Adam Doree
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So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 05, 2004 22:33
I am. Wish I had more spare time though, I need to play it more! Here are my impressions from yesterday plus a whole load of movies! I know this is mostly a console crowd, but who' s playing Doom 3 so far and what are your impressions?
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 05, 2004 23:40
If my PC could play Doom 3 I' d snap it up straight away. As it is I' d need twice as much ram and a new graphics card to get it moving. Though the game is looking *very* nice and I' m drooling for the X-Box version. Just out of interest though, does anyone know the maximum / minimum specs?
< Message edited by whatabout_paul -- 8/5/2004 11:41:22 PM >
Joe Redifer
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 06, 2004 00:09
It runs fine on my 386. Like the Jesus avatar, btw.
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 06, 2004 19:46
If I had a computer that could run Doom3, I wouldn' t be on the internet talking about it. That' s all I' d be doing is playing that game. Despite the lower-than-expected reviews from IGN and Gamespot, I still get more excited about this game the more I read about it.
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 07, 2004 01:18
My Alienware is tearing this game apart. It looks so amazingly beautiful. I' m at the point were you get the chainsaw now. This game is so amazing!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 07, 2004 16:46
Boo, hiss. I want a better PC. Mmm, need a job... Joe Redifer, funnily it' s not a picture of Jesus. It' s what I actually look like, honest  . I' ll find you a picture one of these days.
Evil Man
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 07, 2004 20:04
I don' t know what the reccomended specs for it are, but it runs fine on my PC -2.5GHZ, 1GB Ram, Radeon 9600XT 256.
Joe Redifer
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 07, 2004 20:12
It' s what I actually look like, honest MY SAVIOR!
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 07, 2004 22:33
*looks at Evil Man* THIEF! Someone stole my aviator! Call the police, there' s an imposter about. Hahahaha
Russian Mobster
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 09, 2004 02:54
I downloaded the game yesterday and it runs perfectly on my AMD Athlon XP 3200+ speed: 2.19GHz RAM: 1.00 GB Graphix Card: GeForce FX 5900. The game looks amazing.
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 09, 2004 20:14
I have an AMD 2500+ 512 mb RAM and a Radeon 9600 Pro Haven' t played it yet but I will soon enough but I should meet the spec requirements. I heard that some people played it alright on a 9200 I have a friend that has it that says it' s pretty scary haha
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 09, 2004 22:26
i bow my head in shame bc im too damn poor to get doom 3 yet....ARGGG!@!!!!! it was a rough month with a few too many nights out on the time...
Russian Mobster
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 10, 2004 01:13
i bow my head in shame bc im too damn poor to get doom 3 yet....ARGGG!@!!!!! it was a rough month with a few too many nights out on the time LOL. Download it if u cant afford it. It took me 1 day to download it off bit torrent.
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 10, 2004 04:40
Doom 3 is well worth its price tag, downloading it doesn' t seem right. You sould support developers who are willing to create something monumental like this
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 10, 2004 15:59
Yeah i have to agree on that. I should be getting my new PC equipment today which will give me the horsepower to actualy run the game. I just got to get it now
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 14, 2004 19:10
I am playing this on my new PC that I built 2 - 3 months ago. Specs are: Athlon 64 3400+ (overclocked from 2.2Ghz to 2.3Ghz) 1Gb (2 x 512mb) Corsair 3200LL RAM 256mb Ati Radeon 9800XT 120 SATA Diamondmax Maxtor Drive with 8mb cache The game runs really well. Playing in High level details at 1024x786 and it looks really nice. However, the framerate can seem a little inconsistant at times. Running the timedemo1 I get an average fps of 44FPS which pretty much goes with the Hardocp (or whatever it was) official benchmarks for my system spec. When actually playing the game it stays normally at about 60FPS, falls to about 45 - 40 in really intense rooms with lots of detail and effects. The FPS has never once fallen below the 30 FPS mark which is ok. However, I would be far happier if the game just stayed at around 45 - 50 permanently. Still, don' t matter much. Also, I could always just change to medium detail which in all honesty looks identical. Indeed, it is identical except compression techniques aren' t used in teh higher setting making things a little more crisp. I doubt most could tell the difference. As for the actual game/gameplay. Hmmmm, not too sure at this point. After the initial, " wow, check the graphics" factor has worn off I am left with a game that is, to a veteran FPS player like me, boring. If offers nothing new, the AI sucks, multiplayer is terrible, its far too dark, the weapons are far from inspired. The only thing keeping me playing is the graphics and the story, which although cliched, is quite exciting. One final point: I WISH THE PLAYER CHARACTER WOULD TALK! It looks ridiculous when he never replies to anyone speaking to him. I hated this type of player character in Grand Theft Auto 3 and I hate it even more in Doom.
Life' s a bitch, and then you die!
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 14, 2004 22:39
I played the game and really enjoyed it. I also might get it for the Xbox since it didnt run that great. I like Doom3 and it just feels like the old doom to me. The story was nicely done and I like the addition of the PDA and the soundlogs/emails. It was very well executed. I had a blast with it and its the first game since ages that I finished in one run :P
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 15, 2004 17:44
Well i just finished the game. I had to do all sorts of tweaks to my comp to get it to run smoothly, but it was definitely well worth the wait. I do have some complaints regarding the repetitive nature of the game. There' re lots of backtracking and i found myself squinting because the darkness really gets to you later in the game. The enemies are varied, but the later demons are scarce and i found myself fighting imps over and over again. On the other hand, others have complained about not being able to hold the flashlight and a gun at the same time, but i thouught it was great as it added to the tension. It was very effective too, as i found myself scrambling and panicking when i spotted a zombie. The graphics were also amazing, even on low settings, and the game itself wouldnt be as successful without the new engine, The presentation oozed quality, and the pdas and the vids were a really cool touch. Overall, a great game that could have been better. Ill probably forget about it once i get my hands on HL2.
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 15, 2004 18:31
I only have a geforce fx5600 ultra, and 512 mb ram, but if i turn the resolution down a wee bit, i can play it at high settings and it looks beautiful, excellent atmosphere aswell
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 15, 2004 18:46
Ive inly got a 128mb FX5200 and 512mb of ram. It ran ok, especially in really dark areas, with the occasional lag in hectic situations. I should have defragged my hard drive before i played though, as it raised my fps.
Dashing through the store, on a three wheeled shopping cart sliding across the floor avoiding kids and pots Reaching for the games, and taking out my cash oh what fun will i have today before my brain cells crash HEY! couldnt fit
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 15, 2004 19:39
I' d love too play Doom 3 but i' m not really into pc games so i' ll just have to wait for the xbox version.
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RE: So, who' s playing Doom 3?
Aug 16, 2004 14:38
So I finally got Doom 3 going. Seems to run fine with 1024 x 768 resolution and set to medium (might tweak to get high graphic settings). So far I think the game is great. I find that the mood it sets is very creepy and intense. Reminds me of when I played Alien vs. Predator 2 and you were always on edge of when an alien was going to jump out at you. I think they did a real good job in making it a truely creepy/scary experience. I can' t wait to get a little deeper into the story......but I' m too scared haha. I haven' t tried multiplayer yet because I don' t have anyone to play with but I might check it out anyways to see how it works.