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Public Profile for Gawst_Smeva

Forum Activity

Joined: Sep 15, 2005
Total Posts: 10
Scores: 0
Reward points: 0
Last Post: Sep 16, 2005 14:20
Last Login: Sep 16, 2005 14:04

Contact Information

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Additional Info

!MANDATORY SPAMBOT CHECK! Name a blue hedgehog!

Public Profile for Gawst_Smeva

  • First Name: Stephen
  • Last Name: Gawrit
  • Birthday: n/a
  • Location: n/a
  • Interests: n/a
  • Occupation: n/a

Recent Topics

  • Battle for Middle-Earth II


    The Lord of the Rings franchise has grown considerably since the conception of the Peter Jackson films. Games from EA, concerning LOTR, seemed to be released almost excessivly. But the difference between EA' s games and other movie to game developers i

  • Where are the Samurai?


    Games with Samurai are indeed an amazing look into beautiful martial arts styles and feudal Japanese culture, but what has happened to them? Games like Bushido Blade (aren' t exactly historical games) are few and far between in the US and Europe, yet i