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Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Aug 12, 2004
more GTA suggestions
Aug 24, 2004 01:07
1. read my previous post (GTA RADIO) 2. more interaction with public transportation/airplanes: I' m hoping that in the new GTA game one will be able to spend money on cabs, buses, and airplanes to reach your destination quicker. This would definitely be a good feature. 3. More character models!-In previous GTA games it wasn' t unlikely to see three of the same blonde rollerblading chicks on the same street corner. They must put an end to that!
Mass X
Winner! APR 2004
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RE: more GTA suggestions
Aug 24, 2004 05:08
I got one, Port the game to PC or Xbox! Then again we probably wont have to worry to much about that as we know how Rockstar is with exclusives...
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Apr 14, 2004
RE: more GTA suggestions
Aug 24, 2004 15:43
Hey, Hey, Hey. you got Halo on Xbox and i have GTA on PS2. for GTA..........ONLINE PLAY!! that would rock!!!!! you could make gangs. have your own gang cars. take on other gangs with helecopters. sell " Ice Cream" to ppl to fund your very legal operations. the things that can be done is endless!!! i have more thoughts but i know someone with steal them!!!! just kidding.
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RE: more GTA suggestions
Aug 24, 2004 18:05
They already said no online play. If you want that though, buy GTA: 3 or Vice City for PC and then download Multi-Theft Auto. It lets you play an online GTA which is rather fun. It lets you create teams/gangs and do whatever you like, and you win by killing the other team(s)/gang(s), or just do a deathmatch type mode with a bunch of Tommy Vercettis runnin around town killing eachother.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Aug 08, 2004
- Location: A land far far away
RE: more GTA suggestions
Aug 24, 2004 18:17
The ability to have children, then raise them to mug old women and trample prostitutes! i' d make a great father someday..
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Jun 12, 2004
RE: more GTA suggestions
Aug 25, 2004 23:30
Since cars get dirty, and will be a little more complicated to steal in this game, I was hoping there would be car dealerships. Give us the ability to buy different cars, and for when you are finally rich in the game, be able to buy unspawn-able cars for lots of money
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Aug 26, 2004
RE: more GTA suggestions
Aug 27, 2004 00:09
Im hopin there will be rappers in the game,like that dude that looks like eazy-e
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