website and how MP3s are better in quality. It took EVERYTHING I had to quickly make it out of that aisle before laughing.

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 26, 2005 03:40
Forgot a nice story,a young girl worked at siba,and i asked when a game came out,dont rememver which,and she said,we always get the game latest so i dont know when it came,and the clerk owner just look at her like...omg...
But siba is a very big company in Sweden,so it wasn' t so horrible.

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 26, 2005 05:18
Hehe listen to this then.
A guy at work says that he has pre-ordered a PS3 for about 800$ and that he will get it in the beginning of the next year. He managed to do this through " some anonymous contacts" he had at Sony...
Haha yeah right! He wasn' t joking around with me or anything, he was trying to be serious, but then again, he doesn' t follow the gaming industry so maybe he has no idea of how impossible it sounds.
Only three things can be said here:
1. He is lying... BIG TIME!
2. He has actually pre-ordered a Xbox360, that someone is selling at a really, really high price, but forgot the name of the console and is therefor calling it PS3.
3. Someone might have tricked him into actually paying 900$ for a console he will probably never get. Ohhh that' s gotta hurt!
Another reason to why you should keep yourself updated with the latest info on your interests and investments. And what other place could be better, especially for game interested people from the EU, than our own!!

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 26, 2005 05:38
Best Buy, and EB Games have the worst people to talk about video games to. One employee at Best Buy came up to me in the game section and started talking to me about Halo 2. My first response to him delt with how much I hated the game. He then switched to talking about multiplayer and I said it was fairly fun. then he told me he got his rank up to 48 in 5 hours. I smiled and walked away.

At EB there are so many stories. I really don' t even feel like getting into them. I luckily found a good EB in Fort Lauderdale that has educated gamers. Many of them go to my college. That was where I preordered my 360.
Mass X

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 26, 2005 07:02
Ya the EB Games I goto has one smart dude and one dumbass. Thing is the smart guy is to damn happy and energetic whereas the dumb is just there to work and nothing much more. I try to go when hes working since he knows he knows nothing and feels no need to puke up some BS.

Most the ppl I deal with at retailers such as EB tend to wanna just steal my money so that leads to them giving me a big list of BS.

BTW I have an uncle who works at Nintendo of Turkey and subs at Sony of Guam and he gives me all the new hot stuff 6 months before its even out! IS TRUE IS TRUUUE!!! PLZ BELEEV MEEEE PLEEEZ BALEEEV MEEE!!! Oya also his wife, my Aunt, sleeps with Bill Gates and got me an Xbox 360 3 months ago with fully working games like Mass Effect and NBA 2k9!!!!!

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 27, 2005 15:42
LoL, I believe u.

One day I was talking to this dude who was trying to bullshit me about xbox and especially halo 2. He said his buddy had halo 2 on DVD, full working non-pirate copy and he had gotten it from Mexico. Now this was 6 months prior to its release.
Then to see if he actually even knew anything about halo 2 i said " Too bad it has no multiplayer though" and he said " ye man it sucks" lol.

Oh and check out this link and tell me what u think of this scammer/dumbass

How the hell is he gonna ship the 360 on Nov 22 with all those games, when some of them are coming out in Dec and some next year (Ghost Recon in feb for ex)

**I' m a n00b, how do u put a link?????

< Message edited by albogino -- 28 Oct 05 7:51:07 >
Mass X

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RE: Video Game BS artists/Liars! - Oct 27, 2005 15:54
Put the link after the equal sign (=) and type out whatever you want between the brackets like so:
[link=hllp.www.whatever]A page a bout whatever[/link ] *

or get rid of the equal sign and put the link between the brackets like so

[link]hllp.Meow meow.commie[/link ] **

results should be like so

* Check out KIKIZO FO SHIZZLE!!!
< Message edited by Mass X -- 27 Oct 05 23:58:03 >

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