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RE: ps3 vrs 360?
Jul 22, 2006 09:37
stephen ashaley, where are you from?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: ps3 vrs 360?
Jul 22, 2006 09:46
Wow Gangsta, your moving post has moved me throw all my support in the PC gaming genre, I' m dropping everything because of your strong main topics, It' s bigger, it' s louder, and there' s more playing with yourself. Who needs innovation, when you' ve got... erm... that... the only reason the ps2 beat the xbox was because of the early release The early release had a part to play in their sucess, but in the long run, it had more to do with their third party support, (the amazingly huge hype they built up had something to with it as well  ) Edit: stephen ashaley, where are you from? Isn' t he from West Africa or Ghana, something like that?
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 22 Jul 06 1:53:53 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: ps3 vrs 360?
Jul 22, 2006 12:11
another reason they had a good start was the gta series came out on the ps2 first, but now that the 360 gets gta 4 they want to say that the 3 most popular games on the ps2 werent why it sold. Gosh!!!! SONY IS SUCH SONY FAN BOYS!
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: ps3 vrs 360?
Jul 22, 2006 18:11
After much consideration i come up with that xbox360 is the best console in the next gen. There' s no denying that - not untill other systems come out at least. The early release had a part to play in their sucess, but in the long run, it had more to do with their third party support, (the amazingly huge hype they built up had something to with it as well The hype - it killed DC , while Xbox couldn' t have sold better if it was released before PS2 cause it was a total newcomer and people weren' t sure if it' s going to be any good.They would wait for PS2. GTA sold 20 mln copies and there are about 80 mln PS2 owners, so without GTA PS2 would outsold Xbox 3:1. It' s not about third party, it' s not about when it' s released - it' s the name itself - the Playstation Brand. That name will keep every PS system selling through tough (no good games) periods and in the meantime the good ones will start to emerge.That was the case with PS2 witch was a terrible system at the beginning.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 22 Jul 06 10:12:54 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: ps3 vrs 360?
Jul 22, 2006 18:32
Even though the PlayStation brand is strong, the Xbox brand has grown stronger and this time Sony will have a harder time if they think they' ll survive on their good name only. Nintendo had a monopoly on the market and you didn' t play videogames back then, you played Nintendo games. There were no such thing as " handhelds" , there was only the GameBoy. But Nintendo' s brand lost appeal and the same can happen to Sony. The biggest reason the Xbox brand didn' t get very strong immediately last gen was because the Xbox had some major flaws. Bad design and PC-esque games didn' t make it a strong competitor. The 360 has got everything right so far and the brand is way stronger now.
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- Joined: Jun 09, 2006
RE: ps3 vrs 360?
Jul 22, 2006 20:01
ORIGINAL: ginjirou The 360 has got everything right so far and the brand is way stronger now. I love my 360 dearly, however I still think it needs a much wider variety of games, especially for younger gamers. At the moment all they have is Kameo and some Arcade titles. I suppose DOA is okay for them, although I think it' s rated 12? I' m really looking forward to Viva Pintata. I do love my FPS games, but some (good!) platformer' s wouldn' t go amiss. Table Tennis is probably the most innovative quality game on the 360 at the moment. The 360 still has a very PC feel with Call of Duty 2 being the no. 1 game on the system. Hopefully the realse of Viva Pinata and DOA Extreme 2 can pave the way for more traditional gaming types to come along. Aside from Kameo I can' t think of a single platformer on the system, ' cept Cloning Clyde!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: ps3 vrs 360?
Jul 22, 2006 20:04
But,some console games even though they are worser in terms of gameplay and graphgic and framerate is more fun to play on the console like the 360. I for ex dl BMFE2 to pc,but im gonna buy the 360 version in 5days,why? Cause i like the more slower pace,and playing on my big TV,and having people i play with or against using a headset instead of keyboard. Also,everyone play with a handcontroller,and same frame rate on their xbox360. No advantage,except bigger tv perhaps. ps! the friendlist,invites and extra gamemodes is also a reason ofc.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 22 Jul 06 12:05:38 >
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