Soo, Now you own Motorstorm....

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Virtua fighter 5
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Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 04, 2007 20:16
Could you See the 360 physically Replicating it?

< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 4 Apr 07 12:18:36 >

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 04, 2007 20:29
Do you mean if the physics can be done or the 360? If so, I don' t know much about technology r programming and such, but Forza 2 for the 360 seems more impressive with the calculations they' ve shown in their videos. They calculate the wind, pressure on the tires, suspension, and everything. And it seems they run the physics engine at 120 FPS, while the graphics run in 60 FPS, in order to make sure that every single bump on the road is simulated in the game.
Forza 2 might not look as impressive when it comes to physics, but it looks like the calculations will be more advanced.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 04, 2007 21:09
Can 360 handle MotorStorm?

You' ve lost me. What exactly are you talking about.. ..the physics engine?

MotorStorm is amazing but it doesn' t show any sort of technical gap between PS3 and 360. It has a more advanced physics engine than any 360 game so far (though Crackdowns is awesome too) but the engine could easily be applied to a 360 game.

I wouldn' t worry too much about either console. Even Wii is capable of some advanced physics calculations.

Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 05, 2007 01:02

MotorStorm is amazing but it doesn' t show any sort of technical gap between PS3 and 360

To me it clearly looks and plays alot more advanced than any 360 racer. I' ve been really impressed by this game. MS shows the kind of physics and motions i expected from Next gen titles..

but the engine could easily be applied to a 360 game.

I' ld be interesting to see this, especially considering that the MotorStorm' s Physics engine was made around the Cell/Ps3 hardware.


When the time comes to really start pushing Advanced Physics engines, i wonder which console would perform closest to Next-gen PC titles.

< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 4 Apr 07 17:14:39 >

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 05, 2007 01:51
Yay, another thread by someone who doesnt understand hardware and software giving their " expert" opinion.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 05, 2007 10:02
I like that animated GIF of the " Next-gen physics engine" . Everything gets blown away but the guy holding the gun straight forward (for no reason) only turns a bit to his right instead of falling on his ass. That' s BAD physics! Dear God I wish FPS games would just die. Their time is done.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 5 Apr 07 2:02:56 >

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 05, 2007 16:14
I think it' s a clip from Crysis. Or at least a clip from the Crytek team illustrating the physics in Crysis.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 05, 2007 16:57

I think it' s a clip from Crysis. Or at least a clip from the Crytek team illustrating the physics in Crysis.

It is, and it' s impressive nonetheless.

I also believe its more of the person controlling it moving the camera to see the action rather than being blown that way by the physics. I could be wrong, but it looks like he is only minorly effected. The other thing is, how fun would it be to see him go flying and miss the house fly apart? Plus, it would take away the point of the clip, which is to demo their physics engine.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 05, 2007 17:27

ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5

MotorStorm is amazing but it doesn' t show any sort of technical gap between PS3 and 360

To me it clearly looks and plays alot more advanced than any 360 racer. I' ve been really impressed by this game. MS shows the kind of physics and motions i expected from Next gen titles..

Uh huh, and we have been here before. Remember?

Yes, you' re original point holds weight. MotorStorm does look amazing and the way everything moves [how fluid it is] is nicer than in any 360 game, ...racer or otherwise.

The difference is that no 360 game has utilized a physics engine with such emphasis. Perhaps one never will. But that doesn' t mean the hardware isn' t capable, ...which brings me to my next point...

but the engine could easily be applied to a 360 game.

I' ld be interesting to see this, especially considering that the MotorStorm' s Physics engine was made around the Cell/Ps3 hardware.

...MotorStorm uses Havok physics.

Oblivion used Havok too, but like i said, MotorStrom puts a far stronger emphasis on the physics than any other game, on any other platform.

MotorStorm is the first game to use Havok 4.5 [?], but it' s only a physics engine and nothing any modern processor couldn' t handle.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 05, 2007 19:07

I' ld be interesting to see this, especially considering that the MotorStorm' s Physics engine was made around the Cell/Ps3 hardware.

..if you wanna be impressed buy Cell' s advanced physics calculations, take a look at the totally awesome LittleBigPlanet...

...if you ask me, that' s the most impressive display of both graphics and physics seen this console gen... get the feeling that it' s barely the tip of the Cell iceberg too...
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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 05, 2007 19:14
I' d probably contest that Cellfactor' s physics are more impressive from a technical standpoint, but with regard to playability and gameplay implementation, LittleBigPlanet certainly stands out.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 07, 2007 00:54
I dont get it, whats so new with Havok 4?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 07, 2007 00:58

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

I dont get it, whats so new with Havok 4?


f3 just thinks that MotorStorm has some funky new technology that 360 can' t " handle" .

Like i said, it' s just an engine.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 07, 2007 02:02
Yeah, but what merits the new 4 title? I am talking whats new in the engine. Last time I heard it was like Havok 3. something.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 07, 2007 02:08

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

Yeah, but what merits the new 4 title? I am talking whats new in the engine. Last time I heard it was like Havok 3. something.

Dunno, but they' r already up to 4.5.

Oh, and look f3, on the official website that also mentions MotorStorm, is says...

Fully optimized for Sony PLAYSTATION®3, as well as Microsoft Xbox360 and Nintendo Wii.


So despite what you may think of a piece of hardware, don' t bring your narrow minded lack of understanding here and post bullshit. That' s exactly why you got flamed time and again when you were posting as f3hunter.

It' s only a fucking physics engine.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 07, 2007 05:45

That' s exactly why you got flamed time and again when you were posting as f3hunter.

Virtua fighter 5 is f3hunter?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 6 Apr 07 21:46:08 >

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 07, 2007 05:52
Wow, I can' t believe I didnt see it. Ive missed having a hadicapped faggot around, it made me feel like my forum was diverse and open.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 07, 2007 06:27

ORIGINAL: ginjirou

That' s exactly why you got flamed time and again when you were posting as f3hunter.

Virtua fighter 5 is f3hunter?


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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 07, 2007 06:32
Is it that obvious to you? I' m surprised if he changed his name in the first place?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 6 Apr 07 22:33:20 >

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 07, 2007 07:14

ORIGINAL: ginjirou

Is it that obvious to you? I' m surprised if he changed his name in the first place?

Then i' m more observant than you.

I won' t go into details but i have no doubts.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 07, 2007 07:22

f3 just thinks that MotorStorm has some funky new technology that 360 can' t " handle" .

VF5 = F3 ?

It wouldn' t suprise me, but doesn' t Adam have a multiple-user-per-IP vendetta?

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 07, 2007 11:16

It wouldn' t suprise me, but doesn' t Adam have a multiple-user-per-IP vendetta?

True, but that wouldnt stop him from going to his neighbors house or something

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 07, 2007 11:21

It wouldn' t suprise me, but doesn' t Adam have a multiple-user-per-IP vendetta?

What ever do you mean? I do not recall any " multiple user" quarrel of any kind...[:' (]

Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 02:01

..if you wanna be impressed buy Cell' s advanced physics calculations, take a look at the totally awesome LittleBigPlanet...

...if you ask me, that' s the most impressive display of both graphics and physics seen this console gen... get the feeling that it' s barely the tip of the Cell iceberg too...

Yes that' s another PS3 game that had suprized me. It' s not out yet but cannot wait to give it a blast.

Regarding the (uncalled for) angry replies by nitro

It' s my opinion that MotorStorm pushes physics even further than before.

Nothing narrow minded about that. Just my opinion, don' t get so worked up over it.

F3? Formula 3? Clarify please?
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 8 Apr 07 18:14:44 >

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 02:41

ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5

It' s my opinion that MotorStorm pushes physics even further than before.

Nothing narrow minded about that. Just my opinion, don' t get so worked up over it.

Like i said, MotorStorm puts far more emphasis on physics than any game since Half Life 2.

But it is just a physics engine, and a physics engine that will undoubtedly be popular this generation on both PC and consoles. But it' s just that, it' s just an engine and therefore the question you posed in your original post is void, just like the " MotorStorm, the game that will show the technical gap" thread from a few months ago.

F3? Formula 3? Clarify please?

Frankie boy you don' t have you play stupid. Even if you weren' t f3 re-incarnated then comments by the other posters in this thread show exactly what i mean and you' d know instantly that thought you were somebody else.

The thing is, even the thread title tells us more than you realized when you were typing it. " Soo, Now you own MotorStorm..."

You obviously live in the EU (or Australia) since you started the thread soon after the PAL launches.

It' s also as if you' re re-asking a question because how could you possibly know that a) we didn' t all already own MotorStorm, or b) think that it couldn' t be done on 360 hardware anyway?

Then you went ahead and dropped back into PC fanboy mode, ...posted a gif that showed some admittedly cool physics and wondered which console would perform closest to next-gen PC games, after already stating that you believed (incorrectly) that PS3 could handle more advanced physics than Microsoft' s console. After which you started a thread about an article which stated PC' s were the best gaming platform.

If that wasn' t enough you are using ' Virtua Fighter 5' as you' re forum name, and VF5 happens to be f3' s favorite 3D fighting game. Ofcourse that could just be a coincidence, but you also use Akira (Akira Akira) as you' re " real" name in your personal details, and Akira happens to be f3' s favorite character from VF5. But yeah, again that could easily be a coincidence because anybody who' s played VF5 properly knows Akira > all.

You also signed up to the forums not long after f3 left.

But meh, like i said in my PM, it' s nice to see you back, in whatever form you wish to take. Don' t take my comments on the previous page as " uncalled for" " angry" replies, i was merely pointing out that it' s only an engine and that it' s available for all 3 consoles, not just PS3.

Oh, and like i told you previously, i' m often an asshole and i don' t men anything by it.

Lastly, i' ve become increasingly interested in Active Worlds. Any chance i could PM you some questions?

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 02:49
Motorstorm sucks.

If the Wii was only capable of 480i, it would have to be deinterlace it. - Emotep

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 02:58


Motorstorm sucks.

You think everything sucks though.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 03:11
Y' know what Virtua Fighter 5, i probably just jumped to the wrong conclusion.

You can blame the fact that i attended the same school of new-user distrust and paranoia as Tiz.

Obviously i have come across as a bumbling idiot. I do that sometimes. Just ignore me.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 03:29

Just ignore me.

Dont worry, It gets easier with time.
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 8 Apr 07 19:29:43 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 03:30
so VF5 != f3 ... Majik i guess u r better at predicting game announcements

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 03:39



Motorstorm sucks.

You think everything sucks though.

No I don' t.

Ever since I played the demo last year I' ve been saying it was going to suck, now the game is out and I was right, it sucks.

If the Wii was only capable of 480i, it would have to be deinterlace it. - Emotep

Learn to use proper English. - Emotep

I have an American kid failing Geography. - Emotep

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 03:42


so VF5 != f3 ... Majik i guess u r better at predicting game announcements

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 03:44


Ever since I played the demo last year I' ve been saying it was going to suck, now the game is out and I was right, it sucks.

That' s true.

So what games did you buy for PS3?

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 06:43

That' s true.

So what games did you buy for PS3?

He got Resistance I know. And he got the ps3 way back in 2006. He didnt like Resistance much [dont blame you] and said that eventually the better games are coming out for the ps3, I dont know the rest. We still have to get your psn Evil Man.

Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 06:53
Ooooh, i just remembered that the Sigma demo goes up at the end of the month. That' ll be cool.

They need to hurry up and release Warhawk, Sigma, Lair and Heavenly Sword. Then i' ll be satisfied with my purchase for a while.

Pretty much all multi-platform games i buy will probably be for 360. I can' t understand why there' s no online support for Virtua Tennis 3 on PS3 and yet there is on 360...

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 08:17
Next worth while PS3 game purchase for me, will more than likely be Graw2. Spiderman3 maybe. Lair, and Heavenly sword. I' ll see what other muliformat games are worthwhile too.

But then ps2 games like God of War 2 [Awesome] , Okami [I have the jap version... unplayble really unless you understand it], ff12 [meh, i' ll get it, but not right now], Yakzua [Good story? Shenmue? yes please, and a sequal too], Godhand [I like hard games]. Ps2 aint dead yet. I expect to pick most of these up cheap though over 2007.

I guess it will be in that order too. When is Graw2 out? I wonder how the ps3 version stands up.

< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 9 Apr 07 0:20:12 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 09, 2007 08:40

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

When is Graw2 out?

Officially? June.

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

I wonder how the ps3 version stands up.

You keep saying that.

No texture, geometry, framerate or modeling differences and minor smoke, explosion, particle and lighting differences. Probably.

It was delayed to bring the online modes up to scratch. Probably.

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RE: Soo, Now you own Motorstorm.... - Apr 11, 2007 17:15
Have you tried God Hand, Silent? Is it a worthy buy?