(so far anyway)
People keep attacking each console for their problems so I' ve realised that they all suck
Here' s why:
The 360: [:' (]
Breaks, has a too small HDD, scratches disks, sounds like an airplane, has been out for a long time but hasn' t managed to gather many exclusive AAA titles, Live Gold Fee etc.
The Wii: [:' (]
Has no games, graphics are worse than what should be allowed, Wii-mote controll is still questionable, bad wrist-wraps, crappy online, no good 3rd party support in sight, etc.
The PS3: [:' (]
Insane price, fewer exclusives than expected, they kept the crappy DualShock design, apparently some programming problems (UE3 and some ports that look like crap), developers are holding titles back due to weak sales, etc.
The portables suck too:
The DS: [:' (]
Dual screens and touch-screen is just a gimmick, games are kiddie, graphics suck, old version is clunky and Lite version has hinge problems, Friends codes, sucks at media capabilities, weak 3rd party ideas, no PS3 connectivity (it' s a fact, look it up, google it or something), etc.
The PSP: [:' (]
No second analogstick, the analog-stick that it does have isn' t any good, worst d-pad ever made, short battery-time, screen gets scratched, speakers are pointing down, occassional loooooong loading times, expected PS2-type titles took some time to show up, no Wii connectivity (it' s a fact, look it up, google it or something), etc.
PC' s:
Have few good games, not as simple as one would like them to be, keyboard/mouse setup really sucks except for FPS and RTS,
So, let' s get this over with. Let' s say it once and for all. The truth, if you can handle it:
Every single current console, portable or for the home, SUCKS!
There, no one feels left out, every fanboy is happy, and everything sucks! This is great!

[:' (]