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sega beaten by sony?
May 15, 2006 10:01
i hear from many gamers that sony has manage to remove sega from the cosoles war. by destroying dreamcast. hmmmm............. they said that sony pay ea,konami to not support it. its a little strange........even 3do has a fifa game............but not the dc. promotes the dvd and pay many magazines too. it is really thats the way happen? last they parallel the dc - ps2 story with 360 - ps3 versus.
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- Joined: May 13, 2006
RE: sega beaten by sony?
May 15, 2006 10:19
dont worry, whatever sony pays companies M$ will double it....(if what you are saying is true, and i doubt it is) the main reason the Dreamcast failed was that people were tricked into thinking the " next" generation didnt start until PS2 and its DVD capabilites... people have learned from that ever since they let that great system die a premature death.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: sega beaten by sony?
May 15, 2006 10:36
can dreamcast run a game like resident evil 4, ico, shadow of the colossus , or god of war or final fantasy 10 ? i don' t think so ... i' m tired anyway of this shit , there you go DC is better than ps2, but sony somehow and somewhat tricked all people in the world , corrupt magazines, paid all developers so it can win ...
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- Joined: May 13, 2006
RE: sega beaten by sony?
May 15, 2006 10:41
1) never said DC was better than PS2, i said DC was a great system 2) graphics was not what made God of War, Final Fantasy or Ico great. Resident Evil it certainly helped, though. Soul Calibur proved DC could hold its own in graphics... (and just to be clear im not saying DC was more powerful than PS2, cuz guess what? i know it wasn' t)
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
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RE: sega beaten by sony?
May 15, 2006 10:47
Isn' t this thread about 3 or 4 years too late?
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- Joined: May 13, 2006
RE: sega beaten by sony?
May 15, 2006 10:54
were relating DC vs PS2 to 360 vs PS3..... so no it isnt, more like 3 months too late...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: sega beaten by sony?
May 15, 2006 10:59
Dreamcast had some notable technical advantages over PS2 and on the whole the visuals were a lot cleaner. Developers loved it but publishers wouldn' t risk supporting it because of the way Saturn bombed. Sony was the more marketable choice and many Dreamcast games got cancelled or ported. Shame really.
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- Joined: May 06, 2006
RE: sega beaten by sony?
May 15, 2006 11:02
and dont forget that dc suport vga single in almost all games plus it has a modem but ps2 no that sucks. last ps2 cant run shenmue or sonic because of the textures and colors.
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: sega beaten by sony?
May 15, 2006 11:45
Yes, sony' s strategy seems to be the same with the 360 as with the dreamcast. Belittle them while touting technical superiority yet to come. The only thing that' s really different is that they seem a little less able to tie up those high profile exclusives. They' ve still got some powerhouses in pocket though. FF, VF etc. MS has their own exclusive must haves though, so they' ve got a much better chance to retain/increase their marketshare. BTW, i don' t think sony did anything particularly evil to upset sega. They just got the exclusives, and therefore the mindshare they needed. That' s just smart business.
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- Joined: May 13, 2006
RE: sega beaten by sony?
May 15, 2006 11:48
so in conclusion, no... the only people sony paid were thier employees
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- Joined: May 06, 2006
RE: sega beaten by sony?
May 15, 2006 12:01
SO why konami and ea dont support it. only capcom had the balls back then and tell no we will support sega until dc dies.you can see that. castlevania was ready for launch konami was showing pics colin was ready too ea too and after 1 year they said .......we have the dev kits of sony f.... dc they didnt want money from sales ? the 2 first years dc was a big succes it was selling like mad and after......... its like someone pulloff the plug........................... anyway SHARKS EAT FISHES. and sony is a big company with a lot of money even from ms. they pay well proof they have the best 3rd party support. even here sony back in 1994 tell us for every psx that you sold you get 20 percent more profit.......................
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: sega beaten by sony?
May 15, 2006 17:42
EA didnt support Sega because of the sports games rivalry, where SEGA went on record to say that they can produce better sports games than EA, hence at the time Visual Concepts developed alot of Sega' s sports franchise.... The 2k series which is now endorsed by 2k games/sports, but originally developed by Visual Concepts. Hence the reason the dreamcast only got virtua striker or games like Euro Wide Soccer  and the NBA 2k series and NHL 2k series.. Nothing sinister there, just SEGA shooting themself in the foot a bit....
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