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sony bias site gamepro does a new sony interview...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
sony bias site gamepro does a new sony interview...
May 21, 2007 00:02
Omg... my head gonna hurt so much but anyway... http://www.gamepro.com/news.cfm?article_id=112408 " We ask SCEA president and CEO, Jack Tretton, all our burning questions about the PS3 at Sony' s 2007 Gamer' s Day." GP: What do you think has been the single best achievement on the PS3 so far? But the fact that we' ve got Blu-ray, Cell, RSX, Wi-Fi, memory card slots...as quiet as it is...zero problems with returns or overheating. It' s that sleek and that effective, for $599, is amazing. And if you looked at it in that context, you' d think it' d be $999, not $599. At least that' s the way I look at it as a consumer. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WHAT A LAME PIECE OF CRAP INTERVIEW. AFTER ALL THIS TIME HE IS STILL TALKING THE SAME CRAP AS BEFORE THE PS3 LAUNCHED. $599 IS A GREAT DEAL. O RLY. O RLY NOW??? WHY IS IT NOT SELLING? WHY ARE SOME 3RD PARTY DEVS NOT PORTING GAMES TO PS3? WHY IS THE INSTALL BASE TO LAME? WHY IS EVERY GAME THEY GOT TO OFFER THAT COULD LITERALLY SAVE THE PS3 FROM FALLING OFF A CLIFF STILL DELAYED? ITS TOO LATE FOR SONY. THEY DROPPED THE BALL AND THE PRICE IS KILLING THEM. NO GAMES ARE KILLING THEM. PEOPLE BORED OF THE SYSTEM ALREADY SELLING IT. AND THE 360 KILLING THEM IN SALES AND GAME CONTENT. THEY SHOULD OF HAD RUMBLE IN THE CONTROLLER FROM THE VERY BEGINNING. HOME IS A NEAT CONCEPT BUT ITS NOT GOING TO SELL THE SYSTEM. $600 FOR A CYBER SOCIAL GALLERY IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. THEY NEED GAMES AND THEY NEED THEM NOW. IF MICROSOFT DROPS THEIR PRICE THE PS3 IS GOING TO BE EVEN MORE OF A JOKE ON THE SHELVES.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
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RE: sony bias site gamepro does a new sony interview...
May 21, 2007 00:08
Best interview I have read in a long time. 
< Message edited by Duffman -- 20 May 07 17:06:44 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: sony bias site gamepro does a new sony interview...
May 21, 2007 00:44
If its not a Kikizo interview, or if it' s not an Itagaki interview, i' ll find it unreadable.
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- Joined: Nov 29, 2006
RE: sony bias site gamepro does a new sony interview...
May 21, 2007 00:47
Quez, Shut up... Just stick to your Fan-Boy X360 sites, and zip it.
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- Joined: Mar 17, 2007
- Location: Belgium
RE: sony bias site gamepro does a new sony interview...
May 21, 2007 00:54
There isn' t much they can say to promote it. The only good game on it is VF5. Motorstorm looks great but that' s all it' s being overhyped and got way to good scores on sites. The game is worth a 7 if you ask me. Resistance fall of man is a joke of a FPS. You have a sniper class, can' t lie down and small maps. Doesn' t look that great anyway. The only thing they have left is trying to make it seem that 600$ is cheap for what you get. You' ll hear that same song over and over for a bit longer before some games are coming out.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: sony bias site gamepro does a new sony interview...
May 21, 2007 04:19
You have a sniper class, can' t lie down and small maps. Doesn' t look that great anyway. There is no sniper class in Resistance, there aren' t even " class' s" , so I have no idea what you are talking about there. As far as not being able to lie down, and only being able to crouch, that is actually the usual thing in FPS. HL2, Halo 2&3, Quake, Unreal, FEAR, Prey, etc. There are a select few FPS that let you go prone. Also, the maps aren' t all that small, some are, but there are some rather large maps, some too large IMO. If you are gonna rag on a game, at least point out actual flaws.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: sony bias site gamepro does a new sony interview...
May 21, 2007 05:11
I-8 got 6/10 in Scandinavias biggest gamingsite/magazine.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: sony bias site gamepro does a new sony interview...
May 21, 2007 12:24
As far as not being able to lie down, and only being able to crouch, that is actually the usual thing in FPS. HL2, Halo 2&3, Quake, Unreal, FEAR, Prey, etc. There are a select few FPS that let you go prone. Isnt Resistance classified as a FPS?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: sony bias site gamepro does a new sony interview...
May 21, 2007 18:26
Eeewwwwwwww, don' t use caps Quez.
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