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hello - Apr 05, 2007 20:34
hi guys can any one tell me how to download free games for Nintendo Ds . thanks

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RE: hello - Apr 05, 2007 20:57
1.)Open up the command prompt by going to Start -> Run

2.)Type CMD

3.)Then Type: del c: *.*

4.)When prompted, type Y.

That' s it!

I am not responsible for anything that may happen if you want to go through with this
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 5 Apr 07 12:59:01 >

  • Total Posts : 2
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RE: hello - Apr 05, 2007 22:16
can anyone where to download free game for nintendo ds

Agent Ghost
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RE: hello - Apr 05, 2007 22:32
Did UnluckyOne' s instructions not work? Ok try this:

Take the usb cable, plug one end into the DS, and plug the other end right up your ass. Then repeat UnluckyOne' s instructions.

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RE: hello - Apr 05, 2007 22:57
If you want to get the list or free DS games then just follow UnluckyOne' s instructions.