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The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
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RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 16, 2007 09:21
I was refering to parent/child relationships. Kids aren' t getting fatter because more junk food is available. They' re getting fatter because parents are letting them eat that food. Not really the case. Any child who can' t get his hands on a twinkie who is beyond the age of 5 isn' t really smart at all. While a parent can restrict what is at home, they can' t control what is at school or sold at convenience stores. A parent can buy no junk food, throw away all video games, and impose rules on their children to the umpteenth degree, but they can' t control the freedom that comes with being human. Adults can be fat asses all they want, but it' s a basic responsibility of a parent to raise a healthy child. And, since fat ass kids aren' t healthy, the failure lies primarily with the parent. So it' s the duty of the parent to create a physically fit child but religion/education/ethics are up for debate? Seems a little less important in my mind. Nobody has yet articulated an argument as to why fat people are bad besides damaging their own health. No evidence suggests higher healthcare premiums and there are plenty of jobs where physical fitness has no significant burden on performance. It' s nowhere close to smoking. Same rule for videogame addiction. Videogame addiction is different than fatassness. I' m reminded of the infamous " chocolate milk" xbox live conversation that was floating around the web for a while. The one where the kid is screaming at his mom because he didn' t want to stop playing. Prime example of a shitty parent. Yeah, that was an amazing display of bad parenting.
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- Joined: Jul 03, 2003
RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 16, 2007 09:35
Nobody has yet articulated an argument as to why fat people are bad besides damaging their own health. Well, I' m presuming that you' re an American. In this country (the UK) we all pay towards a thing called the National Health Service and fat people with their associated diseases such as type 2 diabetes cost a bloody fortune.
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2007
RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 16, 2007 15:22
Well, I' m presuming that you' re an American. In this country (the UK) we all pay towards a thing called the National Health Service and fat people with their associated diseases such as type 2 diabetes cost a bloody fortune. In America, we have health insurance premiums. " fatassness" doesn' t really matter much in the scheme of things, as most evidence shows.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 16, 2007 15:41
I am here to solve the debate with oversimplification, easily apparent observations, and rude remarks. Fat people are ugly, hence the inuslt fugly, meaning fat and ugly. Fat people are generally worse at sports. Fat people take up more space and get in your way. Fat people create a demand for food that I don' t want to eat. Fat people are easier to steal things from because they can' t catch you. Fat people like Rosie O' donnel. Last but not least, Fat people are Fat.
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 16, 2007 20:16
DontPeeOnBilly, you' re taking my comments as an attack on fat people. That' s not the point I was trying to make. What I was trying to say was that parents are responsible by definition to promote good habits in their kids. Obesity was just an example. Even countries like China don' t just make up laws out of the blue to fuck with people. Just like any other country, they are attempting to solve a problem. My question: how did the parents let this become enough of an epidemic that the government felt a need to get involved?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 16, 2007 21:10
A human can be very intelligent and bestow vast knowledge. But mankind is stupid. So the governments, created by mankind, pursues the knowledge of the wise and intelligent, and use it to guide us through various obstacles in life.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 16 Apr 07 13:13:00 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 16, 2007 22:00
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 16, 2007 22:26
Duhhhhhh I dunno. Me hungie! I go eat now. Byebye.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 16, 2007 23:29
I think we got a poet.
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 16 Apr 07 15:29:33 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 19, 2007 10:50
I think he' s on reefer, but that' s just me. Fat people are ugly, hence the inuslt fugly, meaning fat and ugly. Fat people are generally worse at sports. Fat people take up more space and get in your way. Fat people create a demand for food that I don' t want to eat. Fat people are easier to steal things from because they can' t catch you. Fat people like Rosie O' donnel. Last but not least, Fat people are Fat.  Eloquent and dainty. Just the way I like debates.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 19, 2007 11:57
Fat people are ugly, hence the inuslt fugly Fun Fact of the day! Actually, if what im thinking is correct, the term fugly, came from " fucking ugly"
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 19, 2007 11:59
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: The Commies Institute Nationwide Game-Playing Restrictions
Apr 19, 2007 16:44
Fun Fact of the day! Actually, if what im thinking is correct, the term fugly, came from " fucking ugly" Well, ever since I was in grade 7 me and my friends used it meaning fat and ugly. If someone is extremely ugly, I just say " man they are fucking ugly" and proceed to get slapped.
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