most anticipated titles

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Vx Chemical
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most anticipated titles - Apr 10, 2007 16:12
What are your most anticipated titles, and why.

we do this thread regularly, so i think its time agian, we can do another one after the batch of Gameshows that litter the spring to see if its moved the hype some!

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 10, 2007 16:49
There are quite a few, but probably Mass Effect and GTA IV are leading the pack at the moment, possibly followed by Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon and Crysis.

oh and Hospital Tycoon (not for me you understand, its just that then my wife will stop monopolising my 360 playing Viva bloody Pinata)

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 10, 2007 16:50
I' m gonna stick with titles coming out this year, otherwise my list would be way too long. I' m also gonna go by console.

PS3 - LittleBigPlanet! , MGS4, Heavenly Sword, GT 5, Lair, Warhawk, a team ICO game(but it' s not likely).

360 - Mass Effect, Bioshock, Forza 2, Fable 2(is it slated for this year?), Halo 3(more interested to see what its like than I am excited about it).

Both - Assassins Creed, GTA4, Unreal Tournament 3

Wii - Mario Galaxy(hoping its not like the trailer shown) and uhhhhhhhhhhhh nothing else I guess. Not a fan of Super Smash games, I don' t dislike em, but they don' t float my boat.

I' m sure I will think of more, and I will edit this to reflect that at a later date.

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 10, 2007 18:56
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
-It will be the rise or fall of the Wii-mote. Metroid is always great so I expect nothing less than perfection.

Resident Evil 4
Same shit all over again, but hey, I never get tired of it!

Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
-Seems like a fun idea. I just hope they get the controller right.

Forza 2
-I bought a damn wheel to play a real racing game, not some shitty simulator/arcade hybrid like PGR3.

Banjo and Kazooie 2
-Some day it will be here. And what a day it will be!

Eternal Sonata
-It looks so damn good

Blue Dragon
-I hate you Quez!

Virtua Fighter 5
-Do I need to tell you why?

Lost odyssey
-A decent RPG for the 360 wouldn' t hurt.

Resident Evil 5
-RE4 was good.

-Looks interesting

Tekken 6
-Oh yeah!

Killzone 2
-The trailer WAS in-game footage!

-Looks pretty weird and I love weird stuff.

-It' ll be fun to see how it runs on my old PC.

Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
-Great game that hasn' t been released here yet.

Ratchet and Clank Size Matters
-Great game that hasn' t been released here yet.

Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
-Damn it looks hot! Did you guys see Majik' s screenshots?

Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion
-I didn' t like Oblivion but I just have to see how a portable version turns out.

Silent Hill Origins
-It' ll be fun to scream in fear on the subway on my way to work
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Apr 07 10:58:45 >

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 10, 2007 21:16

I don' t care what reviewers say or score it. I never got to play the original so I want it.

No more heroes:
Suda brought us a great game with Killer 7 so I expect the same thing for this game.

Project S:
Suda and Kojima teaming. Now how nice is that. Surely not a release for this year but still. It could be a new snatcher and that would just be great.

Super Paper Mario:
I just love weird games. Can' t wait till it hits Europe.

Spiderman 3:
That is if they can get it right and give it a graphical boost from what we have seen now in certain screens. Also need to fix the slow down and some camera problems as it seems. If they can do that I will be likely to pick it up.

Project HAMMER:
Seems a good a idea so I' m surely checking it out.

Disaster: Day of crisis
We know as good as nothing about the game but it really has my attention. Would love to see some more details about that one. Very nice concept.

Metroid Prime: corruption
Metroid is going to be good as the others have been. Just a shame we have to wait longer but if we have to wait a bit longer for a very great game then that' s worth the wait.

While I' m not just going to buy it I' m surely going to give it a try since I' ve never played any others like this.

Mario Galaxy:
I' m a Sonic fan and never really liked Mario but this game looks crazy and I' m going to give it a shot once it' s released. What can I say I just love crazy games.

From all I heard it' s a great game. Never really liked RE (more a silent hill, project zero man) but so many people keep telling to play it so I' m going to get it for my Wii.

RE Umbrella Chronicles:
Looks good and Capcom seems to deliver a good game everytime on Nintendo' s concoles so might get this one as well.

Manhunt 2:
If they get the bashing of heads right in the game it' s something I' ll buy for sure.

Final Fantasy crystal chronicles:
Will be a good rpg (most likely) so I' ll get this one for sure although I' m not really a FF fan.

Shenmue 3
Now who wouldn' t want that game it would be a great new way to control Ryo and would make the QTE' s even more fun. But this just me being hopeful ofcourse.


I love the MGS series and I would love to play the game but I ain' t gonna fork over 650 euro' s to buy a ps3 just to play one game on a console.


Virtua Fighter:
Well who doesn' t love far also the only game on this console that is worth something to me. Might buy a 360 after a price drop and when a bunch of games are released that are actually worth buying a console for. (and no Gears of War and Halo 3 ain' t worth it to me. I' m not a big shooter fan.)
< Message edited by Demonoroth -- 10 Apr 07 13:18:47 >
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pm me if you add anything

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 10, 2007 21:48

RE4 (never got a chance to play the original)

Paper Mario

Mario Galaxy


Forza 2 (just looks friggin awesome!)


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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 11, 2007 02:16
Forza 2
Mass Effect
Blue Dragon
along with Virtua Fighter 5, Senko no Ronde, Stranglehold, Assassins Creed, Kane&Lynch Dead Men, Jericho, Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5, Dark Sector, Eternal Sonata and Huxley. (Halo and GTA maybe)

Alan Wake
World in Conflict (edit)

along with UT2k7, Quake Wars Enemy Territory, The Crossing,
and race sims like iRacing, RACE07, netKar Pro mods, Ferrari Project and Drivers Republic.

and for systems I dont have yet...
Wii: No More Heroes, Manhunt 2
PS3: MGS4, FFXIII, LittleBigPlanet... Heavy Rain(!)
< Message edited by choupolo -- 10 Apr 07 22:22:17 >

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 11, 2007 05:08

Mass Effect
Blue Dragon
Halo 3
Grand Theft Auto IV
Assasins Creed
Devil May Cry 4
Forza 2

Metal Gear Solid
Killzone 2
Little Big Planet

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 11, 2007 05:12
Going for the long list:

Ps3 (copy/paste): Lair, Heavenly Sword, MGS 4, FF13, FF Versus 13, Uncharted treasure, LittleBigPlanet, Killzone 2, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, (FF7 remake), Afrika, New Team Ico game, GoW 3, Lemmings, Kingdom Hearts 3, Eyedentify

Wii: Mario Galaxy, No More Heroes, Resident Evil UC, Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, Metroid Prime 3

360: Mass Effect, Halo 3, Ninja Gaiden 2, DOA: Code Cronus, Eternal Sonata

PC: Crysis, HL2: Episode 2,

Multiplattform: Assasins Creed, RE5, Star Wars: Forces Unleashed, Hard Rain, BioShock, Alan Wake, GTA4

Note: I don' t know which games of these will turn out good, much less great, and some I don' t even know if they willl actually be released. Still I have high hopes for all the titles mentioned.

Not a single MGS game I' ve played has dissapointed me yet, and I love Hideo Kojimas work, thus that is a given. And I' m hoping FF will return to its former glory.

Mass Effect grew on me, and since I missed out on Kotor I' m hoping this will turn out as big. Halo 3 is sure fire fun, just hoping it will be truly great this time. Also, all Team Ninja is a given.

Crysis, cuz of d graphix. + I think it seems to be an honest to God good game.

Ugh. Can' t think of anymore, and don' t have strenght to write reason for all the games. So... Til next time.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 10 Apr 07 21:59:23 >

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 11, 2007 05:19
Space Giraffe, Every Extend Extra Extreme, Forza 2, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Solid 4, DIRT, Sega Rally Revo, Virtua Fighter 5, No More Heroes, Super Mario Galaxy, whatever Sucker Punch is working on, Portal.
< Message edited by Zoy -- 10 Apr 07 21:23:55 >

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 11, 2007 07:35
Good grief, you all have far too many ' most' anticipated games. Does anyone know if Brother in Arms Hell' s Highway is out this year, I haven' t heard much on it recently. If so, that would be on mine too.

Agent Ghost
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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 11, 2007 07:56
Huxley (I have dreams about this one, literally)

Mass Effect
UTIII (formerly called UT2007)

BattleField:Bad company
Left4Dead (possibly)
Halo 3
Monster Madness (a game I can play with my brother)
The Darkness
The Crossing
Spider-man 3
Portal and Team Fortress 2 (I want that box set with Half Life 2)
Too Human
Geometry Wars 2 (hasn' t been announced but it has to happen, CO-OP!)
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 11 Apr 07 16:39:20 >

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 11, 2007 08:22
Mario Galaxy
Smash Bro Brawl
Resident Evil 5
Disaster Day of Crisis
Metroid Prime 3
Alan Wake
Devil May Cry 4
Metal Gear Solid 4
Battlefield Bad Company
Zelda Phantom Hourglass
Little Big Planet
Assasins Creed
No More Heros
Super Paper Mario

Iad umboros
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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 11, 2007 10:28
Halo 3
Mass Effect
Shadowrun - maybe, looks like fun
Lost Oddysey - I' d settle for another trailer!
Virtua Fighter 5 360 (no PS3 for me for a good while yet)
IV (love how it' s just advertised as 4 and everyone knows what it is)
Spiderman 3 - more the movie than the game, but still....

And the new Nine Inch Nails album.

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 11, 2007 15:47
All Pro Football 2k8, Virtua Fighter 5, NiGHTS, Raw Danger.

Vx Chemical
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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 11, 2007 15:52
Fallout 3

-nothing has been shown of the game yet, but its the most wanted game right now, i really hope bethesda does a good job and stays true to the style and genre. Id rather have scene it in the hands of Oblivion though, much rather!

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 11, 2007 22:54
" Fallout 3 "

O.K. How come I haven' t heard of this?!

No seriously, why?

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 11, 2007 23:16

ORIGINAL: Dionysius

" Fallout 3 "

O.K. How come I haven' t heard of this?!

No seriously, why?

Check your living location. If you' ve living under a rock then that could be your problem. I' d also advise against living on other terrestrial objects in space such as Mars or the far side of the moon.

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 12, 2007 00:29

Does anyone know if Brother in Arms Hell' s Highway is out this year, I haven' t heard much on it recently. If so, that would be on mine too.
Yeah. I' m pre-ordering the minute they go up.

" Fallout 3 "

O.K. How come I haven' t heard of this?!

No seriously, why?

Check your living location. If you' ve living under a rock then that could be your problem. I' d also advise against living on other terrestrial objects in space such as Mars or the far side of the moon.
You' d get just as much information about it, just as fast too.[:' (]

They' ve been working on fallout 3 for almost 10 years now, & yes, I know it' s been binned, ressurected & chucked around between developers, but as far as I' m concerned, it' s Bethesda vaporware. I' m sure there' s a team of about 5 guys working on it during lunch breaks if they' re in the mood, but they' ve been working on the new one (the one done by Bethesda) for years now, and what do we get? One promotional poster which could have counted as fan-art.

Not a single screenshot, concept art frame, plot synopsis or even an interview that reveals anything at all. " Ahem, well Fallout 3 is coming along, and uhhhhhh.... some of you will like it, and uh.... some of you won' t"

(Anybody who' s a big Fallout fan understands how many of those /\ /\ /\ lame-ass previews we' ve seen.)

Anyway, on to my wish list. Some of these aren' t announced yet, but there' s no way we' re not getting them.

Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway
Medal of Honor: Airborne
Brothers in Arms: Double-Time
Call of Duty 4
Hour of Victory
Halo 3
Splinter Cell: Convictions
Army of Two
Dead Rising 2
Assasin' s Creed
Gears of War 2
Lost Planet 2
Left 4 Dead
Half-Life 2: Orange
Alan Wake
Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime: Corruption
Super Smash Bros: Brawl

The biggest game on my wishlist has really slipped under the radar in gaming news. Saboteur, by Pandemic looks absolutely awesome. An Irish ninja strikes back at the Nazi' s who murdered his 3 friends during World War II. This game has every genre I adore crammed into one title!

Vx Chemical
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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 12, 2007 01:00

They' ve been working on fallout 3 for almost 10 years now, & yes, I know it' s been binned, ressurected & chucked around between developers, but as far as I' m concerned, it' s Bethesda vaporware. I' m sure there' s a team of about 5 guys working on it during lunch breaks if they' re in the mood, but they' ve been working on the new one (the one done by Bethesda) for years now, and what do we get? One promotional poster which could have counted as fan-art.

Im going to rain on your parade here Eddie, because your clueless on the subject it seems!

Fallout 3 has been in development for 10 years, in 98 when fallout 2 was release they started on F3, but it was canned, in 2001 it started again under the codename Van Buren, it was canned again. Interplay who developed all previous Fallout games, more a less died, and sold the license to Bethesda about 2 years ago, at the time it wasnt announced only that the Bethesda owned the rights for it.

Production on Fallout 3 started at somepoint during 2006, so there is a reason we havent seen anything from it yet.

It can in no way be put under the category of vaporware!

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 12, 2007 01:07
I should restate on the vaporware thing. I' m sure it exists, but how can you really be excited about something with so little information about it?

My bad on the dev-time thing though. I assumed that they' d been working on it since they got the licensce.

Interplay who developed all previous Fallout games, more a less died
Not paying your employees tends to do that.

Ah, hell. I' m just mad I haven' t gotten any Fallout action lately.

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 12, 2007 01:27

Ah, hell. I' m just mad I haven' t gotten any Fallout action lately.

We all are.

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 12, 2007 01:29
I' ve got my beady eye on:

Heavenly Sword
Mass Effect
Blue Dragon
Devil May Cry 4
Shadow Hearts: From the New World
Assassins creed
Mario Galaxy
Super Swing Golf
Final Fantasy XIII
Valkyrie Profile 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
Alan Wake
Halo 3
Lost Oddysey

Exciting times ahead!

Vx Chemical
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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 12, 2007 16:36

I' m sure it exists, but how can you really be excited about something with so little information about it?

Its like people buying excited about Halo or RE, og MGS, except Fallout was super great and the others were just great!

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RE: most anticipated titles - Apr 12, 2007 22:43

Mass Effect
Too Human
Halo 3
Assasins creed
Alan Wake
Fable 2
Lost oddysey
Final Fantasy XIII
Fallout 3
Dark sector