EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii

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EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 08:16
Well someone should give EA a big I F**KEN TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


EAs profits have dropped apparently due to them being unable to take advantage of the runaway success of the Wii & putting all there eggs in the ' ps3 basket' -

``Those companies are backtracking,' ' said Anthony Gikas, an analyst at Piper Jaffray & Co. in Minneapolis. ``They' re going to need to get their best-branded product on that platform. That will take a good nine to 12 months.' '

Ahh so that explains the Wii games drought!!! But even that hasn' t stopped the Wii.

U.S. and Japanese sales of Wii players totaled 1.47 million in January and February, said market researchers NPD Group Inc. and Enterbrain. PlayStation 3 tallied 604,331, while stores sold 584,329 of Microsoft Corp.' s Xbox 360 consoles. Wii is also leading in Europe, said London-based researcher Screen Digest.

Wii games, all produced by Kyoto, Japan-based Nintendo, took three of the top 10 sales spots in the U.S. in February, said NPD, based in Port Washington, New York. Not a single U.S. publisher had a Wii game in the top 20 in February.

Nintendo' s lead will widen, pressuring companies even more. Researcher IDC predicts Nintendo will ship 16.1 million players this year, outpacing Microsoft' s 9.87 million Xbox 360s and Sony' s 9.1 million PlayStation 3s. Wii game sales will total $2.2 billion, trailing only Xbox 360, said IDC, based in Framingham, Massachusetts.

Electronic Arts wasn' t the only publisher slow to see Wii' s appeal. New York-based Take-Two Interactive Software Inc., maker of ``Grand Theft Auto' ' games, had no Wii titles when the player was released and now plans to have three this year, said spokesman Jim Ankner.

Activision Inc., based in Santa Monica, California, plans to release six Wii games this year, giving the second-largest publisher a total of 11, said spokeswoman Maryanne Lataif.

Also this point is interesting -

The Wii may prove to be a windfall, since games cost just $2 million to $5 million to create, a fraction of the $20 million to $30 million spent on PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 titles, analyst Taylor said. In addition, Wii appears to be expanding the market, rather than stealing sales from rivals, he said.

With the Wii still selling strongly Worldwide, Excellent software sales second only to the 360 (due to its one year head start) and cheaper development costs i think Nintendo have created the perfect environment for developers.

With that aside i must say i really enjoyed The Godfather on Wii which despite its average (ps2) graphics was an awesome game thanks to excellent use of the Wiimote.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 10 Apr 07 0:44:24 >

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 09:17

Ahh so that explains the Wii games drought!!! But even that hasn' t stopped the Wii.
A lack of EA games = A lack of good games?

Sorry, they' re like the Wal-Mart of the industry, can' t help myself.

What was The Godfather like? A mini-review perhaps?

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 10:05

ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated

Ahh so that explains the Wii games drought!!! But even that hasn' t stopped the Wii.
A lack of EA games = A lack of good games?

Sorry, they' re like the Wal-Mart of the industry, can' t help myself.

What was The Godfather like? A mini-review perhaps?

Ok if you can move past the ps2 graphics this game is awesome. I haven' t played the original games on other platforms so i can' t tell you exactly how much content has been added, so if you played this game already i am not suggesting you buy it unless you loved the game and are intersted in how much different it would play with the Wiimote.

All i can really comment on are the controls which i think are the only thing that seperate it from the other Godfather games.

Shooting can be done in 2 ways, Auto lock or free aim. Auto lock means that your target recticle will aim at the nearest enemy and is activated by pressing the Z button. But it only aims at the targets body, if you wish to aim at other parts like the head (instant kill), arms (to shoot weapon out of hand) or legs (to stop target from running) you can move the target recticle aroundto aim for these specific areas.

Free Aim mode is activated with the + button and allows you to control you character mouse and keyboard style. It is a little over sensitive so i usually used the Auto lock, but its good should you need to aim for stuff the Auto Lock doesn' t target like exploding barrels, cars etc.

HTH combat is where things get interesting, theres a whole menu section that guides you through all the motion inputs, i ignored this section until very late in the game so i missed out on so many different moves!

Anyway basically the when you Auto Lock a target without a firearm your Wiimote becomes your right fist, and the nunchuk your left fist. It actually works better then Wiiboxing though i didn' t tryout to many different boxing moves, it would have been nice if they added a dummy to practice (though you could practice on a poor unsuspecting passerby). Doing a punching action with the Wiimote makes your right fist punch, doing so with the nunchuk performs a left hand punch. Its note exactly 1 to 1 but its pretty close. You can also do other moves like the over head smash, uppercuts, dodges etc but like i said i missed this part so i have to go back and give it a try some time.

When you have a baseball bat you swing it exactly the way you swing your Wiimote. Swing your Wiimote left to right your character swings the bat left to right, swing the Wiimote up and down, your character swings the bat up & down etc. ITs not perfect one to one but its damn well close enough.

Finally you have grab moves. When you hold both Z & B buttons you grab your target. Not only can you still do punches and hits with the baseball bat like i explained above there are a whole slew of moves. If your close enough to the wall do a pushing motion with both the Nunchuk and the Wiimote and you slam the poor sucker on the wall, you can also release the B Button while doing this to throw them forward. Close to a table, make a sideways motion with both controls slams the targets head on the table, release the B button while doing this move throws the target sideways. Moving the two controls close to your face headbutts the target. You can choke the target by moving the controls apart. When equipped with the Garrote you do the same (when behind target) but you move the controls side to side as you do this to increase the effectiveness of the strangulation, which is closesly mimiced by your character on screen.

There are a lot of controls and execution moves i haven' t tried, so i have to go back and try them, unfortunately i got my Brother hooked on the game and he hasn' t been interested in any Wiigame so far except for Wiisports. 40 hours of gaming and wanting to go back for more thats pretty good value especially from an EA game. I think IGNs review score of 80/100 is fair, it should lose marks for not much graphical improvement over the ps2 game (the menus are not Wiimote friendly). But for excellent use of the the Wiimote EA deserves praise.

If a company known for its constant sequels can pull off a quick port with Wii controls this good imagine if they actually did something specifically for the Wii.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 10:21
Rename the title to " EA pays the price for underestimating the Gimp"

I' m on board with Agent Ghosts naming of it. It even sounds more grown up than " Wii"

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 10:51
You are making the assumption that Nintendo could not make a console with similar power to the ps3 which is why it is as graphically limited as it is Hence you refering to the Wii as ' Gimp' . Fact is Nintendo could easily have made a more powerful console, look at the N64 and GC being arguably more powerful then ps1 and ps2 respectively. Nintendo CHOSE to make the Wii the way it is, because as past experience has shown better graphics alone has never equaled console market dominance, as the DS has so recently proven.

Besides the ' gimped' graphics of the Wii has done nothing to gimp its sales which as the article proves are still strong depite the lack of ANY serious Thirdparty support, which is only now trickling on the system. If anything can be called ' gimped' its the ps3, the ps3' s high price has gimped its sales which you and i know is the most important factor for a console.

Anyway you can insult the Wii till ' the cows come' home. It doesn' t change the fact that Nintendo did its homework this time round. This article reinforces what i have been saying for a while. Thirdparties ignored the Wii due to the failure of the GC, but now cannot ignore it. Ubisoft benefited for their forsight, EA suffer for its lack of it (and its belief in the ps3s success). Its only a matter of time till the Wii gets flooded by games - ala ps2 style (hopefully).

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 11:02
so far i haven' t been impressed by the wii at all, where are the good games? besides zelda which is basicaly a gamecube game, show me the rest? not a single game will make me go and buy a wii so far, but what' s really looking to be sad is that normaly at this point of a console' s life, there should be at least a couple high profile previews (ps3 and 360 had a dozen) , and they are almost non existant from third parties... the only upcoming big games are Metrois 3, and mario galaxy and " your" mario smash bros .. and that' s not third party. So is that another n64 ? or gamecube ??

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 11:13
Abasoufiane the Wii is selling out without AAA titles - If they released the AAA titles then the demand for the Wii would be almost catastrophic!! It would make no sense to release ' console selling games' with demand still high worldwide. When Wii sales drop you will see the AAA titles being launch to keep demand for the Wii up. Besides i would imagine that there are millions of hardcore fans like yourself still waiting for a good reason to buy a Wii, but has this slowed down Wii sales? Hell No!! Imagine if there was a reason to buy a Wii (AAA Exclusives) the sales of Wii would be amazing.

THe article from Bloomberg explains why Third party support has been mediocre. They thought like many that ps2 success automatically = ps3 success and GC failure automatically = Wii failure. Oh how the tables have turned.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 11:31
I will post a more in depth reply later when I have time, but let me say this.

Just because something sells well, doesn' t mean its a great product.

Agent Ghost
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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 11:41
Gimp is selling because it' s relatively cheap, not because it has any real merit. Paying 300$ just to play GameCube games with a dopey controller is asinine. Games on the Gimp won' t get much better either (assuming it ever gets any games), we' ve already seen the best on what can be done on such hardware.

Only four types of people bought a Gimp so far:
-Die hard Nintendo fans,
-people who have all the other consoles,
-people who can' t afford anything else,
-and people who don' t know its mearly an overclocked Gamecube with only 88mb RAM.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 11:43


I will post a more in depth reply later when I have time, but let me say this.

Just because something sells well, doesn' t mean its a great product.

i could say the same thing about the ps2. But you don' t always need a great product to be successful. Fact is the console that sells the most wins.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 12:00

i could say the same thing about the ps2. But you don' t always need a great product to be successful. Fact is the console that sells the most wins.

Sony had publishers by the balls with the PS2, PS1 was so successful that Sony was able to get Publishers make exclusivity deals like they were nothing, before Sony, Nintendo had that same advantage. Things don' t work that way anymore. For a number of reason most games will be multiplatform. The problem is, Wii can' t handle games on the PS3 or 360 without them being sereriously downgraded. Wii exclusive games won' t be much better either.

PS2, Xbox and GamCube had pretty different hardware but they were all at the same level hardware wise. At least close enough. This is the first generation where we have a console that' s not even in the same ballpark as the rest. When you buy a console you' re not just investing in a platform but you' re also buying the physical hardware. Gimp is a rip off in that way. Even the original Xbox beats Wii in some areas technologically.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 12:00

ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost

Gimp is selling because it' s relatively cheap, not because it has any real merit. Paying 300$ just to play GameCube games with a dopey controller is asinine. Games on the Gimp won' t get much better either (assuming it ever gets any games), we' ve already seen the best on what can be done on such hardware.

Only four types of people bought a Gimp so far:
-Die hard Nintendo fans,
-people who have all the other consoles,
-people who can' t afford anything else,
-and people who don' t know its mearly an overclocked Gamecube with only 88mb RAM.

Nope the Wii is only US$250 not US$300. Its cheaper, yes but not by much, a core xbox360 goes for only US$300, thats only US$50 for HD graphics, best online and biggest selection of games and AAA titles so far. Unfortunately having all these advantages and being only US$50 more has done nothing to move 360s as fast as Wiis. Doopey control? Well thats what is selling the system, its what i would expect an xboxfanboy to say.

Games won' t get any better? Weve seen the best from the Wii? Turned into an analsyt now have we? What else do you see in your xbox branded crystal ball? I suppose believing this makes the truth pill easier to swallow.

I love your reason for who buys a Wii, i guess if you believe them enough its true right?

I think the Article pretty much explained much of why the quality and quantity of Wii games are at its current level. You can choose to ignore the facts if you wish. Thats your choice.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 12:05

ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost

i could say the same thing about the ps2. But you don' t always need a great product to be successful. Fact is the console that sells the most wins.

Sony had publishers by the balls with the PS2, PS1 was so successful that Sony was able to get Publishers make exclusivity deals like they were nothing, before Sony, Nintendo had that same advantage. Things don' t work that way anymore. For a number of reason most games will be multiplatform. The problem is, Wii can' t handle games on the PS3 or 360 without them being sereriously downgraded. Wii exclusive games won' t be much better either.

PS2, Xbox and GamCube had pretty different hardware but they were all at the same level hardware wise. At least close enough. This is the first generation where we have a console that' s not even in the same ballpark as the rest. When you buy a console you' re not just investing in a platform but you' re also buying the physical hardware. Gimp is a rip off in that way. Even the original Xbox beats Wii in some areas technologically.

Problem is you look at it from a hardcore gamer perspective and not a business perpective. And in all counts the business perspective wins out. You can talk about having better graphics as much as you want but looking at what the Wii offers from a business standpoint your arguement is null and void.

The Wii is outselling all consoles (except the DS) WW without any AAA exclusives
The Wii has proven to be profitable for games developers/publishers (Ubisoft)
THe Wii has the cheapest development costs of all 3.

From a business standpoint the Wii offers excellent opportunities and frankly thats all that counts.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 12:26
If the Wii turns out to be the most succesful and gets the most dev support then I as a gamer will be truly sad and dissapointed. I didn' t wait 6 years from the last gen of consoles only to have a slightly updated console with a nifty controler. I waited for amazing environments, massive fights, great physics, huge RPG' s and amazing racing games.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 12:31
I' m Canadian,
a Wii here is 280$, with tax it' s about $320.

A 360 Premium costs $499 with tax, it' s about $575. No one buys the core anymore, I can' t even find them.

A 60GB PS3 is (I think) $659.99cnd which brings it up to about $759 with tax, again I have yet to find the cheaper model.

" I love your reason for who buys a Wii, i guess if you believe them enough its true right?"

Everyone fits in at least one of those categories. Also for the record, if I' m a fanboy I would be a PC fanboy not an Xbox fanboy. Wii is recycled " last gen" what do you expect from harcore gamers to think about it? You don' t buy " new" hardware to get nearly the same performance. It' s like throwing away your computer to buy a new one with factory overclocked parts and a new keyboard and mouse.

Like I said before, Wii is cheap, which is why I' ll get one eventually. However, my point still stands that nintendo is doing a serious disservice to their fans. MS and Sony espcially are investing millions into R&D while nintendo serves hardware cheaper then a Cracker Jack toy for it' s platform. Buisness wise it' s smart and safe. From a consumer point of view, from someone who' s first consoles was a NES, it' s kind of sad.

Most gamers are between 18 and 35. Once the prices of the 360 and PS3 drop, sales will pick up dramatically. How long do you think Wii will last without games? By the time Wii has any games, Halo 3 and MGS4 will be out.

< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 10 Apr 07 4:41:54 >

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 13:44
I believe the 360 core (any US gamers confirm this?) is still available in the US and that is figures i use. In Japan the ps3 and xbox 360 are heavily discounted and the 360 even almost the same price as a Wii (can some one tell me the actual Jap 360 prices).

If all consumers wanted was a cheap system then ps2 is half the price and already has hundreds of games, hell some of the Wii games have only slightly enhanced ps2 graphics (as you like pointing out). Your point about it being cheaper as the only reason to Wiis success is ridiculous. The controller is why it sells. Deal with it.

It' s like throwing away your computer to buy a new one with factory overclocked parts and a new keyboard and mouse.

No the Wiimote is not like anything we have had before. It may not be new tech but its the way the technologies have been implemented into one compact package (Wiimote). Saying the the upgrade to Wiimote is like upgrading a mouse keyboard is sheer fanboy nonsense.

However, my point still stands that nintendo is doing a serious disservice to their fans

Nintendo doing a Disservice to fans? I don' t think so. They would have done a disservice if they simply came out with a GC2 with the similar graphics capabilities as the 360 or ps3 and nothing else. They have done us a service by saying we don' t want PC prices (or close to PC prices) for our consoles. The have done fans a service by providing a new means to interact with games. They have done us a service by giving consumers some real choices in console gaming (graphics or new control method).

MS and Sony espcially are investing millions into R&D while nintendo serves hardware cheaper then a Cracker Jack toy for it' s platform

I couldn' t give 2 $#!ts how much they spent on R&D because they do that so they can make more money. Its a risk, if it pays off they can earn billions, if the fail what now we got to have sympathy for them? No f**king way. I would feel the same if Nintendo suffered (like they did during the GC era). They are not spending on R&D for altruistic/charitable purposes they are doing it for profit. Thats business, and as a business you do what you can to sell your product. And that is exactly what Nintendo has done with the Wii.

Most gamers are between 18 and 35. Once the prices of the 360 and PS3 drop, sales will pick up dramatically. How long do you think Wii will last without games? By the time Wii has any games, Halo 3 and MGS4 will be out.

The Wii has appealed to many more age groups then that which is why it is so successful. Wii too will have its AAA titles ready by then as well as there own possible price drops so your predictions are not that clear cut at this stage. Hey it could happen but lets not forget -

The Wii has no AAA exclusives
The Wii has no HD graphics
The Wii Currently has no online
The Wii has the least multimedia fucntionality

And its outsells all consoles with those features. Imagine if it had AAA exclusives (SSB:B SMG etc), Imagine if it had better graphics then it does now (not HD but better then the ps2 port graphics), imagine when it goes online (not the best but adequate free service) and IMO it too will sell well. No the ps3 and the 360 aren' t the only one with legs, as even a 7 year old console (ps2) can still outsell these graphical beasts.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 14:46

Abasoufiane the Wii is selling out without AAA titles

Technically is the wii really what you would say, " selling out" ? I mean if nintendo is holding back the wii' s, then the stores arent really getting the amounts they could get. My walmart only gets shipments of around 3 or 4 at a time. And if you can make anything cheap enough than what its brands usually cost(as in video games, consoles usually go for around $400) its going to sell. If the 360 and ps3 were $250 they would sell much faster.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 19:17
When Metroid Prime 3 is released you anti-Wiiners will shut up!

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 20:50
Many of you should stop bitching and being so over ridiculous fanboys.

The Wii is outselling 360 and ps3 deal with it and all that without AAA titles and without online gaming so far.

Graphics will get better once developers get their heads out of their asses and really start trying to make good Wii games. Just look at the teaser for RE umbrella chronicles that' s looking rather promising already from a graphical standpoint.

Kojima is only finishing up MGS4 just to get started on Wii games instead of 360 or ps3 because it' s costs to much. He doesn' t like the way the ps3 is build but is very interested in the Wii. And as for MGS stopping the sales of Wii that won' t happen cause since the first MGS the popularity of the series has gone down.

Halo 3 only appeals to shooter fans and mostly xbox fans so that isn' t going to slow down the sales of the Wii either.

I know a lot of people who are going to get a Wii once NiGHTS is released. I know a lot of people who are going to buy it for the RE exclusive. And a whole other bunch who are going to buy it for SSBB, Metroid 3, paper mario (once it hits europe) some for pokemon as well.

Hell I know a bunch of people who only bought the Wii so far for the Virtual Console games alone.

And all those people aren' t interested in a PS3 or 360.

The Wii is just doing very well and once the good titles are going to hit stores it will even do better since people are more likely to go and buy a Wii for some games they want instead of spending a huge amount for a 360 or ps3 for only a few games.

Nintendo played it smart with the Wii they earn money on each console sold. Something that can' t be said from Microsoft or Sony. And when all is said and done all that matters is how much profit you made.
Wii code: 2072 1110 4558 6538
Smash Bros Brawl: 1848-3246-8526
Mario Kart: 412452409500
Mario Strikers: 120360 413659
NiGHTS: 3737-8754-6785
PES 08: 4339-4437-7901

PSN: Demonoroth
pm me if you add anything

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 21:19

I know a lot of people who are going to get a Wii once NiGHTS is released. I know a lot of people who are going to buy it for the RE exclusive. And a whole other bunch who are going to buy it for SSBB, Metroid 3, paper mario (once it hits europe) some for pokemon as well.

Hell I know a bunch of people who only bought the Wii so far for the Virtual Console games alone.

The " I know these people" method is not a good one when trying to prove a point. You either have real statistics done with approved measuring methods, or you have nothing at all.
Not saying you' re wrong or anything, it' s just that I hate the " I know these people" method.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 21:23
If you like I' ll get a count on them if ya want

Might take some time but I could do it if you really want it.
Wii code: 2072 1110 4558 6538
Smash Bros Brawl: 1848-3246-8526
Mario Kart: 412452409500
Mario Strikers: 120360 413659
NiGHTS: 3737-8754-6785
PES 08: 4339-4437-7901

PSN: Demonoroth
pm me if you add anything

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 21:27
When did gamers become so narrow minded?

What annoys me are people saying the Wii is not for the ' hardcore' - like you' re some sort of lesser gamer if you enjoy the Wii or something?. I' ve owned all sorts of systems over the years and consider myself a passionate gamer. Right now I' m playing more Wii than 360 and I' m not inclined to buy a PS3 as of yet.

The Wii offers something new. If you' re like me and have been playing games for so long that you' re starting to feel a bit jaded then the Wii is a godsend. Sure, the graphics don' t stack up against the 360 or PS3 but I can live with them because I' m getting gameplay that is not available on the other consoles and I' m getting gameplay that isn' t just recycled from the previous 2 gens with the only real difference being enhanced visuals. I' ve got a stack of 360 games that I' ve barely touched because the feeling of ' been there, done that' comes over pretty quickly once you' ve gotten over the souped up visuals.

Wii will open up gaming to new markets - kinda like the PS1 did when it first came out. The PS1 was the first system that the term ' casual gamer' was invented for by the way and I find it kinda ironic that this generation of gamers that were brought on board with the PS1 now consider themselves to be ' the hardcore' and are trying to stamp their own rules on things like they are the gaurdians of gaming or something.

People were wrong back then when they knocked the PS1 - they were being over protective of their beloved hobby and I see the exact same thing happening again now with the Wii.

Control methods have always evolved and they always will. I' ve long held the belief that the interaction between the player and the game has been far too robotic and limited - analogue controls were a step forward but the wii controls challenge the boundaries again.

I like a game with stunning graphics as much as the next man but better control is just as worthy. Ideally I' d like to have both, but hey, it' s all progress.

Agent Ghost
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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 22:29
*sigh*...So wii is a great console because it has a new controller? The fact that it' s not capable of the same quality as the PS3 or 360 doesn' t matter? The fact that it has no games at all doesn' t matter? When I buy a console, I don' t want a promiss that it will have some good games, I want to see the games first. You like to talk about Metroid. How will that game be different from the ones on GameCube, besides the controller?
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 10 Apr 07 15:04:39 >

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 22:49
Honestly, the Wii has no quality titles except for Zelda right now but 360 didn' t have shit a while ago either. Titles are coming, just like they did for the 360.
If you demand HD graphics then the Wii is obviously not for you. But if you enjoy the gameplay the it offers then it' s undoubtedly a good console.
Many people seem to like the possibilities offered by the Wii-mote so if the games finally come then everything will be fine.
If you don' t like the controller and think it' s just a gimmick or something then fine. But I don' t think the Wii sells millions because people like gimmicks.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Apr 07 14:50:40 >

Agent Ghost
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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 10, 2007 23:08
It' s not just about the graphics.

Another thing, why even bring up Zelda TP? You don' t need a Wii to play TP, the same game is on GC.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 00:01

When Metroid Prime 3 is released you anti-Wiiners will shut up!

I could care less about metroid prime games, i would rather play the old metroid games any day.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 00:07
Don' t really like shooters. Metroid is the only game that I ever enjoyed playing. The Wii remote is actually perfect for shooters and increases the fun level of playing it.

That' s what will be better than the GC ones.

And last time I checked games were about having fun and good gameplay and not how well it looks and what technical nifty stunts they pull to make it work. All that matters is that it works and works well.

I' ll play my good old Sonic the hedgehog on my Wii any day before I even think of touching Halo, Gears of War and anything like that. Why?? Simple it' s just fun to play.

And that' s why the Wii is doing better than the ps3 and 360. It brings fun back to games. Once they get the hang of doing stuff with the wii-mote a lot of good games will be coming out.
Wii code: 2072 1110 4558 6538
Smash Bros Brawl: 1848-3246-8526
Mario Kart: 412452409500
Mario Strikers: 120360 413659
NiGHTS: 3737-8754-6785
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PSN: Demonoroth
pm me if you add anything

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 00:13
Wii related topic give me a fucking headache.

Nintendo has held back supplies so that they slightly overshoot their predicted earnings for the quarter. Now that the new fiscal year has started we' ll see more consoles on shelves.

We can' t tell whether the demand far outweighs supply because the supply has been carefully managed to look like they couldn' t make them fast enough.

As a sidenote, 360 had a kickass christmas DESPITE Microsoft drastically reducing their monthly manufacturing output so as to let stores deplete the stock they have ahead of the new Elite SKU and 65nm models.

PS2 didn' t start selling well until 18 months after it' s release when they dropped the price. It' ll be the same for PS3 and to a lesser extent 360.

But what really matters is getting games into sales charts and selling >1M copies in a 3 month period, ...something every big 360 game has done. Until Wii has 3rd party (or non-first party Nintendo developed) games that sell millions, publishers still won' t look at it as a serious contender and it' ll keep receiving PS2 ports because they' re quick and cheap to develop.

Virtua fighter 5
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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 01:09
EA are not important anymore.

RE: the Wii hate? i' m not understanding this atall?? Hate on the 3rd developers yes, not Nintendo.

And that' s why the Wii is doing better than the ps3 and 360. It brings fun back to games. Once they get the hang of doing stuff with the wii-mote a lot of good games will be coming out.


I found my Wii Purchase a really good one. I own Wii Sports, Excite truck, Wario Ware, TTP and soon looking forward to Paper Mario (GC port or not, it looks like one of the most fun, original games ive ever seen)

Wii' s a great Lil console and ive had plenty enjoyment out of it so far. The virtual console alone, is turing into one serious game' s collection.

Like the DS it' s a Great Console with fresh, original concepts. it' s owning Japan and being ' a force to be rekkoned with' overseas.

Well Done Nintendo for ' doing your own thing and making it work' , i have soo much more respect for Nintendo now.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 10 Apr 07 17:14:28 >

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 02:20
I can' t see how people are enjoying the Wii RIGHT NOW though. I mean, what games are you enjoying exactly?
Virtual Console? Meh, emulation on PC' s have been around forever.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 02:22
How is Excite Truck?

I haven' t been able to play it much at all, but i heard it gets repetitive.

But then i heard that from the same person who told me MotorStorm got boring very quickly because of the lack of modes, ...something i' ve never understood because it has more in common with the SSX games than other racing games and nobody slates SSX for it' s limited modes...

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 02:58

looking forward to Paper Mario (GC port or not, it looks like one of the most fun, original games ive ever seen)

I dunno. I really liked the first two, but this one seems totally different from them and im not sure if i like that. I dont like the butterfly thing that changes the camera angles to where you can get past certain things, it just seems odd. It appears like the only companion you get is the butterfly thing, unlike the other games where you get a character such as a koopa or a goomba that have special abilities.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 03:00
Personally I am not sold on the Wii.

Firstly, and I have made this clear before, I' m not much of a Nintendo game fan. Well made, AAA or not I just don' t enjoy them for whatever reason.
TP was pretty good but way too long, i got board and gave it up, never liked mario games, though mario kart was always fun.... anyway yuo get the idea, i hope.

For me the Wii, like the DS is unexplainable. I don' t really get it.

The DS most games that use the stylus would not lose anything from it' s exclusion, much like the second screen. Very gimmicky and often makes the game worse than conventional controls IMO.
Some example of ' good' games that use the Stylus like... warioware? I thought are drastically over priced for what is a basic set of minigames. It' s not the kind of experience i' m looking for, especially for the money they ask.

As for the Wii, and more on topic

There is a severe lack of games on the platform. I have not seen a single game that makes me want to play it. I have done the motion control on motorstorm, and while decent doesn' t change things much, just attracts casual/non gamers.
When i first heard of the wii I thought there was some potential, but now I fail to see any. They just become samey like on a standard controller, and there is nothing revolutionary about it.

Visually nothing has impressed me yet. And I really believe the machine over-priced in a £ to Feature sense. I consider it like nintendo said, they are not competing with sony/MS anymore. Like they gave up to do something they they could make money out of, a toy, more than a video game system.

I just wonder when all the fuss will wear off this....

**Just to add I am sure I' ll start getting flammed as a fanboy for X console by people who love the Wii, but thought i' d add my thoughts to this discussion. But do you think if nintendo win they will ever compete hardware wise again or their next system will be ps3/360 power levels?**
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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 03:38
I' m a huuuuuge Nintendo fan but I' m still not buying one.
I' ll stick with me ol' Gamecube a while longer.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 04:06

I can' t see how people are enjoying the Wii RIGHT NOW though. I mean, what games are you enjoying exactly?
Virtual Console? Meh, emulation on PC' s have been around forever.

Me and the missus are just coming to the end of Twilight Princess having spent close to 60 hours with it so far (that' s the most time I' ve spent on a single game in years). It' s going to be one of those games that I' ll be sad to finish and it' s the first game that I' ve managed to get the missus really interested in since OOT on the N64.

Bought Godfather a couple of days ago so that' s waiting in the wings for when the TP saga is finally over. I' ve only played a few hours on it - the graphics are poor (they actually look worse than any GC game I' ve played) but the use of the dual motion control is inspired in places and the quality voice acting makes for an engaging story. The missus hates all the violence so this is gonna be one just for me.

The rest of my Wii games - Wario, Wii Sports and Wii Play really only come into play when we' ve got friends around for beers and laughs. It comes into it' s own here for me ' cos the girlies can enjoy playing it too. No more of the ladies whinging about the boys playing PES6

As for the Virtual Console, well it doesn' t appeal to me either personally. So far it' s all home consoles that I already own along with a lot of the games. I feel a bit cheated having to pay for them all over again just for the convenience of getting them all on one system. I much prefer XBLA which has a good mix of new games and proper Arcade conversions.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 04:16
I always saw the potential lie in the fact that it would be cheap to buy and cheap to develop for since there was none of this HD malarky and architecture that everyone was familiar with. Then the motion sensing would come into its own with games that had all their development money and time on gameplay.

But that...hasnt quite happened. The machine isnt cheap for what it is, and there just arent enough 3rd party games yet with interesting takes on the whole thing. So not getting one yet.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 07:13
Well it may not have the games but the Wii is still selling extremely well

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 07:54
The problem Nintendo has is the fashion of waving a stick around could become just that; a fad. If some additional top-rate games don' t follow up on the success of TP and such then next xmas when lined up against both 360 and ps3 it is going to look really dated, and when the pressie buyers look at it, they are not going to choose a wii for their little darlings.

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 08:47

Personally I am not sold on the Wii.

When it first came out i was spending atleast 2 hours of my day calling stores that sold them. Now im very happy that i didnt buy one. I couldnt wait to play TP, a new mario, Super Paper Mario, and SSBB. But TP was nothing but a gamecube game with a wiimote, the new mario game isnt coming out anytime soon just like SSBB, and iv completely lost interest in the new paper mario because they changed so much crap in it

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RE: EA pays the price of underestimating the Wii - Apr 11, 2007 10:35

But TP was nothing but a gamecube game with a wiimote

TP may still only be a Gamecube title but it is sill an amazing game, one of the finest games I have played in a long time.

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